Are Online RN to BSN Degrees Legitimate?

Nurses are primarily looking for ways to upgrade their skill sets. The best option RNs feel safe with is an RN to BSN program. Now, many students need help with traditional and online classes. Online RN to BSN programs have recently been recognised and preferred. Still, some students need more clarity about the legitimacy of online programs. 

Are Online RN to BSN Degrees Legitimate?

Whether you are trying to upgrade your career or juggle between shifts, this guide is for you. We’ll cut through the confusion and give you the facts you need. Let’s see if an online RN to BSN could be your ticket to nursing success. 

Are Online RN to BSN Degrees Legitimate?

Legitimacy of Online RN to BSN Programs

What makes these online programs legit?

Employer Perspectives on Online Degrees

Benefits for RN to BSN For Online Students

Choosing the Right Online RN to BSN Program

Online vs. In-Person Programs

Online Programs

In-Person Programs

Career Opportunities with a BSN

Tips for Success in Online RN to BSN Degree Programs

Identifying Legitimate Online Nursing Schools

Your Homework While Finding Legit Online RN to BSN Program

Encouragement for Aspiring BSN Students

Importance of Accreditation and Licensure

Tips for nursing students


Legitimacy of Online RN to BSN Programs

Let’s clear the air first: Yes, online RN-to-BSN degrees are 100% legitimate. But here’s the catch: they must come from accredited schools. Accreditation is a seal of approval from education experts. 

What makes these online programs legit?

Accreditation: Accredited programs have been checked and approved by organisations like CCNE or ACEN. 

Same content, different format: Online RN to BSN programs teach the same stuff as on-campus ones. You’re just learning it through your computer instead of in a classroom.

Flexible learning: These programs are designed for working nurses. You can study when it fits your schedule, whether early or late at night.

Recognition: Employers and other schools recognize these degrees just like traditional ones. Your online BSN carries the same weight as one earned on campus.

Building on your skills: These programs take what you already know as an RN and add to it. You’re not starting from scratch – you’re levelling up.

Practical application: Many online programs include practical components. For example, you do projects based on your current work, making learning relevant to your job.

Employer Perspectives on Online Degrees

The most frequently asked question by nursing students is – will employers take your online RN to BSN degree seriously? The good news is, yes, they do. Employers care most about whether your program is accredited for nursing.

Most employers focus on what you’ve learned rather than how you learned it. They want to know you’ve got the skills to do the job well.

Employer Perspectives on Online Degrees

Remember, while the degree opens doors, your skills, experience, and interview performance land the job. An online RN to BSN shows employers you’re committed to growing in your field and can handle the challenges of advanced education.

Benefits for RN to BSN For Online Students

Online programs have more benefits than traditional ones. For nurses, online programs are a great fit. 

  • As an RN, you’re not a newbie. You’ve already got hands-on experience and a licence. Online programs recognize this and build on your existing skills.
  • Online programs let you study without quitting work. You can advance your education without losing income.
  • What you study online often directly applies to your work. It’s instant gratification – you can immediately use new concepts in your job.
  • Are you a night owl or an early bird? No problem. Study when it suits you best. This flexibility is a lifesaver for nurses with rotating shifts.
  • Using your classroom’s internet can save you time and money on travel. You can also study in your pyjamas if you want!
  • Most online RN to BSN programs let you move at your speed. Are you blazing through easy stuff and taking more time on challenging topics? Yes, please!
  • Often, online programs are cheaper than traditional ones. You save on things like campus fees and commuting costs.
  • Online learning boosts skills like time management and self-motivation. These are gold in any nursing role.

Remember, online learning isn’t more accessible – it’s just more flexible. You’ll still need to put in the work, but you can do it in a way that fits your life.

Choosing the Right Online RN to BSN Program

To avoid scams, you must be smart enough to choose any online program. Before selecting a perfect program, go through this exercise. 

  • Look for CCNE or ACEN accreditation. Accredited RN to BSN degrees are legitimate to choose.
  • Next, look for the program type. Remember that one size doesn’t fit all. Some programs focus more on leadership, others on specific areas.
  • Do some detective work and look for reviews from graduates. Check out nursing forums and social media groups. 
  • Nonprofit schools often have a long-standing reputation but might need to be more flexible.
  • For-profit schools can be more innovative and flexible but check their track record carefully.
  • Higher graduation rates usually mean better student support.

Online vs. In-Person Programs

It is hard to choose between online and in-person programs. Whether you’re clicking through online modules or sitting in a classroom, what matters most is your dedication to nursing. Both paths can lead to that shiny BSN degree. Choose the one that fits your life and learning style, and you’ll be set for success.

Online vs. In-Person Programs

Online Programs

Online RN to BSN programs offer exceptional flexibility for busy nurses. You can study whenever and wherever works best for you. All you need is an internet connection. These programs help you improve your tech skills while learning nursing concepts.

You can move through the material at your own pace, spending more time on challenging topics and less time on familiar ones. Online programs are more affordable than traditional ones, making balancing work, family, and education easier.

However, it’s essential to know that online learning requires self-discipline, as there’s no one physically present to keep you on track.

In-Person Programs

These programs provide more hands-on learning opportunities. They allow students to practise nursing skills practically. You’ll have direct face-to-face interactions with professors and classmates, which can be great for building professional networks. 

The structured schedule with set class times helps keep you on track with your studies. In class, you can get immediate answers to your questions by simply raising your hand. The social aspect is also a plus, as making friends and forming study groups is more manageable.

However, these programs do have some drawbacks. They offer less flexibility in your schedule, making it harder to balance work and personal commitments.

Pro Tip: Some programs offer a hybrid option. Look for hybrid possibilities if you want to complete your program quickly. 

Career Opportunities with a BSN

A BSN degree opens various doors of career opportunities. Some of the high-paying roles with a BSN degree are 

  • Travel Nurse
  • Nurse educator
  • Director of Nursing

Tips for Success in Online RN to BSN Degree Programs

  • Use your experience to your advantage.
  • Choose programs that match your learning style.
  • Look for flexible schedules if working full-time.
  • Stay organised with a calendar for assignments.
  • Ensure the online platform is user-friendly.
  • Check if the program assists with clinical placements.
  • Feel free to ask for help when needed.
  • Look for programs with robust support resources.

Identifying Legitimate Online Nursing Schools

How can you avoid getting duped when choosing an online nursing school? We have a simple method to identify potential scams. With so many options, it’s tricky to avoid possible scams. 

Identifying Legitimate Online Nursing Schools

Visit the accrediting institution website. Do a quick Google search. Can you find a physical campus? It would be a bonus if they offered both online and on-campus programs.

Moreover, look for info on clinical or occasional campus visits. Always ask, “How do you support students in finding clinical placements?” Check out nursing forums, social media groups, and review sites.

Moreover, check out the requirements of every course before enrolling. It is crucial for such important documents. 

Your Homework While Finding Legit Online RN to BSN Program

  • Make a list of potential schools.
  • Check each one against this guide.
  • Narrow it down to your top choices.
  • Reach out to those schools with specific questions.

Encouragement for Aspiring BSN Students

As a nurse, you already have valuable skills in stress management and multitasking. An online RN to BSN program can be your next step towards career advancement. The right program will challenge you, reward your efforts, and help you grow professionally.

Importance of Accreditation and Licensure

Accreditation and licensure are crucial aspects of nursing education and practice. Accreditation ensures that nursing programs meet high educational standards. Licensure is equally essential. It’s the legal requirement to work as a nurse. 

  • You can’t practise nursing without a licence.
  • Passing the NCLEX exam proves your competence.
  • Each state has specific licensing requirements.
  • A licence from an accredited program offers more career flexibility.

Accreditation and licensure work together to ensure:

  • Better job prospects
  • High-quality education
  • Up-to-date nursing knowledge and skills

Tips for nursing students

  • Verify a program’s accreditation before enrolling.
  • Choose programs with good NCLEX preparation resources.
  • Stay informed about your state’s nursing board requirements.
  • Network with graduates from accredited programs.


Choosing the right online RN to BSN program is essential in your nursing career. Remember, legitimate programs are accredited and recognized by employers. They offer flexibility while still providing quality education. Whether you choose online or in-person learning, make sure it fits your lifestyle and learning style.

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