NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader

Assessment 2: Managing the Toxic Leader


Capella University

Leadership Nursing Practice

Prof. Name

June 21st 2024

Managing the Toxic Leader

Effective leadership is essential in healthcare, especially in high-stress settings like inpatient psychiatric units. Good leadership ensures quality patient care and smooth operation of the unit. This assessment focuses on Jackie, a nurse manager whose performance is below expectations, negatively impacting staff morale and patient care. This performance improvement plan (PIP) aims to evaluate Jackie’s leadership, identify areas where she is not meeting professional standards, and create a clear action plan to help her improve. The goal is to support Jackie in fulfilling her role more effectively and enhancing the overall performance of the psychiatric unit.

Evaluating Leadership Theories and Practices in Nursing

Effective nursing leadership is crucial for the success of healthcare teams and for delivering high-quality patient care. Several theories and practices that guide effective leadership and management in nursing are crucial. Transformational leadership highlights the significance of inspiring and motivating staff through a shared vision, fostering an environment of trust, collaboration, and innovation. Leaders practicing this approach engage with their team members, encouraging them to exceed expectations through personal development and mutual respect. Research by Thawabiya et al. (2023) highlights how transformational leadership can enhance team performance and satisfaction. Transactional leadership centers on the dynamic between leaders and their team members, ensuring adherence to standards through rewards and penalties. This approach ensures that staff meet established standards and perform their duties effectively.

A study by Mekonnen & Bayissa (2023) found that transactional leadership effectively maintains organizational stability and achieves specific goals. Situational leadership, another key theory, posits that leaders must modify their approach according to the competence and commitment of individuals on their team. This flexibility allows leaders to provide appropriate guidance and support, ensuring team members can perform optimally in varying situations. Research by Brasier et al. (2023) demonstrates that situational leadership effectively enhances team adaptability and performance. These theories underscore the importance of effective communication, professional behavior, and the ability to inspire and guide staff, which are critical for managing and leading nursing teams.

Evaluating Jackie’s Leadership Effectiveness

Jackie’s leadership effectiveness falls short when measured against these leadership theories and practices. For example, Jackie frequently misses crucial patient care conferences, a significant lapse in her duty to ensure effective communication and collaboration among the healthcare team. It is illustrated by her absence from a scheduled conference where critical patient issues, such as those involving K.C., a challenging patient, were supposed to be discussed. Her failure to inform the team about the meeting cancellation through a timely email further underscores her lack of effective communication skills essential for transformational and situational leadership. Research by McKillen (2024) emphasizes that effective communication is a cornerstone of transformational leadership, facilitating team cohesion and patient safety.

Similarly, Van et al. (2022) note that situational leadership requires adapting communication styles to meet team needs, a skill Jackie needs to improve. Jackie exhibits unprofessional behavior that undermines her authority and the respect of her team. Martin, arriving at work in inappropriate attire, such as a too-short dress, and engaging in unprofessional behavior with a junior nurse, violates the standard of professional appearance and conduct. Kohnen et al. (2024) stress the importance of maintaining professional behavior to build trust and respect within healthcare teams, which Jackie needs to uphold. These actions set a poor example for her team and compromised the professional environment for effective patient care and staff morale.

Violations of Professional Performance Standards

Jackie is violating at least two crucial standards of professional performance. First, she needs to meet the standard of effective communication. Effective leadership requires clear, timely, and consistent communication, particularly in coordinating patient care and managing staff (Brasier et al., 2023). Jackie’s neglect to inform her team about meeting changes and her reluctance to address urgent issues promptly demonstrate a significant breach of this standard. Second, Jackie is not upholding the standard of professional behavior and appearance. Her inappropriate attire and unprofessional interactions with staff members compromise her credibility and the respect required for effective leadership. These behaviors harm the work environment and set a negative example for her team. 

Documenting these performance issues clearly for the performance improvement plan is crucial. Jackie’s repeated absences from essential meetings and failure to communicate changes effectively are primary issues. Her unprofessional attire and behavior must be addressed to ensure she meets the expected standards of a nurse leader. By documenting these issues, the organization can create a comprehensive action plan to help Jackie improve her leadership skills, adhere to professional standards, and ultimately enhance the functioning of the psychiatric unit.

Analysis of Employee Behavior Impact

An employee’s conduct greatly impacts an organization’s capacity to fulfill its mission, vision, and goals (Kohnen et al., 2024). Effective leaders align their actions and decisions with the organization’s core values and strategic objectives, fostering an environment that promotes growth, innovation, and high-quality care. Negative behaviors can undermine these objectives, decreasing staff morale, patient satisfaction, and overall organizational performance. A study by Specchia et al. (2021) supports the notion that leadership behavior directly impacts organizational outcomes, emphasizing the need for alignment with organizational values and goals.

When evaluating an employee’s behavior, it is essential to consider its impact on the organization’s mission, which often includes providing excellent patient care, ensuring patient safety, and promoting a collaborative work environment. The vision typically focuses on long-term aspirations, such as being a leader in healthcare delivery and innovation. Wang et al. (2023) emphasize that effective communication and teamwork are crucial for maintaining high standards of patient care and achieving organizational goals. Goals are more specific and measurable, such as improving patient outcomes, reducing staff turnover, and increasing operational efficiency. Research by Van et al. (2022) highlights that leadership behavior directly impacts patient safety and quality of care, stressing the importance of aligning leader actions with organizational objectives. 

Impact of Jackie’s Behavior on Organizational Goals

Jackie’s behavior as a nurse manager negatively impacts the organization’s mission, vision, and goals. For instance, in an organization with a mission to provide compassionate, patient-centered care and a vision to be recognized as a leader in innovative and high-quality healthcare delivery, Jackie’s frequent absences from critical patient care conferences and her failure to communicate effectively are significant issues. These behaviors prevent the interdisciplinary collaboration required to deliver comprehensive patient care, leading to poorer patient outcomes directly opposing the organization’s mission. Research by Thawabiya et al. (2023) emphasizes that leadership behavior, particularly in communication and collaboration, is crucial for patient safety and care quality.

Jackie’s unprofessional behavior, such as inappropriate attire and unprofessional interactions with a junior nurse, undermines the professional standards expected within the organization. This behavior compromises the organization’s vision of being a leader in healthcare, as professionalism and integrity are fundamental to building trust and respect among staff and patients. Gemeda & Lee (2020) highlight the importance of professional behavior in maintaining a positive and respectful work environment for effective healthcare delivery.

Jackie’s actions erode this trust, making it challenging for the organization to maintain its high-quality care and collaboration reputation. Jackie’s ineffective communication and poor management practices negatively affect staff morale and engagement, as evidenced by Kyle’s frustration. These behaviors contradict the organization’s goal of improving staff retention and engagement. When staff feel unsupported and disengaged, it leads to higher turnover rates and a less cohesive work environment, further hindering the company’s capacity to meet its strategic objectives (Gemeda & Lee, 2020). Jackie’s behavior significantly impedes the organization’s mission, vision, and goals. Her lack of effective communication and professional behavior undermines the organization’s capacity to deliver exceptional, patient-focused care, maintain its reputation for excellence, and achieve its goals of improving patient outcomes and staff engagement. Addressing these issues through a performance improvement plan is essential to realign her actions with the organization’s expectations and enhance overall performance.

Strategy for Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness

Creating a detailed action plan to enhance Jackie’s leadership effectiveness involves setting clear performance expectations, linking these expectations to improved outcomes, and identifying assumptions inherent in the plan. This plan will be grounded in credible, scholarly, and professional evidence to ensure its effectiveness. Jackie must adhere to several professional performance expectations to enhance her leadership and overall performance. Firstly, she must ensure clear and timely communication with her team, sharing all pertinent information without delay. Research by Mistri et al. (2023) highlights the importance of clear communication in promoting effective team functioning and patient safety.

Secondly, Jackie should always maintain a professional demeanor and attire to set a positive example for her team and uphold the organization’s standards. Bhardwaj (2022) indicated that professional behavior and appearance are fundamental to building trust and respect among staff and patients. Jackie must attend all scheduled meetings and conferences, arriving on time and fully prepared to participate. Research by Gemeda & Lee (2020) found that consistent attendance is crucial for engaging in critical discussions and decision-making processes that affect patient care. Finally, Jackie should guide and support her team members, actively listening to their concerns and facilitating solutions. Supportive leadership fosters a motivated and cohesive team, enhancing patient care and overall unit performance (Specchia et al., 2021).

Enhancing Healthcare Delivery and Patient Outcomes

Enhancing Jackie’s role in these critical aspects can greatly enhance healthcare services and patient results. Clear communication and information sharing guarantee that all team members are well-informed and aligned, critical for providing coordinated and comprehensive patient care (Bhardwaj, 2022). When leaders exhibit professional behavior and appearance, they set a standard for the team, fostering a respectful and productive work environment. Consistent attendance and punctuality ensure that Jackie can actively participate in critical discussions and decision-making, leading to better patient care strategies. Supportive leadership helps build a motivated and cohesive team, enhancing patient care and overall unit performance.

Implementing TeamSTEPPS resources can further integrate this action plan with effective teamwork and better outcomes. TeamSTEPPS is an evidence-based framework focusing on communication, leadership, situation monitoring, and mutual support. By integrating TeamSTEPPS fundamentals into the action plan, Jackie can develop skills that promote teamwork, enhance communication, and improve patient safety. A study by Hassan et al. (2024) has demonstrated that implementing TeamSTEPPS improves teamwork and patient outcomes in various healthcare settings. For example, implementing regular TeamSTEPPS training sessions for Jackie and her team can foster a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration. SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) can standardize communication and reduce misunderstandings. Regular feedback sessions can help Jackie and her team to reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement, further enhancing patient care and outcomes. 

The action plan assumes that Jackie can make the necessary changes to her behavior and that the organization will provide the required support and resources for her development. It also assumes that the entire team will embrace the implementation of TeamSTEPPS principles and that ongoing training and feedback will effectively promote sustained improvements. This action plan, which sets clear performance expectations and employs evidence-based strategies like TeamSTEPPS, aims to enhance Jackie’s leadership and improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. Supporting evidence includes a study by McKillen (2024), that discusses effective communication, professional behavior, and leadership in healthcare settings.

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader Conclusion

Effective leadership is essential in healthcare, especially in high-stress settings like inpatient psychiatric units (Bhardwaj, 2022). Jackie’s performance issues in communication, professionalism, and attendance have hindered the organization’s mission, vision, and goals. The comprehensive action plan addresses these deficiencies by setting clear performance expectations and linking them to improved outcomes. Jackie can enhance her leadership skills, improve teamwork, and boost patient care by emphasizing effective communication, professional behavior, punctuality, supportive leadership, and incorporating TeamSTEPPS principles. With commitment and organizational support, Jackie can fulfill her role more effectively, contributing to the overall success of the psychiatric unit.

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader References

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Bhardwaj A. (2022). Medical professionalism in the provision of clinical care in healthcare organizations. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 14, 183–189. 

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