Nursing Personal Philosophy Paper

Warning: This lens deals with a Nursing Personal Philosophy Paper which is a paper that entails expressing one’s beliefs, values, and principles as a nurse. It serves as part of the personal growth plan, lets others understand how you are treating patients, collaborating with co-workers, and contributing to the development of nursing. To assist you in the process of developing your nursing personal philosophy of care paper, this article will outline the main principles, offer illustrations, and offer a guideline on how to define your philosophy.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing: Basic Concept

It is also crucial to make an understanding of the fact that the personal nurse’s philosophy is still developed during her or his practice about the experience, education, and basics of nursing. 

Defining Your Nursing Philosophy

Your nursing philosophy should reflect your views on several key areas: 

The role of the nurse: What roles do you assign to being a nurse?

The importance of patient care: One set of principles is: What do you think are the considerations that govern attending and caring for patients?

Ethics and values: What do you think is the greatest ethical issue that you and all health care professionals face currently?

It is, therefore, your personal belief system that should stem from experience and best practices of professional nursing. It should also be dynamic, that is, it has to change as the years pass by when you acquire new knowledge as you work in practice settings.

Developing the Nursing Personal Philosophy Paper


To start with, in the introduction section, it is necessary to formulate and state the goals of the paper. You should state that you are going to speak about the concept of personal nursing philosophy and the assumptions that belong to it. Perhaps you could now and then give a brief disclaimer on how your philosophy has changed over the years and how it is of benefit to your nursing profession.

Core Beliefs About Nursing

This section should unveil what you as an individual, or as a nurse philosophically, think about nursing should. : Can you define what nursing means to you? Explain your conceptions about the given profession and its function, as well as its role in society. For instance, you may regard nursing as a vocation, an opportunity to help people or a career related to the enhancement of people’s well-being. You may also add your impression about the comprehensive role of a nurse where a nurse treats not only a patient’s body but also his or her mind and soul.

The Role of the Nurse

Perhaps you could also share some of your ideas regarding your views on the position of the nurse in healthcare. What are some of the primary roles that you think come with the job of a nurse? This might include support, companionship, advocacy for the patients, patient education to the patients and families, and inter professional collaboration. You could also discuss with your audience the importance of taking repeat courses occasionally and the importance of refreshing an individual’s knowledge about the prevailing trend to deliver quality service for the company.

Importance of Patient-Centered Care

As it has been realized that patient-centeredness is among the critical values of attaining success in nursing. Clarify here how patients’ needs, preferences, and values are considered and included in your practice. Patients shall be respected, listened to, and involved in care decision-making – The question here will be how? Give examples of any events in your experience of nursing that have backed this line of thought.

Ethics and Values in Nursing

Nursing is a profession that is well(sorted)established in terms of ethical principles. Consider some of the main ethical perspectives that affect your values and principles and those that mean a lot to you, including; autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice among others. In light of these principles, how can you apply them in your decision-making and relations with patients? If you wish, you can also talk about sensibility to cultural differences and the necessity to treat all patients regardless of their cultural identity.

Effect of Experiences on Your Nursing Philosophy

The philosophy of nursing you hold probably being developed by now is a product of your nursing practice and personal experiences. In this section consider particular instances that have shaped your beliefs and values. This may involve experiences you have had with patients, your preceptors, or any incident which you have learned some aspects of nursing from.

Prospects for building and transforming Your Philosophy

A nursing philosophy is dynamic; it changes as one gains experience and knowledge in the given field. Explain how you think your philosophy will evolve in the future and also explain how you will continue to develop as a nurse. Still, it might concern the promotion of further education, going offshore, making reflection practice, etc.

Nursing Philosophy Paper Example

To get rid of confusion, it will be quite useful to describe a Nursing Philosophy Paper Example so that every person may understand how to carry out and express his or her concepts. Here is a brief example: Here is a brief example:

Introduction: Nursing to me is a divine call to serve with responsibility and professionalism which is why my nursing philosophy is maneuvered by the following philosophical Tenets. My interactions over the years have helped me define the roles of a nurse as the caregiver, care advocate, and teaching roles.

Core Beliefs About Nursing: For that reason, I believe that nursing is a well rounded profession that aims to treat the body, mind, and soul. One could argue that the true core of this profession is based on the concept of touching a client and offering care that respects his or her personhood.

.The Role of the Nurse: To me, a nurse is a professional who is to have both medical and social skills in equal measure. Nurses are not just providers and caretakers but also teachers, communicators, and managers on the healthcare team.

Importance of Patient-Centered Care: In my practice, there is a belief by the health care practitioners which emphasizes the need to respect patients and their rights. I also think every patient has to be considered and valued and that they should be protected because they have the right to participate in decisions regarding their treatment.

Ethics and Values in Nursing: Professional values are an essential component of ethical practice in my nursing profession. Therefore, I shall ensure that I deliver care that does not exploit the patient, fairly competes with any other form of care delivery, and allows the patient to make his or her own decisions.

Influence of Experiences: Here I have discussed my experiences in different care-related jobs which have enhanced my passion for serving humanity. I used the word ‘each’ to ensure that I covered all the patients I’ve worked with- each of them has taught me lessons on strength, compassion, and the need for touch in nursing.

Future Growth: I will support this principle as I embark further and advance as a professional nurse through continuous learning while practicing nursing. As I move on to a higher level of my academic progression, and further experiences of life, I perceive that my philosophy will also change.

My Philosophy of Nursing

This paper- My Philosophy of Nursing is my view on the practice of nursing along with the principles that I base it on. It is the core of the practice that I have developed throughout the years and it informs all the actions that I take. In its simplest terms, my philosophy entails responding to the needs of the students in a humane, honest, and behaving towards the students with density.

I think that nursing is not a job, it is a mission that helps to improve the quality of people’s lives. Being holistic-minded, I will ensure that I meet the nutritional, affectionate, and spiritual needs of the patients. On the same note I support patient-centered care in that patients should be included in control of their care to enhance the best results.

To be also clear with what my ethical principles as a nurse are: I believe that every patient should be treated with dignity regardless of the situation one may be in. Thus, the lessons that I have learned are empathy, patience, and resilience in my practice as a nurse to pursue the noble profession further.

Nursing Exemplar Essay

A Nursing Exemplar Essay is a type of reflection that concerns a specific episode in your practice as a nurse. It is your real-life scenario of how you implement your nursing philosophy.

The following Extract from exemplifies this best-practice exemplar of a Nursing exponential function:

Example of a Nursing Exemplar

Once, I looked after a patient with third-stage cancer who was in the terminal stage. The patient was in a great deal of pain and had voiced to receive comfort care over the cure. In this context, I used my nursing philosophy whereby I offered empathy, and respect for the dignity of the client, and named the client by their preferred name.

We discussed with other members of the healthcare team and came up with certain palliative care that will ensure that this patient is free from much pain and is respected. A portion of my time was spent attending to the patient and ensuring he was well-informed concerning any advancement to his treatment plan. It made me realize that patients’ care should be comprehensive and patients should be treated with valued autonomy.

Personal Philosophy Essay Examples

To provide additional insight, here are some Personal Philosophy Essay Examples that illustrate how other nurses have articulated their philosophies: To get more ideas here are some Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay Writing Examples that can help you how several nurses come up with them:

No: 1 Research Question: Self–compassion, stigma, and advocacy

“For me, nursing comes with a backbone of compassion and advocacy because I strongly hold the belief that every patient deserves to be treated with kindness, respect, and dignity. I understand being a nurse as being an advocate to the patient, a mouthpiece to the patient out there who may have nobody to stand for him/her, I have gained this much experience of what it means to be a nurse from my past experiences.”

Example 2: Holistic care and students’ lifelong learning.

The basic tenets of my nursing philosophy include; that all patients are wholes that require attention to the body, mind, and spirit; and that the nurse is a lifelong learner who seeks to enhance her knowledge and practice.


The Nursing Personal Philosophy Paper is one of the papers that are helpful in the development of a person and more so a health care professional. It helps you to state personal, professional, and legal commitments as a nurse so that you can give direction to your practice.  By doing meaningful reflection concerning your every coherent idea regarding the self, the position of a nurse, the significance of patient-centered care, and the ethical principles influencing your performance, it will be possible to develop a precious and dynamic philosophical outlook on the nursing profession that can be useful throughout the entire practice. As you write your My Philosophy as a Nurse or a Nursing Exemplar Essay, always consider that what you put in paper, writing, or computer screen is a part of you as a nurse. It should be as basic as that, drawn from individual experiences and soul searching, and fit the mandate of the nursing profession.


A Nursing Personal Philosophy Paper is an essay in which a nurse gives personalized notions regarding his/her career. You just want to put on black and white paper what you have in mind about the profession of nurse, why you want this kind of job and how you attend to patients.

To start it, one should recall general and personal considerations, views, and opinions related to nursing. What nursing means to me, the position I assume as a nurse and most crucially, the rationing of care. In the introductory section, and in the light of the intended topic, it is important to indicate the objectives and the coverage of the paper and then expand on the following areas, supported with personal observations and experience, to justify the chosen philosophy.

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