Grand Theory in Nursing: Key Concepts Explained

What is Nursing Theory?

Nursing theories provide a manner of distinguishing nursing from other areas (for example, medicine). The purpose of this collection of concepts and objectives is to guide nursing practice at a more specific and useful level. They provide healthcare workers with the essential knowledge of care ideas needed to defend their decisions and the care they provide to patients. This is especially important since it allows nurses to provide the information that backs up the processes they employ in their job in a clear and concise manner. Nurse theory originated in the late 1800s as a core principle to improve nursing education.

Why nurse theories are important 

Nursing theories serve as the foundation for contemporary nursing practice and support the tasks performed by nurses. These models aid in outlining the best practices for patient care.  This profession won’t be able to provide patients’ needs for health care without these theories. They are essential in helping Doctors of Nursing Practice (DNPs) choose which tactics to use in healthcare facilities in order to achieve the desired outcomes.

Grand Theory in Nursing: Key Concepts Explained - Theory in Nursing
Grand Theory in Nursing: Key Concepts Explained

Role of different types of theories

Given that middle-range and practice-level theories address particular nursing difficulties, broad theories cover a wider variety of topics. For example, the Neuman Systems Model, created by Betty Neuman, focuses on meeting a patient’s various needs as a full person. The theory is used by psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNPs) to treat many different types of mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.

In the same manner, Kathryn E. Barnard came up with the Child Health Assessment Interaction Theory which stresses on the importance of child, environment and caregiver in parent-infant interaction. This involves methods like using rocking chairs in hospital nurseries developed by family nurse practitioners (FNPs) and pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs) to foster bonding between parents and infants.

Classification of nursing theories

The nursing theory is classified into three main groups based on their level of abstraction.


      • grand theory

      • middle-range theory

      • practice-level theory

    Grand nursing theories

    Grand nursing theories are wide-ranging and abstract in nature, providing different perspectives on nursing issues. These theories furnish a broad framework for understanding what constitutes nursing but they do not prescribe specific interventions.  Grand theories are conceptual creations that originate from personal experiences and philosophical ideas. They comprise the person, environment, health, and nursing components of the metaparadigm of nursing. For example, one of the key theories in nursing is Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations which gives three stages of nurse-patient relationship .


        • orientation

        • working stage

        •  termination. 

      This theory can be applied flexibly to various nursing situations even though it’s majorly used in mental health institutions.

      Middle range nursing theories

      Unlike grand theories which are often very abstract, middle range nursing theories focus on specific nursing phenomena. They present the ideas and claims at lesser levels of abstraction Thus making it possible to be tested and applied in practice. These perspectives frequently emanate from research, nursing practice, major theorist’s writings, among other areas. The self-care deficit theory by Dorothea E. Orem is an example of a middle-range theory. It suggests that when patients care for themselves they tend to recover faster. People with diseases such as hepatitis and diabetes have benefited from this concept.

      Grand Theory in Nursing: Key Concepts Explained - Theory in Nursing 2
      Grand Theory in Nursing: Key Concepts Explained

      Practice level nursing theories 

      Practice-level nursing theories are situational, restricted in scope, and focused on specific patient groups and time periods. These theories have a direct impact on nursing practice by providing frameworks and indicators for nursing interventions. They link to grand and mid-range theoretical thoughts. At the practice level, numerous issues shape what nurses do – from patient education to caring about them actively. Specificity makes these matters of great importance at the bedside or in everyday nursing.

      Nursing theory into practice

      Theory and nursing are connected; one influences the other. Nursing theories come from research, which affects practice and policy. They have been applied by nurses in various ways since they were taught to do so and being educated on such concepts. Given that nursing is a complex profession, it allows nurses to use diverse theories depending on the specific needs and qualifications particular patient requires

      Importance of nursing theories in practice

      The significance of nursing theories in practice: A good understanding of the underlying theoretical notions about nursing is required for a nurse to provide quality care. 

      By applying nursing theories, nurses can promote their own knowledge and foster evidence-based practice. Intelligent patient care decisions by nurses can only be made when they have extensive comprehension of these premises.

      Examples of nursing theories in action

      Several concepts are implicated in nursing with an aim of enhancing the care of patients. For instance, Hildegard Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations propels the development of therapeutic nurse-client interactions.  Correspondingly, the Self-Care Deficit Theory of Dorothea Orem has been used in treating hepatitis and diabetes; this depicts patient autonomy as crucial for self-care. They provide a systematic tactic to patient care that ensures comprehensive and effective nursing interventions.

      Grand Theory in Nursing: Key Concepts Explained - Theory in Nursing 1
      Grand Theory in Nursing: Key Concepts Explained


      It is important for Nurses to understand  the rules of nursing theory so because of that they perform their duties so well. To enhance patient health outcomes and maintain a high quality standard of care, nursing is made based on these. Theory translated into practice ensures individualized responses to patient demands.

      Nursing theories can be grouped into grand, middle, and practice level theories. Different types of theories have their own uses and insights. This makes nursing adaptable and elastic with changing clinical situations. The application of nursing theories supports the growth of knowledge and the delivery of complete care. Because of its theoretical basis, nursing is still important in the healthcare industry


      Person, health, environment and nursing – this is the concept that forms the foundation of nursing theory and practice. These ideas together are called metaparadigm of nursing. Understanding these concepts is vital for translating nursing theory into practice and providing holistic care to patients

      Any person getting nursing care is referred to as a “person”; this includes patients, families, groups of people, individuals, and communities.

      “Environment” refers to everything that could have an impact on the patient, both internal and external.

      “Health” describes the condition of being well or ill in a person.

      The characteristics, actions, and attributes of nurses in providing care services are referred to as “nursing.”

      A nursing model is basically a structure that actually outlines how patient care can be provided by nurses. It offers an organized means of comprehending and ordering nursing practices such that patient care is efficient and consistent.

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