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NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 1

Capella FPX 4900 Assessment 1

Assessing the Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations


Capella University


Instructor’s Name

October 2023

In this assessment, we will address the critical patient, family, or population health problem of diabetes, with a specific focus on a 40-year-old lady diagnosed with the condition. Our objective is to examine nursing practice standards, leadership strategies, and evidence-based care can impact the management of diabetes, patient-centered care, and the overall patient experience. By delving into this multifaceted issue, we aim to highlight the profound influence of these elements and their interconnectedness in shaping the healthcare landscape. Through a synthesis of current literature, we will explore the challenges and opportunities in providing the most effective care, ensuring the best possible outcomes, and enhancing the experience of patients and their families in the context of diabetes management.

Problems in Healthcare Organizations

Diabetes is a complex, chronic health issue that has a profound impact on individuals, families, and populations. In contemporary healthcare settings, it has emerged as a significant challenge, necessitating comprehensive management and care. A patient health problem of immediate relevance to personal and professional practice is a 40-year-old lady diagnosed with diabetes. It is a global public health concern, impacting millions of individuals worldwide. Diabetes presents a multifaceted problem that requires a strategic and interdisciplinary approach, involving healthcare leaders, practitioners, and policymakers, as its consequences extend beyond individual health to economic and societal domains (Huang, 2019).

The relevance of diabetes as a health problem can be substantiated by examining its prevalence, consequences, and the need for comprehensive management. The lady in question is not an isolated case; her diagnosis is part of a larger trend. Moreover, it exacts a significant financial burden on healthcare systems, accounting for a substantial portion of healthcare expenditures. From a policy perspective, the need to address the growing diabetes epidemic is evident, making it a relevant and pressing health issue (Huang, 2019).

From a leadership standpoint, tackling diabetes requires visionary and innovative leaders who can drive changes in healthcare systems to enhance prevention and management. Effective collaboration among healthcare providers, patients, and communities is essential for holistic diabetes care (Huang, 2019). Communication must be patient-centered and culturally sensitive, fostering understanding and adherence to treatment plans. Change management strategies are critical to implementing evidence-based practices and promoting healthy lifestyles. Policies need to focus on prevention, early detection, and affordable access to treatment, aligning with global health goals (Huang, 2019).

Evidence-Based Approach

The evidence surrounding diabetes management is robust and well-documented in peer-reviewed literature and professional sources. Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels, adherence to a healthy diet, physical activity, and medication management is essential (Leena et al., 2021). Nurses play a pivotal role in patient education, empowering individuals and their families to self-manage their condition effectively (Leena et al., 2021). Peer-reviewed studies consistently advocate for a patient-centered approach, focusing on shared decision-making, ongoing education, and support.

Evaluating the evidence, it becomes evident that the sources referenced in diabetes management adhere to rigorous research methodologies and standards. They often feature randomized controlled trials, longitudinal studies, and systematic reviews, providing a strong foundation for nursing actions (Pitsillidou et al., 2020). The criteria for evaluating this evidence are the level of scientific rigor, the applicability of findings to diverse patient populations, and the practicality of implementing recommendations in clinical settings. Barriers to evidence-based practice may include healthcare systems with limited resources or insufficient staff training. However, the strength of the evidence and the well-defined theoretical guiding frameworks, such as the Chronic Care Model, empower nurses to advocate for system-level changes and foster a culture of evidence-based practice (Pitsillidou et al., 2020).

Despite the abundant evidence, barriers to evidence-based practice in diabetes management exist. Nurses may encounter resistance to change, both from healthcare organizations and patients who may be resistant to new recommendations. Limited access to current research, time constraints, and insufficient training can hinder the application of evidence-based practices (Awang Ahmad et al., 2020). Interdisciplinary communication and collaboration can sometimes be lacking, leading to fragmented care. To overcome these barriers, nurse leaders must facilitate ongoing education and training, advocate for resources, and foster a culture of openness to change. Furthermore, patients must be engaged as active participants in their care, and healthcare systems should embrace a holistic approach to diabetes management (Awang Ahmad et al., 2020).

Theoretical guiding frameworks, such as the Chronic Care Model and the Self-Management Support framework, play a critical role in structuring nursing actions and addressing the patient problem. These frameworks provide a structured approach to evidence-based practice by emphasizing patient education, self-management, and interdisciplinary collaboration (Awang Ahmad et al., 2020). They offer a roadmap for healthcare professionals to navigate the complexities of diabetes management and improve patient outcomes. By adhering to these theoretical frameworks, nurses can more effectively apply evidence-based practices, ensuring that care is not only guided by rigorous research but also tailored to the unique needs of the patient, family, or population problem at hand (Awang Ahmad et al., 2020).

Organizational or Governmental Policies

Nursing standards set the scope of nursing practice, outlining the roles and responsibilities of registered nurses (RNs) in the state (Lawler et al., 2019). For instance, in some states, RNs have the authority to initiate and adjust insulin doses, while in others, this task is reserved for advanced practice nurses. The specific state regulations determine whether the patient can receive insulin dose adjustments from an RN or if they need to wait for an advanced practice nurse, potentially causing delays in care and impacting the patient’s health outcomes (Lawler et al., 2019).

Organizational policies within healthcare institutions also play a critical role in addressing the patient problem. Hospital policies, for example, can dictate the frequency and type of monitoring for diabetic patients. In some organizations, nurses may be required to check blood glucose levels more frequently, especially for patients with unstable diabetes, which ensures timely intervention and helps prevent complications (Nikitara et al., 2019). However, in other facilities with different policies, monitoring may be less frequent, potentially impacting the patient’s health. Variations in organizational policies can influence the quality and consistency of care received by patients.

Government-funded initiatives may provide resources for diabetes prevention and management programs, impacting the overall health of communities. Government policies also guide insurance coverage for diabetes-related services and medications. If a patient’s insurance does not cover essential diabetes management supplies or medications, it can create barriers to access, affecting their ability to manage the condition effectively. In essence, these policies influence the health outcomes of the population by either supporting or hindering the ability of patients and families to manage diabetes (Nikitara et al., 2019).

Policies, whether set by state boards, healthcare organizations, or governments, ultimately define the nursing scope of practice in diabetes care. They outline the specific tasks and responsibilities that nurses can perform. These policies, while aimed at ensuring patient safety and quality care, can sometimes limit nursing practice (Nikitara et al., 2019). For example, if state regulations prohibit certain nursing interventions for diabetes management, it may prevent nurses from providing the most comprehensive care possible. Conversely, when policies are aligned with best practices and evidence-based care, they empower nurses to work to their full potential, resulting in better patient outcomes. Understanding, advocating for, and adapting to these policies is essential for nurses to optimize their role in addressing the patient, family, or population problem of diabetes.

Leadership Strategies to Improve Outcomes

Effective leadership is essential in addressing the patient problem of diabetes and improving patient-centered care and outcomes. One crucial strategy is to establish a diabetes care team led by a nurse leader. The team should include nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals (Herges et al., 2020). By coordinating efforts and sharing expertise, the team can provide comprehensive, patient-centered care. The nurse leader plays a pivotal role in facilitating collaboration and communication among team members, ensuring that everyone is aligned with evidence-based care protocols (Herges et al., 2020). For example, the nurse leader can organize regular team meetings where individual patient cases are discussed and treatment plans are adjusted based on the latest research and best practices.

Leadership is also critical in managing change effectively. Healthcare is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest research and implementing changes in practice can be challenging. A nurse leader can lead by example and encourage staff to embrace evidence-based care (Herges et al., 2020). For instance, they can introduce continuous education programs on diabetes management, ensuring that the team is well-informed about the latest developments. The leader can also work with the institution’s administration to allocate resources for necessary changes, such as acquiring state-of-the-art monitoring equipment or implementing electronic health record systems that streamline patient care. By promoting a culture of continuous improvement, the nurse leader can foster an environment where change is seen as an opportunity for growth rather than a disruption (Herges et al., 2020).

Collaboration and communication are central to patient-centered care in diabetes management. The nurse leader should encourage open dialogue between patients, their families, and the care team (Herges et al., 2020). For instance, the leader can implement regular patient education sessions that involve not only healthcare professionals but also patients and their families. These sessions can provide a platform for sharing experiences, asking questions, and jointly developing care plans that align with patients’ needs and preferences. Furthermore, effective communication should extend to the exchange of information among healthcare providers (Herges et al., 2020). The nurse leader can introduce standardized handoff procedures and communication tools to ensure a seamless transition of care and prevent errors. By focusing on collaboration and communication, the patient experience becomes more engaging, empowering, and tailored to individual patient and family needs, ultimately improving outcomes in diabetes management.


We have recognized the profound impact of these elements on the quality and effectiveness of patient care, as well as the patient experience. By applying evidence-based practices, promoting collaboration, and adapting to evolving policies, healthcare providers can significantly improve outcomes and offer truly patient-centered care. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, embracing these principles is vital for addressing the challenges posed by diabetes and enhancing the well-being of patients and their families. This assessment has underlined the importance of informed leadership, sound policies, and evidence-based nursing practice in shaping the future of diabetes care and, by extension, the overall healthcare experience.


Awang Ahmad, N. A., Sallehuddin, M. A. A., Teo, Y. C., & Abdul Rahman, H. (2020). Self-care management of patients with diabetes: Nurses’ perspectives. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 19(2), 1537–1542.

Herges, J. R., Ruehmann, L. L., Matulis, J. C., Hickox, B. C., & McCoy, R. G. (2020). Enhanced care team nurse process to improve diabetes care. The Annals of Family Medicine, 18(5), 463–463.

Huang, C. (2019). New awareness of blood sugar management, self-care creates a win-win situation. PubMed, 66(6), 4–4.

Lawler, J., Trevatt, P., Elliot, C., & Leary, A. (2019). Does the diabetes specialist nursing workforce impact the experiences and outcomes of people with diabetes? A hermeneutic review of the evidence. Human Resources for Health, 17(1).

Leena, K. C., Alvares, I., Sequeira, S. K. L., Pereira, P. S., Deepika, N. C., & Sequeira, H. A. (2021). Compliance of diabetic clients: effect of nurse-led home care interventions and monitoring. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU, 12(02), 145–149.

Nikitara, M., Constantinou, C. S., Andreou, E., & Diomidous, M. (2019). The role of nurses and the facilitators and barriers in diabetes care: A mixed methods systematic literature review. Behavioral Sciences, 9(6), 61.

Pitsillidou, M., Roupa, Z., Farmakas, A., & Noula, M. (2020). Barriers to the adoption of evidence-based practice among nurses. Kontakt, 22(2).

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