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Difference between fellowship and internship

A fellowship is focused on academic research or professional development and usually targets persons who have completed their undergraduate studies. Such programs generally run for a longer period, sometimes a year or more, and are connected with certain projects or research. An internship can be depicted as practical work experience usually in a company or organization. Normally, they are mostly short-term, running from several weeks to some months, targeting undergraduates or those starting their career. Internships help you in gaining practical skills in a certain industry. The choice of a fellowship or an internship, however, shall be based on the goals one has in their career.

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Difference between fellowship and internship

If one wants to pursue a professional specialized field, then a fellowship may be appropriate. If looking for practical experience to add to your résumé, then an internship will be more suitable.

What is fellowship ?

A fellowship is a program designed for advanced students or professionals who want to focus on specified research or projects. Fellowships are usually offered to individuals who have finished their undergraduate degree. It allows a person the opportunity to work independently on academic or professional work that will further one’s career. Fellowships can range in length from a year to many years, providing ample time to really dig deep into research or special projects. They almost always involve financial support, including a stipend, and sometimes even tuition support.

What is an internship ?

An internship is a very short-term job that gives experience to a person in some particular field. Mostly, internships are short-term, often running from some weeks to months, and usually take place during summer breaks or as part of a school’s program. They provide experience in a field of interest and give insight into the chosen career. They can be paid or unpaid and generally include activities like working on projects, attending meetings, and learning from professionals. Internships can be said to therefore beef up your resume with practical experiences and make contacts within your sphere. They offer valuable experience that helps decide whether this is the right career path for you.

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Difference between fellowship and internship

Key differences between fellowship and internship 

Fellowships and internships have different orientations toward aims and refer to different stages of career development. Knowing the important differences between them will let you make the right choice for your professional development.

Focus and Goals: Fellowships usually focus on advanced research or professional development in some field of endeavour. Much of the work involves a project or academic work of some kind. An internship is practical experience, working for a company or other organisation to learn job skills and build your resume.

Eligibility and Duration:  Fellowships mostly target graduate or post-graduate students and may be awarded for a period of one year or more. Internships are usually open to undergraduates, with their duration ranging from a few weeks to months, normally fitting within one semester or summer break.

Application Process: Most fellowships require a detailed proposal with multiple recommendations. Internships, on the other hand, typically require a resume and cover letter; the process is much simpler.

Choosing between a fellowship and internship 

The choice between fellowship and internship depends on what one is going for. Fellowships are more into advanced projects and research and in most cases last for a period of one year and above. They are most ideal for graduate students and professionals seeking expertise. Internships are more about the practical experience on the job and in most cases are shorter periods. Altogether, they are most ideal for undergraduates and persons who are at the entry-level point of their career but require skills and insight into a certain field. Think also about where you are in the stage in your career, or what you are trying to achieve. If you are looking towards research or some form of specialization, then perhaps a fellowship is more suited; if you want your hands dirty and also to perhaps get to know people in the field, perhaps an internship is better.

Myths and misconceptions that are common 

One of the common myths is that fellowships are only for those with Phds Actually, fellowships can be for graduate students as well. Most of the fellowships are constructed according to different levels of education. They can bring very good experience and opportunities, independent of your current academic status. Another misconception is that internships are meant for undergraduates only. Internships will also benefit high school students and graduates. They offer hands-on experience to many people.

Difference between fellowship and internship - difference between fellowship and internship
Difference between fellowship and internship

Internships are a fine route to work experience and professional contacts. Some people think that all fellowships are paid. While many fellowship opportunities do come with some kind of stipend, some do not. Similarly, not all internships are unpaid; some offer monetary compensation or college credits. In both cases, fellowships and internships vary in terms of providing financial support.

Bottom line 

The choice between fellowship and internship depends on your career goals. A fellowship is for individuals to attend advanced research or professional development usually a year or more, often with financial support in return for the work. They are ideal for degree holders looking to concentrate on certain projects. Internships are hands-on work ranging from some weeks to several months. They are suitable for undergraduates or to those who have just entered a particular field since they aid in building up job skills and give a boost to your resume.

Think about what level your career is, and what kind of goals you have. A fellowship may be the way to go in the case of specialised research or development. When looking for hands-on experience and career exploration, internships might be more appropriate.


Internships are a means to gaining experience in the chosen field of practice. The interns work on tasks, projects, and also learn from the professionals at work. The role aids in building the skills of a job that can enrich a resume. Similarly, the intern gets to network and look inside the interests of a career.

The fellowships do not equate to a PhD. Fellowships are provided for research or other professional development opportunities, whereas a PhD is an academic qualification. The fellowships can be pursued at different stages, either previous or subsequent to a PhD.

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