NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 Policy Proposal

Assessment 2: Policy Proposal


Capella University

FPX 6004

Professor’s Name

December, 2023

Policy Proposal

In response to the identified benchmark underperformance, specifically in the realm of HgbA1c and foot exams for diabetic patients at Mercy Medical Center, this policy proposal aims to establish comprehensive practice guidelines geared towards enhancing quality and performance in diabetes care. Recognizing the pivotal role of foot examinations in preventive healthcare and the potential impact on patient outcomes, the proposed guidelines emphasize the imperative for an organized, ethical, and patient-centered approach. This policy seeks to provide a framework for implementing standardized protocols, facilitating ongoing training programs for healthcare professionals, ensuring transparent communication, and fostering a culture of accountability within the medical center. By addressing the gaps in benchmark adherence through strategic policy implementation, the objective is to elevate the quality of care, mitigate underperformance issues, and ultimately improve patient outcomes at Mercy Medical Center.

Need for Policy and Practice Guidelines

The imperative for establishing comprehensive policy and practice guidelines at Mercy Medical Center arises from the discerned shortfall in meeting a benchmark metric, as prescribed by local, state, or federal healthcare policies or laws. Specifically, the identified deficiency in adhering to foot examination benchmarks for diabetic patients underscores a critical need for intervention (Weinstock et al., 2021). Benchmark metrics serve as essential indicators of healthcare quality and efficacy, aligning with established standards set forth by regulatory bodies. The failure to meet such benchmarks not only jeopardizes the medical center’s compliance with healthcare policies but also raises concerns about the delivery of optimal patient care. In light of this, the formulation of a policy and associated guidelines becomes essential to address the identified underperformance, rectify gaps in adherence, and align healthcare practices with the prescribed standards outlined by regulatory authorities.

Mercy Medical Center grappled with a notable decline in foot examinations during 2019 and 2020, prompting concerns regarding the quality of diabetes care. The HgbA1c tests exhibited significant fluctuations, decreasing from 60 to 42 in 2019 and displaying further instability in 2020. This variability, coupled with the absence of diabetic kits, presented challenges in discerning the underlying causes for the observed trends. Notably, both the diabetes foot examination and HgbA1c benchmarks at Mercy Medical Center fell below 45, in contrast to the considerably higher national benchmark. The identified underperformance, attributed to staffing shortages, carries potential adverse effects, including heightened hospital readmissions and diminished patient satisfaction (Pali-Schöll et al., 2023). Prolonged wait times, delayed responses, and inadequate time with healthcare providers may lead  to patient satisfaction, eroding trust in the healthcare organization and its professionals. The ensuing financial implications, such as reduced insurance compensations due to suboptimal care, can strain the organization’s ability to maintain standard care, retain staff, and address staffing deficiencies. This multifaceted challenge underscores the need for strategic interventions to rectify the observed shortcomings and uphold the medical center’s commitment to providing high-quality diabetes care.

A comprehensive policy and practice guidelines framework are instrumental in ensuring that Mercy Medical Center’s healthcare practices align with the overarching objectives of local, state, and federal health care policies or laws. By explicitly addressing the shortfall in meeting foot examination benchmarks for diabetic patients, the proposed policy aims to establish a structured approach to enhance the quality and performance of diabetes care (Pérez-Panero et al., 2019). This involves the development of standardized protocols for conducting foot examinations, ongoing training programs to educate healthcare professionals on best practices, and the establishment of transparent communication channels to ensure compliance. Moreover, the policy advocates for a culture of accountability within the medical center, emphasizing the importance of ethical practices and patient-centered care. In this way, the proposed policy and practice guidelines serve as a strategic framework to not only rectify the identified underperformance but also to fortify Mercy Medical Center’s commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare services under prevailing healthcare policies and laws.

Effects of Benchmark Underperformance

The consequences of benchmark underperformance at Mercy Medical Center are profound and multifaceted. The observed decline in foot examinations and fluctuations in hemoglobin A1c tests, coupled with the absence of diabetic kits, raise serious concerns about the quality of diabetes care provided. These deficiencies not only undermine patient health outcomes but also have tangible implications for various stakeholders (Hansen et al., 2023). The adverse effects include potential increases in hospital readmissions and a decline in patient satisfaction, stemming from prolonged wait times, delayed responses, and insufficient time with healthcare providers. Importantly, these issues may erode trust in the healthcare organization among patients and the broader community. From a financial standpoint, the diminished quality of care could lead to reduced insurance compensations, placing strain on the organization’s capacity to maintain standard care, retain staff, and address staffing deficiencies. Inaction to rectify these shortcomings poses a substantial risk to the medical center’s reputation, financial stability, and, most critically, the well-being of its patients. Addressing these challenges is imperative to uphold the organization’s commitment to delivering high-quality diabetes care and maintaining the trust of both patients and the larger stakeholder community.

Policy and Practice Guidelines for Mercy Medical Center

The proposed Policy and Practice Guidelines for Mercy Medical Center aim to rectify benchmark underperformance in diabetes care by establishing structured protocols and educational programs. The policy advocates for standardized foot examination procedures, ongoing training for healthcare professionals, and transparent communication channels (J Olumade et al., 2020). These guidelines are designed to enhance the quality of diabetes care, aligning with local, state, and federal healthcare policies. However, the potential effects of environmental factors, such as staffing shortages, may impede the successful implementation of the guidelines. Staffing deficiencies could hinder the timely execution of foot examinations, exacerbating the observed underperformance. Moreover, prolonged wait times and limited time with healthcare providers may persist, influencing patient satisfaction and trust. Recognizing and addressing these environmental challenges is crucial for the effective execution of the proposed guidelines, ensuring their success in improving patient outcomes and the overall quality of diabetes care at Mercy Medical Center.

Cause-and-effect Relationships

The cause-and-effect relationships within Mercy Medical Center’s diabetes care context are evident, particularly in the identified benchmark underperformance. The observed decline in foot examinations and fluctuating hemoglobin A1c tests, coupled with the absence of diabetic kits, can be attributed to underlying factors, such as staffing shortages (Flaherty et al., 2022). The cause lies in insufficient staffing levels, impacting the medical center’s capacity to conduct timely examinations and provide necessary resources. The effect of this cause is a compromised quality of diabetes care, leading to potential increases in hospital readmissions and decreased patient satisfaction. Addressing the cause involves implementing the proposed Policy and Practice Guidelines, which advocate for standardized protocols and ongoing training programs. The success of these recommendations hinges on mitigating the influence of staffing shortages, emphasizing the need to rectify environmental factors to ensure the guidelines’ efficacy in improving patient outcomes and overall diabetes care quality at Mercy Medical Center.

Ethical Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines

To enhance targeted benchmark performance at Mercy Medical Center, ethical and evidence-based practice guidelines are recommended. Ethical considerations emphasize patient-centered care, transparency, and accountability. The proposed guidelines prioritize the implementation of standardized foot examination protocols, ensuring that diabetic patients receive timely and comprehensive assessments (Bégin et al., 2020). Moreover, ongoing training programs for healthcare professionals aim to bolster their skills in conducting foot examinations, aligning with the ethical imperative to provide optimal patient care. Transparency is fostered through clear communication channels, keeping patients informed about the importance of these examinations and promoting their active participation in their healthcare journey. Accountability is reinforced by monitoring and evaluating the adherence to these guidelines, ensuring that healthcare providers uphold the ethical principles embedded in the recommended practices.

An honest and accurate assessment of practice changes and their precise impact on stakeholders is integral to gauging the effectiveness of the proposed guidelines. For clinicians, the adoption of evidence-based practices and standardized protocols may result in improved diagnostic accuracy and streamlined patient care. However, it necessitates additional training and adherence to the new guidelines, requiring a commitment to continuous professional development. Patients, in turn, stand to benefit from enhanced quality of care, early detection of complications, and improved overall health outcomes (Carter et al., 2020). Nevertheless, there may be a temporary adjustment period where the changes in practice could affect the perceived quality of service and patient satisfaction. Transparent communication about these changes is crucial to managing patient expectations and fostering trust. Overall, a thorough evaluation of the practice changes and their impact on stakeholders is imperative to refine and optimize the proposed guidelines, ensuring they effectively address the targeted benchmark performance and align with ethical principles in healthcare delivery.

Stakeholders Involvement

The involvement of key stakeholders in the further development and implementation of the proposed policy and practice guidelines at Mercy Medical Center is crucial for the success and sustainability of the initiative. Firstly, healthcare professionals, including clinicians, nurses, and support staff, play a central role in the implementation process. Their direct involvement ensures that the proposed guidelines align with the practical realities of patient care, addressing any potential challenges or nuances that may arise during the adoption of new protocols. In addition, engaging healthcare professionals fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the proposed changes, facilitating smoother integration into daily practice. Their input is valuable not only for refining the guidelines but also for fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the healthcare team.

Patients and patient advocacy groups represent another pivotal stakeholder group that must be actively involved in the development and implementation phases. Their perspectives offer unique insights into the patient experience and can contribute to tailoring the guidelines to meet patient needs. Involving patients in decision-making processes enhances patient-centered care, ensuring that the guidelines consider the preferences, values, and expectations of those directly affected by the proposed changes (Njeru et al., 2021) . Transparent communication with patients about the rationale behind the guidelines, their potential impact, and the benefits of improved diabetes care promotes informed decision-making and can help manage expectations during the transition period. Ultimately, the collaborative involvement of healthcare professionals and patients in the development and implementation of the proposed policy and practice guidelines is fundamental to achieving a successful, patient-centric, and sustainable improvement in diabetes care at Mercy Medical Center.

Rationale for Stakeholder and Group Engagement

The active engagement of stakeholders and diverse groups in the development and implementation of the proposed policy and practice guidelines at Mercy Medical Center is paramount for several compelling reasons. Stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, bring a wealth of clinical expertise, frontline insights, and contextual knowledge that enriches the development process, ensuring that the guidelines are both evidence-based and feasible within the healthcare setting. Their participation fosters a sense of shared responsibility and commitment to the successful execution of the proposed changes, promoting a culture of continuous improvement. Furthermore, involving patients and advocacy groups is essential for the guidelines to genuinely reflect patient needs, preferences, and expectations. This collaborative approach not only strengthens the ethical foundation of patient-centered care but also enhances the guidelines’ acceptability and adherence by aligning them with the diverse perspectives of those directly impacted by the proposed changes (Lehtinen et al., 2019). The engagement of stakeholders thus serves as a catalyst for robust policy development and facilitates effective practice changes, ultimately contributing to improved quality outcomes in diabetes care at Mercy Medical Center.

Strategies for Collaborating with a Stakeholder Group

Effectively collaborating with stakeholders in the implementation of proposed policy and practice guidelines at Mercy Medical Center involves employing strategic approaches to ensure successful adoption and sustained adherence. Communication transparency is essential, providing stakeholders with clear and comprehensible information about the rationale, goals, and anticipated benefits of the guidelines. Establishing regular forums for open dialogue, such as town hall meetings or feedback sessions, allows stakeholders, including healthcare professionals and patients, to express concerns, ask questions, and contribute insights (Stocker et al., 2020). Acknowledging and addressing potential objections or reservations through proactive engagement demonstrates a commitment to considering stakeholder perspectives. Additionally, involving stakeholders in decision-making processes, such as soliciting input on specific guideline components or implementation timelines, fosters a sense of ownership and cultivates a collaborative culture. By emphasizing the shared goal of enhancing patient outcomes and the overall quality of diabetes care, this collaborative approach not only mitigates potential resistance but also strengthens the foundation for successful policy implementation that aligns with the diverse needs and perspectives of the stakeholder groups involved.

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2: Policy Proposal Conclusion

In conclusion, addressing the benchmark underperformance in diabetes care at Mercy Medical Center necessitates a multifaceted approach rooted in ethical principles, evidence-based practices, and collaborative stakeholder engagement. The proposed Policy and Practice Guidelines, focusing on standardized foot examinations and comprehensive training programs, serve as a strategic framework to rectify identified deficiencies and elevate the quality of patient care. The active involvement of healthcare professionals and patients is integral to the success of the initiative, ensuring that the guidelines align with practical realities, reflect patient needs, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Transparent communication, regular dialogue forums, and proactive consideration of stakeholder perspectives contribute to the implementation’s success by addressing objections and cultivating a shared commitment to enhancing diabetes care outcomes. This comprehensive strategy positions Mercy Medical Center to not only meet benchmark standards but also to establish a patient-centric, ethical, and sustainable model of healthcare delivery that aligns with the diverse needs of its stakeholder community.

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2: Policy Proposal References

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