Kaplan Nursing Entrance Test

Hello, Future Nurses! The Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam will turn out to be one of the huge milestones that lead up to your becoming a nurse. This isn’t some test that’s taken for the sake of the requirement; it is taken mainly to check if you’re prepared or even capable of handling the challenges that a nursing school has in store. This is a multiple-choice test containing 91 questions, with really Cover reading, writing, maths, science, and critical thinking all within a 3-hour time.

Now that you meet the initial application requirements, it’s high time to prove that you indeed are ready to take the next step. Scoring at least 65 is important in that you will know that you are well-equipped to handle the challenges of any nursing program. Now, this is not about another test that one has to pass; it is about commitment and giving oneself a good chance to become the best nurse possible. As you work through this examination, remember that with each question you are further cementing a dedication to the profession of nursing. Take this as a challenge, and feel that you are one more step closer to your dream of having a positive impact on health care.

What is the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam?

The Kaplan Nursing entrance Exam has been developed to offer proof to nursing programs that their candidates have the potential for success in their respective studies. This test will prove important skills in reading, mathematics, writing, and science. Basically, it is a comprehension test in reading, while in maths, it is a problem-solving test, or dosage calculation professionally calibrated. In as much as it tests coherence in writing, it examines basic biology and anatomy in science. This will assist nursing schools in ascertaining that you have some competencies that will see you through the course successfully. Preparation can make your chances of admission to a school of nursing higher.

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Kaplan Nursing Entrance Test

Important facts about the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam

Purpose: Nursing entrance exam will test your problem solving skill in maths , reading , writing techniques and also test your science critical elements in nursing school and in nursing career.

Format: The approximately timed 165-minute test is divided into four sections as follows: 22 questions on Reading, 28 on Math, 21 on Writing, and 20 questions on Science.

Validity: The test is taken widely by many nursing schools in the U.S. and reported to be very predictive of success in a nursing program.

Skills Tested: This exam tests your skills in reading matter, whether it be maths problems or writing clearly, to even the more basic scientific concepts. These skills are important in your studies and later in your professional life as a nurse.

Outline for the Kaplan Nursing  Entrance Exam

The Kaplan Nursing Admissions Test is made up of 91 multiple-choice questions. You will have 2 hours and 45 minutes total to complete the test.Here is a brief outline of what’s on the test

SectionQuestionsTimeWhat It Covers
Reading Comprehension2245 minutesUnderstand and analyse written passages on topics like science and history.
Writing2145 minutesShow your ability to develop ideas, organise thoughts, and use proper writing rules.
Maths2845 minutesSolve arithmetic and algebra problems, including word problems.
Science2030 minutesTest your knowledge of human body systems and basic physiology.

Writing: This section evaluates how clearly and logically you can write.

Maths: The section will have simple maths problems and some problem-solving.

Science: This section will test your degree of information about different body systems and physiology.

You will be better equipped to prepare and confident during the test if you know what is covered in each section.

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Kaplan Nursing Entrance Test

How Points Are Allotted for the Exam

Once you have finished the Kaplan Nursing entrance Exam, you will be issued a score report. It will contain your scores in each section of the test and one overall score, collectively referred to as your composite score, A composite passing score usually ranges from 60% to 70% of available points, although some schools will set a higher or lower standard. Some schools also establish minimum requirements for section scores. Their retakes policies also vary. Some schools will allow you to retake the test up to two times, others three. You should consult your admissions counsellor for details about your school’s strategy towards scoring and retakes.

Get Your Study Guide

Want to be best prepared for the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam? Try the Kaplan Study Guide, available in paperback or as an eBook. This study guide will help you review all critical areas for this exam, from maths and science to reading comprehension to writing. This comes with practice tests and self-assessment for one to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Detailed answer explanations and some useful maths formulae for the test are given, along with test-taking strategies that will help in study and give more confidence.

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Kaplan Nursing Entrance Test

Kaplan Online Test Prep Course

Want to be prepared for the Kaplan Nursing Admission Exam? Mometrix provides an online prep course that will help. Here is what is included:

  • 70 Review Lessons: Covering all of the major topics that you’ll need to understand.
  • 600+ Practice Questions: It gives you tons of questions to practise.
  • 170+ Video Tutorials: Access to videos explaining difficult concepts.
  • 250+ Electronic Flashcards: It helps you quickly review and memorise key information.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: Get your money back if you’re not happy or satisfied .
  • Free Mobile Access: Start studying anywhere on your phone or tablet.

This Kaplan Prep Course will provide you with deep knowledge and tools to perform well in the exam. Click below to know more about this program and start preparing for it.

Bottom line 

The Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam comes in the series of very important tests on your way to being a nurse. This test informs you about your skills in Reading, Math, Writing, and Science through its 91 multiple-choice questions administered over 165 minutes. It is important to score at least 65 to prove that you are ready for nursing school. Study using the Kaplan Study Guide and online prep courses; they have practice tests, self-assessment questions, and detailed explanations. These will aid in better preparation and hence a better chance of success in nursing.

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