Asthma Nursing Care Plan features therefore include; Symptom management: includes proper monitoring of respiratory rate and depth Breathing: uses bronchodilator therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs, supplemental oxygen if required in a case.
What are the goals of the Hyperlipidemia Nursing Care Plan?
Table of Contents
ToggleLifestyle hyperlipidemia Nursing Care Plans can prevent the cholesterol that is obtained in Lifestyle. It involves medication management, such as starting statins and counseling patients on diet, exercise, and managing their treatment. Like always measuring the level of lipids is very necessary to ensure that one is making progress and not landing into another heart attack due to high lipid levels..
- Dietary Changes: Start a heart-healthy diet that will reduce the high intake of sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol but it has to have an increased amount of fruits vegetables whole grains.
- Regular exercise – by promoting and enabling continuous physical activity, the level of LDL cholesterol that can keep HDL cholesterol up.
- Drug Management: Give planned lipid-lowering medicines like statins, and show the patient how to take them accurately.
- Education for Patients: Extensive education about the values of lifestyle modulations, medicines compliance, and monitoring levels.
Nursing Care Plan for Low Self-Esteem:
Low self-esteem may be effectively addressed if a knowledge-based approach to the management of the nursing care plan is applied.
Nursing Diagnosis: Symptoms which fall under this category include; self- criticism, social isolation and/or communication of feelings of worthlessness; the person feels that he or she does not deserve to be alive.
- The patient will say three positive things about themself when cued.
- Establish trust, without judgment; a space where the patient can be open with you about how they are feeling.
- Work slowly to include tasks aligned closely with the patient’s real-world preferences and success develops confidence.
- Assist the patient in establishing some realistic short-term goals that they can quickly achieve, which will allow them to feel accomplished.
Nursing Care Plan for Hypertension Sample:
You, as a registered nurse and an integral part in managing hypertension effectively, are fighting day by day against one of the most common health problems that have reached global dimensions.
However, there is a powerful tool that you can employ so as to enhance your care plan. It is essential to find out why a nursing care plan for hypertension needs to be understood and how remote patient monitoring can turn effortlessly to your side.
What Is Hypertension?
Hypertension is a persistent elevation of diastolic or systolic BP; the condition is defined as when SBP > 130 mm Hg and DBP>80 mm Hg. There are 2 kinds of high blood pressure:
- Essential hypertension: No identifiable underlying cause.
- Secondary to an unidentified underlying disease like chronic renal diseases, hormonal disorders, or OSAS
- High-calorie diet, and caloric food intake is an invaluable development factor for high blood pressure smoking; High salt consumption Inactive lifestyle Stress factors Heredity features.
Nursing Care Plans for Hypertension
This consists of checking patients’ blood pressure when they are lying down or after exercise, inquiring about any other illness that may cause hypertension in the patients, and past medical history including medication intake. Establish quantifiable goal states and expected results to which the gold standard nursing care plan is aimed, like target values for blood pressure risk factors, and improved lifestyle.
What is Nursing Care Plan Self-Esteem?
Self-esteem in the nursing context Self-esteem could be defined in terms of the level of confidence that one has in generating the correct ideas or confidence in the knowledge being delivered. Self-esteem also refers to the fact that a nursing student should respect her or himself, should not think that she or he is a nobody who is not good for anything, should not let herself or herself, and should not act as if she or he is invisible.
The goals of situational low self-esteem nursing are the following:
The result should be positive self-acceptance and realistic plans by engaging in active listening and provision of social support in addition to educating the patient on how to build up self-esteem as well as referring the patient to seek professional counseling.
So with requesting and gaze, low self-esteem may be situational, and what can be indicators of this?
Situational low self-esteem is characterized by a negative estimation of self because of the change in situation such as loss of limbs, or functionality. Low self-esteem may be an outcome of real or perceived compromises, threats, and or negative emotions that arise from relationships, minimal coping mechanisms, and social exclusion.
- Recognize Personal Strengths:
The patient will be able to name at least two strengths or positive qualities about him/ herself within a given timeframe.
- Increase Self-Worth:
Self-acceptance will also increase from positive self-affirmation
- Engage in Social or Personal Activities:
The patient will participate in one or more social or therapeutic pursuits that are/are meaningful and build self-esteem.
Sample of a Care Plan for Patient:
Positioning: High fowler’s position up as high as possible so you breathe easier and increase lung expansion.
Administer oxygen therapy. The Administrator prescribed supplemental oxygen for optimal o2. the isolation.
The Nursing Care Plan for Asthma would entail identifying the strategies to adequately manage the symptoms, ways to prevent the worsening of the ailment, and more concern on the Teaching and Counseling aspect.
When prescribed, medication is used appropriately, certain stimuli are averted, and effective respiratory measures are employed, nurses ensure that patients can breathe efficiently. Asthma control leads to enhanced patients’ quality of life and decreased rates of severe asthmatic episodes, which contributes to positive outcomes in the patient’s condition.
It is to keep airways open and not have asthma attacks, by taking medications as prescribed and staying away from triggers.
Common interventions are monitoring the respiratory status, using medications such as bronchodilators, and teaching inhaler techniques.
How to stop an asthma attack: Patients can reduce triggers (allergen, smoke), take medications as directed, and use a written asthma action plan.
Nurses assess patients by the management of optimal airflow, medication compliance, and decreased frequency of asthma attacks.