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NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing


Capella University

FPX 4040 Assessment 3

Instructor’s Name

October 2023

Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

The integration of cutting-edge technology plays an increasingly vital role in delivering high-quality care while ensuring patient safety. This assessment endeavors to explore the profound impact of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) technology on healthcare settings, focusing on its ability to elevate the quality of care and enhance patient safety. RPM represents a transformative approach to patient care, enabling continuous monitoring and real-time data access, thus enabling early intervention and personalized care delivery. By proactively addressing patient needs and reducing complications, RPM stands as a pivotal innovation in healthcare that not only improves patient outcomes but also fosters cost-efficiency and scalability. This assessment will provide a comprehensive and well-researched analysis of RPM’s role in healthcare, offering insights into its significance as a tool for enhancing quality care and patient safety.

Evidence of the Impact of a Selected Patient Care Technology on Patient Safety

Shaik, T., Tao, X., Higgins, N., Li, L., Gururajan, R., Zhou, X., & Acharya, U. R. (2023). Remote patient monitoring using artificial intelligence: Current state, applications, and challenges. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.1002/widm.1485

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) technology has emerged as a transformative tool in contemporary healthcare, significantly contributing to enhanced patient safety. RPM facilitates real-time monitoring of patients’ vital signs, chronic conditions, and other health parameters, allowing for timely intervention and reducing the risk of adverse events. This study has demonstrated that RPM can lead to early detection of deteriorating patient conditions, leading to improved patient safety outcomes. By providing continuous data and alerts, RPM empowers healthcare providers to respond swiftly to critical changes, thus minimizing errors, hospital readmissions, and complications. Consequently, the incorporation of RPM technology into patient care protocols has a direct and positive impact on patient safety by promoting early intervention and proactive care strategies.

RPM technology not only bolsters patient safety but also plays a pivotal role in enhancing the overall quality of care. RPM enables a patient-centered approach by extending care beyond the confines of traditional healthcare settings. It fosters greater patient engagement and self-management. By allowing patients to actively participate in their care through self-monitoring and remote consultations, RPM promotes better adherence to treatment plans and medication regimens. Additionally, the data-driven insights generated by RPM support evidence-based decision-making and care personalization, which contributes to the delivery of higher-quality care. This study has highlighted that RPM interventions lead to improved patient outcomes, such as reduced hospitalizations and improved disease management, ultimately elevating the quality of care provided.

The implementation of RPM technology also significantly influences the dynamics of the interdisciplinary healthcare team. Collaborative care models, including nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and allied health professionals, benefit from the integration of RPM into patient care. This research underscores how RPM fosters seamless communication and data sharing among team members, leading to more coordinated and efficient care delivery. Moreover, RPM encourages a shift towards a holistic approach to patient care, with interdisciplinary teams collaborating on a patient’s well-being beyond their immediate healthcare encounters. This collaborative approach aligns with the principles of patient-centered care and ensures that all members of the team are well-informed and engaged in patient care decision-making. Consequently, RPM not only enhances patient safety and quality of care but also promotes interdisciplinary teamwork and the provision of comprehensive, patient-centric healthcare.

Impact of a Selected Innovative Patient Care Technology on Patient Safety

Samuel Bonet Olivencia, Karim Zahed, Farzan Sasangohar, Rotem Davir, & Vedlitz, A. (2022). Integration of remote patient monitoring systems into physicians work in underserved communities: Survey of healthcare provider perspectives. ArXiv (Cornell University). https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2207.01489

The adoption of innovative patient care technology, such as Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), holds immense promise for significantly enhancing patient safety and the quality of care in healthcare settings. The empirical evidence from recent studies underscores the potential transformative impact of RPM on patient safety by enabling real-time monitoring of critical health parameters. The study reveals that RPM can contribute to early detection of deteriorating patient conditions, thereby reducing the risk of adverse events and medical errors. This capability empowers healthcare providers to deliver proactive and timely interventions, ultimately minimizing complications and improving patient safety outcomes. Moreover, RPM’s data-driven insights enable evidence-based decision-making, facilitating personalized care plans and ensuring the highest quality of care delivery.

In light of the compelling evidence, healthcare institutions are encouraged to consider the integration of RPM technology into their care delivery models. This innovation not only has the potential to revolutionize patient safety but also promises to elevate the overall quality of care provided to patients. The implementation of RPM allows for a patient-centric approach, promoting active patient engagement and self-management, as demonstrated in the study by Gellis et al. (2017). Healthcare professionals should harness RPM’s capabilities to encourage patients’ active involvement in their care, leading to better adherence to treatment regimens and improved disease management. Furthermore, the adoption of RPM aligns with the principles of evidence-based practice and fosters a culture of continuous improvement in healthcare, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decision-making and individualized care.

Badashova, K. K., Tenagne Haile‐Mariam, & Jarrin, R. (2021). Remote physiologic monitoring. Oxford University Press EBooks, 234–246. https://doi.org/10.1093/med/9780190066475.003.0020

Beyond its effects on patient safety and quality of care, RPM technology also has profound implications for the interdisciplinary healthcare team. The integration of RPM encourages a more cohesive and collaborative approach to patient care. This study emphasize how RPM fosters streamlined communication and data sharing among healthcare team members, leading to improved coordination and efficiency. This collaborative model aligns with the overarching goal of patient-centered care and ensures that all team members are well-informed and engaged in decision-making processes. Healthcare institutions are advised to recognize the potential of RPM to enhance interdisciplinary teamwork and consider the necessary training and support to fully harness its capabilities. Embracing RPM as an integral part of the healthcare ecosystem has the potential to not only improve patient outcomes but also transform the way healthcare teams function, ultimately contributing to a more holistic and patient-centric approach to care delivery.

Organizational Factors Influencing the Selection of a Technology

Gandy, K., Schmaderer, M., Szema, A., March, C., Topping, M., Song, A., Garcia-Ojeda, M., Durazo, A., Domen, J., & Barach, P. (2021). Remote patient monitoring: A promising digital health frontier. 2021 International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT), 7. https://doi.org/10.1109/idt52577.2021.9497599

The selection of technology in the healthcare setting is a multifaceted process heavily influenced by organizational factors. One critical determinant is the alignment of the chosen technology with the strategic goals and objectives of the healthcare organization. Healthcare institutions often develop strategic plans that outline their vision for patient care, financial sustainability, and operational efficiency. Any technology chosen should align with these strategic priorities. For example, if an organization’s strategic focus is on improving patient outcomes and reducing readmission rates, it may prioritize technologies such as Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) to achieve these goals. Furthermore, the technology should integrate seamlessly with existing systems and workflows to ensure that the organization can meet its strategic objectives effectively. This alignment ensures that the technology adoption is not only beneficial but also a strategic investment that supports the organization’s long-term success.

Financial considerations are a significant factor in technology selection within healthcare organizations. Implementing and maintaining healthcare technology often involves substantial financial investments. Organizational leaders must assess their budget constraints and evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of the technology in question. They may consider factors such as the initial implementation costs, ongoing operational expenses, and potential revenue generation or cost savings associated with the technology. Additionally, the availability of resources, including skilled personnel and infrastructure, plays a pivotal role in technology selection. An organization’s ability to support and maintain the technology, provide training to staff, and ensure data security are crucial factors. Therefore, healthcare institutions must carefully assess their financial capacity and resource availability when making technology-related decisions.

In the healthcare sector, adherence to regulatory and compliance standards is paramount. Healthcare organizations must navigate a complex web of regulations, including those related to patient data protection (e.g., HIPAA in the United States), clinical standards, and accreditation requirements. The selection of technology must align with these regulatory frameworks. For instance, the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) must comply with national and regional healthcare data privacy laws. Failure to meet these standards can result in severe penalties, legal issues, and compromised patient care. Therefore, healthcare organizations must carefully evaluate the technology’s ability to support compliance with these regulations, including its data security features and interoperability with other systems used for reporting and compliance tracking.

Justification for the Implementation and Use of a Selected Technology

Coffey, J. D., Christopherson, L. A., Williams, R. D., Gathje, S. R., Bell, S. J., Pahl, D. F., Manka, L., Blegen, R. N., Maniaci, M. J., Ommen, S. R., & Haddad, T. C. (2022). Development and implementation of a nurse-based remote patient monitoring program for ambulatory disease management. Frontiers in Digital Health, 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdgth.2022.1052408

The implementation of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) technology in healthcare settings is a strategic imperative driven by its profound impact on both the quality of care and patient safety. RPM facilitates continuous monitoring of patients’ vital signs, chronic conditions, and health parameters, providing real-time data to healthcare providers. This enables early detection of deteriorating conditions and prompt intervention, mitigating potential adverse events. This study underscores that RPM significantly reduces hospital readmissions and complications by ensuring that healthcare teams can respond swiftly to critical changes in patient health. The resulting enhancement in patient safety cannot be overstated, as RPM empowers healthcare providers to offer proactive and personalized care, thereby reducing the risk of errors and adverse outcomes.

Jotterand Drepper, V. (2019). Practical aspects on use of share source in remote patient management. Contributions to Nephrology, 197, 28–34. https://doi.org/10.1159/000496315

Moreover, RPM fosters a patient-centered approach to care, as demonstrated by mentioned article. Patients actively engage in their healthcare by participating in self-monitoring and remote consultations, leading to improved adherence to treatment plans and medication regimens. This personalized care model, supported by data-driven insights from RPM, not only improves patient outcomes but also elevates the overall quality of care provided. By facilitating timely interventions and enabling evidence-based decision-making, RPM ensures that care is tailored to individual patient needs, ultimately leading to a higher quality of care delivery.

The implementation of RPM technology in healthcare settings also offers notable advantages in terms of cost-efficiency and scalability. By proactively managing patient conditions and reducing complications, RPM leads to significant cost savings related to hospital readmissions, extended hospital stays, and emergency room visits. The return on investment (ROI) for RPM, as evidenced by study, is compelling, making it a financially viable choice for healthcare organizations. Additionally, RPM’s scalability allows healthcare institutions to expand its use to reach a broader patient population, addressing the increasing demands on the healthcare system. This scalability aligns with the broader goal of providing high-quality care to a larger patient base while maintaining cost-efficiency, a crucial consideration in today’s healthcare landscape.

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3: Conclusion

The assessment has highlighted the undeniable value of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) technology in modern healthcare, shedding light on its transformative impact on the quality of care and patient safety. RPM’s ability to provide real-time data, enable early intervention, and personalize care delivery has been demonstrated through extensive research, emphasizing its potential to reduce adverse events, hospital readmissions, and complications. Moreover, RPM’s cost-efficiency and scalability make it a strategic investment for healthcare organizations looking to improve patient outcomes while managing resources effectively. As healthcare continues to evolve, RPM stands as a beacon of innovation, driving patient-centered care and reinforcing the commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare that is both responsive to patient needs and fiscally responsible. Its adoption in healthcare settings is not just a technological advance but a crucial step towards ensuring the well-being and safety of patients in an ever-changing healthcare landscape.


Badashova, K. K., Tenagne Haile‐Mariam, & Jarrin, R. (2021). Remote physiologic monitoring. Oxford University Press EBooks, 234–246. https://doi.org/10.1093/med/9780190066475.003.0020

Coffey, J. D., Christopherson, L. A., Williams, R. D., Gathje, S. R., Bell, S. J., Pahl, D. F., Manka, L., Blegen, R. N., Maniaci, M. J., Ommen, S. R., & Haddad, T. C. (2022). Development and implementation of a nurse-based remote patient monitoring program for ambulatory disease management. Frontiers in Digital Health, 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdgth.2022.1052408

Gandy, K., Schmaderer, M., Szema, A., March, C., Topping, M., Song, A., Garcia-Ojeda, M., Durazo, A., Domen, J., & Barach, P. (2021). Remote patient monitoring: A promising digital health frontier. 2021 International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT), 7. https://doi.org/10.1109/idt52577.2021.9497599

Jotterand Drepper, V. (2019). Practical aspects on use of share source in remote patient management. Contributions to Nephrology, 197, 28–34. https://doi.org/10.1159/000496315

Samuel Bonet Olivencia, Karim Zahed, Farzan Sasangohar, Rotem Davir, & Vedlitz, A. (2022). Integration of remote patient monitoring systems into physicians work in underserved communities: Survey of healthcare provider perspectives. ArXiv (Cornell University). https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2207.01489

Shaik, T., Tao, X., Higgins, N., Li, L., Gururajan, R., Zhou, X., & Acharya, U. R. (2023). Remote patient monitoring using artificial intelligence: Current state, applications, and challenges. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.1002/widm.1485

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