NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 2 Criteria and Rubric Development

Assessment 2: Criteria and Rubric Development


Capella University 


Dr. Name

 March, 2024

Criteria and Rubric Development

Assessments are crucial in evaluating nursing students’ progress in caring for chronic illness patients. The course “Management of Chronic Illnesses by Nurses in Community Healthcare Centers” teaches nurses strategies for holistic patient care. It covers health history evaluations, symptom monitoring techniques, and effective care planning strategies. With a focus on fostering holistic patient care, this assessment initiative aims to comprehensively address the diverse needs of individuals navigating chronic health challenges. This equips nursing students to provide compassionate and proficient healthcare services in community settings. 

Description of Assessment Overview for Specific Learning Outcomes

A simulated patient care scenario is one effective assessment method for evaluating specific learning outcomes in the “Management of Chronic Illnesses by Nurses in Community Healthcare Centers” course. In this assessment, students would participate in a simulated environment miming a community healthcare center. They would be presented with a realistic case scenario involving a patient with a chronic illness, such as diabetes or hypertension, that requires ongoing management and care. Students would be tasked with conducting a comprehensive patient assessment, including gathering relevant health history, performing physical examinations, and assessing the patient’s current health status. They would then develop a tailored care plan encompassing strategies for disease management, health promotion, and patient education (Clark, 2022).

During the simulation, students would also engage in role-playing exercises where they interact with simulated patients, family members, and other healthcare professionals. This allows them to practice communication skills, collaborate in interdisciplinary teams, and demonstrate empathy and cultural competence in addressing the diverse needs of patients with chronic illnesses. Following the simulation, students would participate in debriefing sessions facilitated by instructors and peers. These sessions provide opportunities for reflection, feedback, and self-assessment, enabling students to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and further learning needs. This assessment method effectively assesses students’ ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical patient care situations, critical thinking skills in clinical decision-making, communication, and interpersonal skills essential for effective nursing practice, and overall readiness to provide competent care to patients with chronic illnesses in the community healthcare settings.

Serving Needs of Learners

The reflective assessment method helps nursing students understand their experiences in managing chronic illnesses. It encourages critical reflection and promotes active learning and metacognition. The method also enables self-directed learning and professional development, fostering a habit of lifelong learning and continuous improvement. Ultimately, the reflective assessment method evaluates students’ cognitive abilities while supporting their holistic development as competent, reflective practitioners who can provide high-quality care to patients with chronic illnesses in community healthcare settings (Dickerson & Durkin, 2022).

Assembling and Administering Tests for Specific Learning Outcomes

Assembling and administering tests is a critical process in healthcare. The steps involved are systematic and aim to ensure that nurses and healthcare professionals can accurately assess and manage these conditions. Here are five key steps in this process:

  1. Audience Selection for the Test: The primary step involves selecting the target audience for the test, which, in this case, is the nursing class enrolled in the course on chronic disease management. This step is crucial as it sets the foundation for tailoring the test according to learner nurses’ specific needs and proficiency levels in community health centers.
  2. Guidelines and Learning Outcome Identification: Next, it’s essential to provide clear guidelines to the learner nurses about the nature of the test. This includes outlining the specific learning outcomes from the course curriculum that the test aims to assess. This step ensures that the nurses are well aware of what areas of their training the test will cover, helping them focus their studies and preparations accordingly.
  3. Syllabus and Curriculum Specification for the Test: This step involves providing a detailed syllabus and curriculum that the test will cover. By doing this, learner nurses are given a clear framework of the topics and content areas that they need to be proficient in for the test. This specificity helps in targeted learning and better preparation for the test.
  4. Setting and Communicating Passing Criteria: One crucial aspect is determining and communicating the passing criteria for the test. This step involves establishing clear benchmarks that learners need to meet to be considered competent in managing chronic diseases in a community health setting. Transparent communication of these criteria is vital for setting expectations and standards.
  5. Test Details Review and Administration: The final step is to thoroughly review the test details and oversee its administration while maintaining the integrity of the testing environment. This may involve deciding whether the test will be conducted online, in-person, as an open-book or closed-book assessment, and ensuring that all conditions are conducive to a fair and effective evaluation.

Each step plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the test accurately evaluates nursing students’ competencies in managing chronic illnesses in community healthcare settings (Hart et al., 2022). The process is designed to prepare them effectively for real-world challenges and responsibilities in healthcare.

Knowledge Gaps

To optimize chronic disease management training for nurses in community health centers, it’s important to address knowledge gaps in the testing process. These gaps may come from insufficient practical exposure to complex chronic illness scenarios or a lack of in-depth understanding of the latest treatment protocols and patient management strategies. To address these gaps, the curriculum should reflect current best practices, include more hands-on, scenario-based learning, and test theoretical knowledge, practical competencies, and critical thinking skills. By filling these gaps, the training program can equip nurses to provide high-quality care to patients with chronic illnesses.

Areas of Uncertainty

Training and testing nurses for chronic disease management in community health centers can be challenging due to several areas of uncertainty. These uncertainties include translating theoretical knowledge into practical skills, the evolving nature of chronic diseases, variability in clinical experiences, and measuring soft skills. To address these uncertainties, ongoing curriculum evaluation, adaptive teaching methodologies, and innovative assessment tools encompassing clinical knowledge and essential soft skills are necessary.

Assessing Learning in Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Effective Domains

Assessing nursing students’ readiness to manage chronic illnesses involves evaluating their Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective abilities. The Cognitive domain focuses on intellectual abilities and knowledge acquisition. To assess nurses’ knowledge in managing chronic diseases, their understanding, recall, and application of theoretical knowledge is evaluated through tests, exams, and case studies. The aim is to determine their understanding of medical concepts, disease processes, treatment protocols, and patient education. The Psychomotor domain assesses the ability to perform tasks and procedures physically. Nursing education involves evaluating students’ ability to carry out clinical procedures such as administering medication, conducting physical assessments, or using medical equipment through practical exams, demonstrations, or skill labs. This is critical regarding the hands-on skills required for daily clinical practice (Jakubec et al., 2021).

The Affective domain involves the nursing students’ attitudes, emotions, and values. Empathy, communication skills, ethics, and compassionate care decisions are crucial in healthcare but often overlooked. This domain is vital in chronic disease management, where building trust and understanding with patients is key to effective treatment and management. Assessing a nursing student’s competency across cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains provides a complete view of their readiness to manage chronic illnesses (Yang et al., 2022). This ensures nurses have the necessary knowledge, skills, and ethical approach to patient care.

Knowledge Gaps

Nursing education must address the knowledge gap in managing chronic illnesses in community health centers. Nurses are often unprepared due to a lack of practical experience and outdated curricula. To bridge the gap, educational content must be updated regularly, more hands-on clinical experiences should be integrated, and a holistic approach to patient care should be emphasized.

Area of uncertainty

Nursing education for chronic disease management has several uncertainties. One is the effectiveness of classroom knowledge in practical skills in varied clinical settings. Another is the rapid evolution of medical knowledge and technology, which creates a gap between what is taught and current best practices. Assessing the affective domain of nursing education, including interpersonal skills, empathy, and ethical decision-making, is challenging. Lastly, the impact of different teaching methods and assessment strategies on long-term nurse competency is an ongoing area of exploration. Balancing these educational approaches to produce competent nurses for the dynamic healthcare environment is uncertain (Hardin et al., 2023).

Performance-Level Criteria

To create Performance-Level Criteria for the course assessment, we’ll define each of the four main levels – non-performance, basic, proficient, and distinguished – across the three major competencies. A table summarizing performance levels in Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective areas is provided.

Non-PerformanceLacks understanding of chronic disease concepts. Unable to recall or apply theoretical knowledge.Inadequate practical skills. Unable to perform basic clinical procedures correctly or safely.Shows little to no empathy, poor communication skills, and struggles in engaging effectively with patients or colleagues.
BasicFundamental understanding of concepts but struggles with practical application.Can perform simple clinical tasks under guidance but lacks consistency and confidence in complex procedures.Basic levels of empathy and communication; struggles with nuanced patient interaction and ethical decision-making.
ProficientGood grasp of chronic disease management principles effectively applied in practice.Proficient in performing clinical procedures independently and safely, adaptable to different situations.Strong communication skills and empathy, with competent handling of challenging interactions and ethical judgment in patient care.
DistinguishedIn-depth understanding and innovative application of chronic disease management. Capable of analytical and critical thinking.Excels in clinical skills, performing complex procedures with high proficiency and problem-solving abilities.Exceptional empathy and communication skills, leadership in ethical decision-making, and patient advocacy.

These criteria provide a structured way to evaluate the progress and proficiency of nursing students, ensuring that they are well-equipped for real-world challenges in managing chronic diseases. Here’s a table representing the Performance-Level Criteria for the course assessment with criteria across the levels of Non-performance, Basic, Proficient, and Distinguished:

Enhancement of Chronic CareDoes not define strategies for improving chronic care.Provides general strategies with weak implementation.Provides evidence-based strategies; attempts implementation on a recent patient.Provides and successfully implements evidence-based strategies on a recent patient.
Role of Interdisciplinary TeamDoes not define the role or provide communication techniques.Tries to define the role; lacks communication techniques.Defines the role; provides effective communication techniques for team efficiency.Clearly defines the role and effectively enhances team efficiency through communication techniques.
Reflection and Team InteractionNo reflection on interactions, no definition of role, or discussion of patient care steps.Reflects on interactions; lacks definition of role and discussion on care steps.Reflects on interactions; defines role but lacks a detailed discussion on patient care.Reflects effectively on interactions; defines role and discusses patient care steps in detail.
Writing QualityNon-academic/informal writing with grammatical errors.Academic style but contains grammatical errors.Academic and formal with minor grammatical errors.Academic, formal, error-free, with smooth transitions.
APA FormatAPA format not followed.APA format partially followed.APA format followed with some errors.Accurate use of APA format with no errors.

This table provides a structured framework to evaluate the student’s abilities in key areas of chronic care management, ensuring a thorough and objective assessment of their skills and knowledge. The progression in learning and skill acquisition is based on certain assumptions. Learning is cumulative. Advanced levels are built upon the knowledge and skills acquired at previous levels. Application and complexity increase with each level. As one moves from basic recall or understanding to sophisticated application and analysis, the level of complexity and application increases. Performance can be objectively measured (Matsuda et al., 2023). Each level has distinct, observable, and assessable criteria. This structured approach to performance-level criteria ensures a clear and logical learning and skill acquisition progression. It aligns with educational goals and real-world nursing competencies.

Communication of Grading Expectations

Effective communication of grading expectations is crucial for promoting transparency and fairness in educational settings, particularly in nursing courses related to chronic disease management. Incorporating clear grading criteria and rubrics, providing examples of graded work, leveraging multiple communication channels, and promoting consistency among instructors can help set clear expectations and foster a transparent learning environment. Regular feedback sessions and opportunities for students to seek clarification further enhance understanding and promote transparency (Hekel et al., 2023).

Process of Checking Validity and Reliability of Assessment

Determining the validity and reliability of assessment strategies in a course focused on chronic care in community health centers involves several processes, each with its strengths and weaknesses.

Processes for Determining Validity

Content Validity Review ensures assessment content aligns with objectives and covers all areas. Strength is alignment with curriculum. Weakness is potential subjectivity. Criterion-related Validity compares outcomes with external criteria. Strength is an objective measure of Validity. The weakness is external benchmarks may not align with course goals. Construct Validity assesses whether the test measures the intended construct. Strength is evaluating deeper understanding. Weakness is the complexity of measuring abstract constructs.

Processes for Determining Reliability

Test reliability is evaluated using three main methods: internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and inter-rater reliability. Internal consistency checks how consistently different assessment parts measure the same concept. Test-retest reliability measures consistency over time, while inter-rater reliability ensures consistency in scoring when more than one person assesses the test. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the appropriate method depends on the nature of the assessment (Barbosa et al., 2021).

Impartial Assessment of Processes

Validity and reliability testing processes are comprehensive but time-consuming and resource-intensive. Subjectivity and difficulties in measuring abstract constructs such as critical thinking can limit the accuracy of validity assessments. In reliability testing, test-taker fatigue or memory effects can also impact results. While these processes provide a robust framework, they require careful planning, resources, and sometimes a trade-off between depth and practicality.

NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 2 : Criteria and Rubric Development Conclusion :

The proposed course for nurses at community health centers is a comprehensive and structured approach to professional development in the healthcare sector. It equips nurses with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in community healthcare settings (Bremner et al., 2020). A performance-based grading system and a reflective assessment approach have been established to evaluate student learning. The alignment of learning outcomes and objectives with the curriculum is noteworthy, enhancing validity and reliability.

NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 2 : Criteria and Rubric Development References :

Bremner, M. N., Maguire, M. B. R., Keen, D., Blake, B. J., Santa, H., & Nowalk, A. (2020). Implementation and evaluation of SBIRT training in a Community Health nursing course. Public Health Nursing, 37(2), 243–250.

Barbosa, H. C., & Queiroz Oliveira, J. A. de. (2021). Empowerment-oriented strategies to identify behavior change in patients with chronic diseases: An integrative review of the literature. Patient Education and Counseling, 104(4), 689–702.

Clark K. M. (2022). Evaluating Student Learning: Community-Based Nursing Education as Action to Address Inequities. The Journal of Nursing Education, 61(9), 525–527.

Dickerson, P. S., & Durkin, G. J. (2022). Nursing professional development standards of practice. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 38(4), 248–250.

Hart, A. M., Seagriff, N., & Flinter, M. (2022). Sustained impact of a postgraduate residency training program on nurse practitioners’ careers. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 13, 21501319221136938.

Hardin-Fanning, F., Hartson, K. R., Galloway, L., Kern, N., & Gesler, R. (2023). Students’ perceptions of a community health advocacy skills building activity: A descriptive analysis. Nurse Education Today, 120, 105627.

Hekel, B. E., Pullis, B. C., Edwards, A. P., & Alexander, J. (2023). Teaching social determinants of health through an unfolding case study. Nurse Educator, 48(3), 137–141.

Jakubec, S. L., Szabo, J., Gleeson, J., Currie, G., & Flessati, S. (2021). Planting seeds of community-engaged pedagogy: Community health nursing practice in an intergenerational campus-community gardening program. Nurse Education in Practice, 51, 102980.

Matsuda, Y., Prather, S. L., Reaves, R. P., McEwing, E. M., Iriarte, E., & Everett-Thomas, R. (2023). Understanding the student’s experience of community health nursing simulations. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 20(1).

Yang, S. Y., Liu, C., & Hsieh, P. L. (2022). Effects of team-based learning on students’ teamwork, learning attitude, and health care competence for older people in the community to achieve SDG-3. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6632.

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