Top 10 Study Tips for Capella Nursing Students

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the nursing school? You’re not alone. Many nursing students at Capella struggle to juggle their academic work, clinical rotations and personal lives. But don’t worry – we’ve covered you with these top 10 study tips for nursing school success.

Whether you want to know how to study for nursing school or are looking for nursing school study tips, this guide will teach you essential skills like time management in nursing and the art of learning to be a nurse. We will show you how to make a schedule that works and tricks for nursing students who do not want to burn out in college.

These nursing tips and tricks aren’t just theories but proven strategies successful people employ. If it’s time to change your attitude towards how you study, then these game-changing tips for nursing students should help. Proper strategies help one excel in coursework and prepare well for a fulfilling future as a nurse.


In nursing school, you’ll learn that there’s always more to do than time allows. That’s why prioritizing is a crucial nursing school tip for success. First, list everything you need to do to free up time for studying. Next, rank these tasks based on urgency and importance. Focus on high-priority items first, like upcoming exams or critical assignments. This nursing study technique helps you manage your workload effectively.

Remember, you can only do some things at a time. Break larger projects into smaller, manageable steps. This approach is one of the critical nursing tips and tricks for avoiding overwhelm.

When prioritizing consider

  • Assignment deadlines
  • Exam dates
  • Clinical rotation schedules
  • Personal commitments

When you can prioritize effectively, you can manage your time and energy well, which suits your studies. Remember, prioritising well is one of the best nursing school study tips you can adopt.

Learn to say “no” 

One of the most valuable nursing school tips is learning to say “no.” As a nursing student, your time is precious. You can’t afford to spread yourself too thin. Saying “no” doesn’t make you selfish. It’s a crucial time management skill for nursing students. Refuse anything unnecessary so that your study hours account for the primary – your nursing education.

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Top 10 Study Tips for Capella Nursing Students

How to practice this nursing tip

  • Set clear boundaries with friends and family
  • Limit social engagements during busy academic periods
  • Politely decline extra commitments that don’t align with your goals

Every “yes” to something less important is a “no” to your nursing studies. This tip may be highly challenging initially, but it’s essential for success. Embracing such a nursing study style lets you concentrate on your objectives and decreases stress levels. It’s a necessary strategy for how to succeed in nursing school and beyond.

Take care of yourself

One of the most crucial nursing school tips often overlooked is self-care. Nursing school is demanding, but neglecting your health can hinder your success.

Some essential nursing tips and tricks for self-care

  • Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours nightly. Good rest improves focus and memory, which are vital for nursing study.
  • Eat well: A balanced diet fuels your brain. It’s a simple yet effective nursing school study tip.
  • Exercise regularly: even short walks can raise energy levels and decrease stress, making it easier to study nursing.
  • Practice stress relief: Try meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. These techniques are valuable time management skills for nursing students.

Remember, self-care isn’t selfish. It’s a crucial part of how to succeed in nursing school. Performing self-care makes it simpler for students to handle their program challenges.

Stick to a routine

Maintaining a routine is vital in nursing school. Create a schedule that works for you, allowing time for study, rest, and other commitments. Consistency helps in managing coursework effectively and reduces stress. Stick to your routine to stay organized and focused on your academic goals.

How to create a routine that works

  • Set specific study times: Dedicate regular slots for nursing study each day.
  • Plan: Use a planner to map your week, including classes, clinics, and study sessions.
  • Be consistent: Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time daily.

Sticking to a routine is one of the most essential time management skills for nursing. It helps you stay on top of your workload and avoid last-minute cramming. Consistency is key. Even on tough days, try to maintain your routine. It’s a powerful tool in your arsenal of nursing tips and tricks for success.

Stay focused on your goal.

One of the most potent nursing school tips for success is keeping your end goal in mind. Sometimes, when assignments are piling up, and exams are closing in, remembering why you embarked on this journey can motivate you.

How to stay focused

  • Visualize your future: Picture yourself as a successful nurse. This mental image can boost your motivation during tough study sessions.
  • Set milestones: Break your big goal into smaller, achievable targets. It’s an essential nursing study technique for maintaining momentum.
  • Create a vision board:  put pictures and quotes of what would remind you about your desire to be a nurse. It is the physical representation of what you want in life.

Every session studied and every clinical rotation done or reviewed late at night brings me closer home. Stay committed, focused and determined to get through the challenges faced by nursing students.

Don’t get distracted 

Minimizing distractions is a crucial nursing school tip that can significantly boost your study efficiency. In today’s connected world, staying focused can be challenging but essential for nursing school success. 

Effective ways to avoid distractions

Create a dedicated study space: Set up an area solely for nursing study. It helps your brain associate this space with focus and learning.

Use website blockers: Install apps that temporarily block social media during study sessions. It’s a helpful nursing study tool for staying on task.

Turn off notifications: Silence your phone or use “Do Not Disturb” mode while studying. It’s a simple yet powerful time management skill for nursing students.

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Top 10 Study Tips for Capella Nursing Students

If you are easily distracted, try studying in a quiet library or a dedicated study room. These environments can enhance your concentration and are great nursing tips for success.

Create concept maps

Concept maps are powerful tools to enhance your learning experience in nursing school. Start by identifying the main ideas and their relationships, then use visual elements to clarify connections. This approach boosts retention and fosters a deeper grasp of nursing concepts.

How to use concept maps effectively

  • Start with a central idea: Place your main topic in the centre of your page.
  • Branch out related concepts: Connect associated subtopics and ideas with lines or arrows.
  • Use colours and symbols: Visual cues can enhance memory and make your map more engaging.
  • Please keep it simple: Don’t overcrowd your map. Stick to critical points for clarity.

Creating concept maps is also a great time management skill for nursing students. It allows you to organize information quickly and review it at a glance. Everyone’s concept maps will look different. Experiment to find a style that works best for you.

Use Downtime as Study Time

Use your free time wisely – this is wise advice for students at a medical college. As a busy nursing student, you’ll find pockets of free time throughout your day. Turn these moments into productive study sessions.

  • Review flashcards while waiting for class to start.
  • Listen to nursing podcasts during your commute
  • Read through notes while in line at the cafeteria
  • Practice NCLEX questions on your phone during breaks to use downtime effectively

Using downtime wisely is part of learning to study efficiently in nursing school. It’s not about studying 24/7 but about using your time smartly.

Know your learning style

Understanding your unique learning style is a crucial nursing school tip for success.  Everyone receives information differently; thus, knowing one’s preferences would help improve studying speed dramatically.

Identifying your learning style

  • Visual learners might benefit from concept maps and video tutorials
  • Auditory learners could try recording lectures or joining study groups
  • Kinesthetic learners should seek out nursing simulations and labs
  • Reading/Writing learners might excel with detailed note-taking and summarizing texts

On the other hand, it involves using approaches that best suit you while including other ways. Knowing how you learn is essential for managing time among students doing nursing studies, saving time, and reducing frustration.

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Top 10 Study Tips for Capella Nursing Students

Take breaks

The most often ignored hints for nursing students are the necessity of taking regular breaks. Although this may seem strange, stopping studying to learn better and remember more is essential.

Why breaks are crucial

Prevent burnout: Persistently studying can result in tiredness and decreased productivity.

Improve focus:  Small interruptions can facilitate your progress back into learning.

Enhance memory: Taking breaks allows your brain to process and store information more effectively

Reduce stress: Regular pauses can help manage the pressure of nursing school.

Adequate breaks are part of good time management skills for nursing students. They’re not a waste of time but a tool to boost efficiency.

Also Read: Capella University Pros and Cons


How many hours should a nursing student study?

The amount of time a nursing student should study each day varies. Still, generally, it’s recommended to dedicate around 2 to 3 hours per day for focused study sessions. This time allows for thoroughly reviewing course materials, practice questions, and note-taking.  As exams approach, increasing study hours to 4 to 6 hours per day will be necessary to cover all subjects adequately.

What is the Pomodoro technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a powerful time management tool that many nursing students find helpful. It’s a simple yet effective nursing study technique that boosts productivity and focus.

  • Choose a task to work on
  • Set a timer for 25 minutes
  • Work on the task until the timer rings
  • Take a short 5-minute break
  • Repeat steps 1-4 four times
  • After four “Pomodoros,” take a more extended 15-30 minute break

Using this technique, you’re not just learning how to study for nursing school – you’re developing valuable skills that will serve you throughout your nursing career.


Succeeding in nursing school requires dedication, effective study habits, and self-care. By implementing these top study tips, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges of your Capella nursing program. Remember, consistent effort and intelligent strategies are crucial to achieving your goals. Stay focused and motivated, and you’ll be on your way to a rewarding nursing career.

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