NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 2 Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation

Assessment 2: Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation


Capella University

Structure and Process in Care Coordination

Instructor Name

June, 2024

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Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation

Hello everyone, I am__________. Today, I will discuss the pivotal role of effective interprofessional collaboration in healthcare or delivering safe, high-quality, coordinated care. It is crucial for a leader in practice to guide stakeholders through a clear and cohesive presentation, which will improve their understanding and enhance transparency. This presentation aims to use a comprehensive gap analysis to investigate the most vital stages to improve teamwork among healthcare employees. We will also discuss what evidence-based practices involve, what educational resources are available, and how interprofessional partnerships can be fostered. This presentation aims to provide ethical care coordination standards, enabling healthcare leaders to facilitate collaboration that promotes better patient outcomes.

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Promoting Interprofessional Relations

The first strategy in developing professionals in increasing the teamwork of evidence-based practice for the aggregate care of populations involves an evaluation of the most contemporary practices. Thus, a gap analysis must be performed to identify exactly what collaboration needs to be strengthened and what is lacking (Pugh et al., 2021). This involves evaluating the current communication activities and operation productivity with the working teams. This assessment presents a concept of the existing state by revealing typical issues such as inadequate communication of information, unclear role definitions, and coordination-related challenges. In assessing the effectiveness and applicability of cultural examples to analyzing work and interaction between several professions, it is necessary to focus on the nature of the organizational culture (Mousavi, 2024).

Goal and Target Setting

The next step after the evaluation is putting goals and objectives in place, which should also be significant. The following aims should serve the population’s needs: reducing communication errors, improving patient’s well-being in agreement with coordinated treatment strategies, and raising team members’ understanding of other members’ tasks. Smart goals provide direction and ensure all team members are going in the same direction and for the same purpose (Geese & Schmitt, 2023). Integrating stakeholders into the setting of the organizational goals and objectives ensures that the goals are meaningful and achievable (Rammohan et al., 2023).

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Strategic Planning Phases

The planning phase is a key stage in the strengthening of interprofessional relations for the purpose of improvement. This phase was divided into several critical processes. Resource management entails confirming the need for particular resources, including staffing, training materials, and technological tools, and acquiring the necessary financial backing from directors (Rammohan et al., 2023). The creation of training programs involves the creation of educational interventions and training educational workshops with a focus on enhancing the communication and teamwork of health care practitioners. When implementing standard work, the procedures should be set up so that routines associated with information exchange and decision-making are as clear as possible throughout the team (Geese & Schmitt, 2023). Setting a timely, feasible framework for implementing the strategies is also important. Stakeholders’ engagement in strategizing is crucial as this will ensure they contribute their energies. This can be done via weekly meetings, short feedback sessions, and group/ team seminars or workshops (Tomaschek et al., 2022).

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Execution and Ongoing Enhancement

The last process involves proper and enhanced execution of the drawn strategies regarding interprofessional collaboration. The dynamics of the processes should be constantly assessed to quickly detect potential problems in collaboration (Bornman & Louw, 2023). As a change leader in practice, it is necessary to grow an organizational culture of open and lay communication, respect, and continuous enhancement to improve care coordination success and sustainability in improving healthcare outcomes.

Synopsis of Strengthening Evidence-Based Practice

The measures include systematizing the provision of information and ensuring ideas are spread and incorporated into the care delivery practice in collecting the latest evidence. As a result, it is vital to incorporate a process for timely protocol updates involving integrating only the most current evidence necessary for sustained high-quality patient care (Reist et al., 2022). In the context of the research agenda and QI initiatives, multilateral engagement can enhance the focus on EBP and the development of novel solutions for healthcare delivery (Tomaschek et al., 2022).

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Educational Services and Resources for Care Recipients

Determining the most appropriate educational services and materials for the population that receives care ensures clients’ participation and comprehension of their health (Akdeniz et al., 2021). Such services encompass tailored education solutions that deal with the demographic’s requirements and issues. It is also possible to name workshops and seminars conducted in the communities as direct participation and educational delivery options. The main goal is to empower patients with the appropriate information and techniques to engage in treatment, thus improving their overall health voluntarily.

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Education Strategies for the Population Receiving Care

Several measures can be taken to the extent that they help educate the population receiving care (Reist et al., 2022). First, individual educational interventions will be developed, considering the patient’s needs, wants, and literacy to provide relevant and comprehensible information. Second, the combination of teaching aids and communication approaches that address the learners’ visual and audio sensations and the kinesthetic sensation will be applied through videos, infographics, and question-and-answer sessions. Thirdly, prolonging the use of health facilities, technology in the form of health applications, and online portals will be used to avail online tutorials/learning materials. Finally, patients will attend follow-up classes, which will maintain the flow of information and allow for dealing with patients’ concerns periodically.

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Collaborative Strategies with Multidisciplinary Team Members

Multidisciplinary colleagues are valuable partners for enhancing interprofessional care relationships (Rammohan et al., 2023). The various significant steps for the implementation process regarding changed care coordination tools and concepts are manifold. First, it is necessary to coordinate and set up direct and frequent communication and interdisciplinary operations among all the parties involved. This entails creating a detailed timetable for communications, using features that improve group work, such as digital organizational systems for group discussions, and formalizing the procedures of information exchange.

Implementation Process for Improved Care Coordination

The initial phase involves a readiness preparation session to acquaint all community members with new practices and resources. A study by Bhati et al. (2023) also stresses the significance of training in enhancing the team’s productivity and the patient’s evolving situation. The next and final stage in this process is to implement the care coordination approaches at a smaller scale within several units to assess problems that may arise and improve the processes before implementing the strategies in the entire organization. Research by Bendowska & Baum (2023) states that continued evaluation and feedback are crucial in ensuring collaboration is just that collaborative.

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Collaborative Strategies and Partnership Plans

Collaborating and partnering with interprofessional team members fosters a culture of mutual respect and shared goals (Pugh et al., 2021). Plans include establishing interdisciplinary committees and task forces that bring together representatives from different healthcare disciplines to work on specific projects or issues. According to a study by Buljac et al. (2020), interdisciplinary rounds significantly improve communication and coordination among healthcare providers. Engaging team members through regular workshops, team-building activities, and recognition programs will help build strong professional relationships and enhance overall collaboration. Evidence from a study by Chou et al. (2024) supports the effectiveness of team-building activities in improving teamwork and collaboration.

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Proposed Outcomes for Improved Interprofessional Collaboration

Enhancing the interprofessional collaboration processes will result in several major benefits (Cheraghi et al., 2023). Some of the changes include improved safety for patients, efficiency in the dispensation of care, and an improvement in the level of satisfaction among patients. Regarding the new processes, the research by Chou et al. (2024) establishes that improving the cooperation between the healthcare providers reduced medical mistakes, integrated the workflows, and ensured the patient receives the most effective cross-organizational care possible. These improvements are expected to enhance the level of satisfaction with the jobs among healthcare practitioners since collaborative settings help ease pressure and enhance professional satisfaction. 

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Evaluating the Results of the Updated Approach

Several procedures can be used to assess the improved interprofessional collaboration process outcome (Kauff et al., 2023). The predictable measurements of performance, such as patients’ outcomes, the rates of readmission, and satisfaction ratings, will be monitored comprehensively. Self-administered questionnaires to patients and healthcare providers offer information on the collaboration as a form of qualitative data. Such assessments will be carried out constantly to facilitate the constant enhancement of the process and promptly attend to needs.

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Scholarly Evidence Supporting the Change

Research by Chou et al. (2024) shows that implementing coordination among the care teams improves patient experiences and decreases the cases of readmissions in hospitals. Also, a study by Buljac et al. (2020) reveals multiple benefits of implementing formalized interdisciplinary rounds for communication and, therefore, for enhanced patient outcomes. A study by Kauff et al. (2023) focused on successfully implementing team-building activities to improve the generalities of teamwork in healthcare. 

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Ethical Considerations Supporting Changes in Care Management

The scopes and parameters of care management reveal several ethical aspects that indicate essential changes in services and resources for specific populations (Akdeniz et al., 2021). Some of these include the principle of beneficence and non-malfeasance which emphasizes the moral responsibility to provide better quality of patients’ care through integration of the concept. This principle of justice suggests that all patients should be given equal treatment, which could be done through the integration of effort among practitioners. The foundation of clinical communication and procedure enables patient care decisions to be made transparently and accountable to foster patient trust in the healthcare providers (Tomaschek et al., 2022).

Ethics Supporting the Process Change

Several ethical principles underpin the necessary process changes in care coordination. Beneficence requires healthcare providers to prioritize the patient’s well-being, ensuring that all collaborative actions and decisions enhance patient benefits through shared expertise and resources. Non-maleficence, or the duty not to harm, supports adopting coordinated care processes that reduce the risk of errors and adverse events (Akdeniz et al., 2021). Justice mandates that every patient is granted fair access to top-notch treatment, regardless of background. Respect for autonomy emphasizes the importance of involving patients in their care decisions (Mousavi, 2024). These ethical standards collectively ensure that patient care is effective and morally sound.

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Scholarly Evidence 

Bornman & Louw (2023) proved that enriched interprofessional relations settings increase ethical factors, including patients’ respect for autonomy and fair treatment. Research by Cheraghi et al. (2023) concluded that effective coordination minimizes the occurrence of adverse events, an aspect of non-malice. Bhati et al. (2023) proved that a managed care system yields positive, beneficial patient outcomes, quite in harmony with the principle of beneficence. 

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NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 2 Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation Conclusion

Healthcare management and coordination cannot be the work of a single profession; it needs interprofessional collaboration to provide safe, efficient, optimum, and maximal quality of care (Bhati et al., 2023). Introducing ethical frameworks ensures that the interventions offered are both good and ethical (Geese & Schmitt, 2023). Continuing education activities keep healthcare staff informed and productive and promote the advancement of the healthcare team.

NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 2 Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation References

Akdeniz, M., Yardımcı, B., & Kavukcu, E. (2021). Ethical considerations at end-of-life care. SAGE Open Medicine, 9, 20503121211000918. 

Bendowska, A., & Baum, E. (2023). The Significance of cooperation in interdisciplinary health care teams as perceived by Polish medical students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 954. 

Bhati, D., Deogade, M. S., & Kanyal, D. (2023). Improving patient outcomes through effective hospital administration: A comprehensive review. Cureus, 15(10), e47731. 

Bornman, J., & Louw, B. (2023). Leadership development strategies in interprofessional healthcare collaboration: A rapid review. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 15, 175–192. 

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Chou, Y. F., Hsieh, S. I., Tseng, Y. P., Yeh, S. L., Chiang, M. C., Hsiao, C. C., Lin, C. T., Hu, S. T., Chen, S. H., & Liao, M. N. (2024). Development and validation of the interprofessional collaboration practice competency scale for clinical nurses. Healthcare, 12(7), 806. 

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Tomaschek, R., Lampart, P., Scheel, A., Gemperli, A., Merlo, C., & Essig, S. (2022). Improvement strategies for the challenging collaboration of general practitioners and specialists for patients with complex chronic conditions: A scoping review. International Journal of Integrated care, 22(3), 4. 

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