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NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 5_1 ZayHoliday

Zay Holiday

Capella University

NURS-FPX4900: Capstone Project for Nursing

Dr. Gordan

9th June 2024

Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video Reflection

Greetings, I am Zay Holiday. In this reflection video, I’ll focus on my capstone project experience and my journey throughout the RN-to-BSN program, focusing on managing type 2 diabetes. I specifically consider the interventions implemented for my grandmother, Elizabeth, who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It is a chronic illness that elevates blood sugar levels and causes various health complications and is characterized by insulin resistance and decreased insulin secretion (Olesen et al., 2020). Through the comprehensive examination of my interventions, interactions, and personal growth, I will assess the impact of my project on Elizabeth’s satisfaction, as well as the utilization of evidence-based practice, healthcare technology, and health policy. Additionally, I will evaluate the alignment of project outcomes with initial predictions, discuss the potential for intervention generalizability, and provide insights into my professional development and adherence to ethical standards.

Contribution of Intervention on Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Life

Interventions aimed to provide an instructional brochure to my 70-year-old grandmother Elizabeth, who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The objective was to empower her with comprehensive information on managing her condition, including dietary guidelines, exercise routines, and insulin administration. The goal was to enhance understanding of her condition, thus improving her ability to manage it effectively and her overall life quality.

Feedback from the Patient

Upon presenting the interventions, I received detailed feedback from Elizabeth. She expressed gratitude for the brochure, stating that it was instrumental in simplifying complex medical information into easy-to-understand language. She particularly appreciated the visual aids and step-by-step instructions for insulin administration, which reduced her anxiety about managing her condition. Elizabeth said that she found it easy to choose healthier foods because of the clear dietary guidelines and helpful advice. Furthermore, the interventions improved her comprehension of diabetes-related terms and concepts, so she felt more comfortable talking to her healthcare providers about her condition. I, as Elizabeth’s grandchild, found the dietary guidelines particularly useful when preparing meals, ensuring that her diet was balanced and conducive to managing her blood sugar levels. According to a study by Olesen et al. (2020), tailored educational materials are essential for empowering individuals with diabetes to make knowledgeable decisions regarding their lifestyle and health.

Enhancement of the Patient Experience

For Elizabeth, the educational brochure empowered her with knowledge and confidence. Understanding her condition and how to manage it effectively alleviated much of the fear and uncertainty she initially felt. Empowerment translated into better adherence to treatment plans, including regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, consistent medication use, and a more disciplined approach to diet and exercise (Yasmin et al., 2020). This unified approach reduced the potential for conflicting advice and support, thereby creating a more stable and supportive environment for her. Additionally, the brochure’s inclusion of community resources and support groups provided Elizabeth with a sense of not being alone in her journey. Knowing there were local groups and resources available to her offered emotional support and practical advice from others experiencing similar challenges.

Evidence and Literature Review to Plan and Implement Capstone Project

One key use of evidence from peer-reviewed literature was in designing the content of the educational interventions. Extensive research into reputable sources such as peer-reviewed journals, clinical guidelines, and evidence-based practice databases informed the development of the brochure’s content. This involved synthesizing current knowledge on type 2 diabetes management, including dietary recommendations, exercise guidelines, insulin administration techniques, and community resources. In addition, the incorporation of evidence-based practices into teaching materials is consistent with the patient-centered care principles (Shawahna et al., 2021). By drawing on the latest evidence, the content of the brochure was tailored to reflect best practices in diabetes care, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in meeting the needs of the target audience.

The principles of evidence-based practice guided decision-making throughout the project’s planning and implementation phases. This included critically appraising the quality of evidence, considering the applicability of research findings to Elizabeth’s diagnosis and preferences, and integrating patient values and preferences into the intervention design. For example, evidence-based guidelines on dietary management in type 2 diabetes were carefully reviewed and translated into practical recommendations that aligned with dietary preferences, cultural background, and lifestyle factors (Olesen et al., 2020). Similarly, evidence-based strategies for promoting medication adherence and lifestyle modifications were incorporated into the intervention plan, ensuring that the project’s approach was both evidence-based and person-centered. Extensive literature has underscored the significance of customized care plans in the management of chronic illnesses, emphasizing the requirement for tailored food and exercise regimens (Williams et al., 2022). Additionally, a study by Eroglu & Sabuncu, (2021) highlighted how patient education might improve overall health outcomes by strengthening self-management skills.

Health Care Technology to Improve Health Outcomes or Communication

The incorporation of applications for smartphones such as MySugr and Glucose Buddy allowed Elizabeth to actively participate in her self-care by recording blood glucose levels, tracking dietary intake, and receiving medication reminders. This utilization of digital tools empowered her to take control of her health and facilitated real-time communication between Elizabeth and her healthcare providers. Digital health tools can greatly improve communication and self-management in the treatment of chronic illnesses (Fan & Zhao, 2021). Through these apps, I could share Elizabeth’s health data with her healthcare team, enabling timely adjustments to her treatment plan and fostering a collaborative approach to diabetes management.

Opportunities for Future Practice

While the capstone project successfully utilized existing healthcare technology, there are opportunities for further enhancement in future practice. Integrating telehealth platforms for remote consultations and follow-ups could provide patients with more accessible healthcare services, allowing them to engage with healthcare teams (Sharma et al., 2022). Moreover, integrating continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) with wearable technology could offer real-time health data and enable personalized therapies based on the needs and preferences of each individual (Reddy & Oliver, 2024).

Insight into Prospective Improvements

Developing interoperable electronic health record (EHR) systems that seamlessly integrate with patient-facing apps and wearable devices could streamline data sharing and enhance care coordination (Sharma et al., 2022). Moreover, incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms into diabetes management platforms could analyze patient data to provide personalized treatment recommendations and predictive insights (Ahmed et al., 2020).

Health Policies Influence Planning and Implementation of Capstone Project

Firstly, I ensured that my project aligned with existing health policies related to chronic disease management, particularly those concerning diabetes care guidelines and quality improvement initiatives as outlined by the American Nurses Association (ANA). By adhering to established protocols and standards advocated by the ANA, I could ensure that my intervention met regulatory requirements and promoted evidence-based practice in diabetes management. This alignment with ANA guidelines not only ensured the ethical and professional integrity of my intervention but also underscored the importance of nursing leadership in driving policy-informed healthcare initiatives.

Access to Healthcare Services

For individuals with chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes, ensuring fair access to healthcare services is crucial to enhancing health outcomes and minimizing inequities (Agarwal et al., 2022). Recognizing the significance of policy initiatives aimed at reducing healthcare disparities, I incorporated strategies in my project to address barriers to access, including leveraging telehealth platforms for remote consultations and utilizing community resources for support services. These initiatives were aligned with broader healthcare policies focused on improving patient access to care, particularly for underserved populations.

Contributions to Policy Development

In addition to being influenced by existing health policies, my capstone project contributed to policy development by highlighting the role of baccalaureate-prepared nurses in promoting patient-centered care and using technology to improve the provision of healthcare. Through my project, I emphasized the importance of patient-centered care in diabetes management, advocating for policies that prioritize patient preferences, values, and autonomy.

Promoting Technology Integration

My project underscored the significance of integrating health information technology into clinical practice to improve patient outcomes and communication. By demonstrating the efficacy of utilizing smartphone applications and telehealth platforms in diabetes management, I provided evidence to support the integration of these technologies into healthcare policies and reimbursement models. The advocacy for technology integration aligns with broader policy objectives aimed at advancing digital health initiatives and promoting innovation in healthcare delivery (Sharma et al., 2022).

Role of the Baccalaureate-Prepared Nurse

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, I actively bridged the gap between practice and policy by converting policy goals into actionable solutions that directly influenced patient care. To enhance patient outcomes and diabetes control, I made sure that my project strategy and interventions were in line with these policy objectives. By staying informed about current health policies and regulatory requirements, I ensured that my capstone project was not only evidence-based but also aligned with broader healthcare goals and objectives. Additionally, I actively engaged in policy advocacy efforts, advocating for policies that prioritize patient-centered care, healthcare accessibility, and technological innovation in diabetes management.

Capstone Project Outcomes Matched with Initial Predictions

Considering my capstone project’s outcomes, I find that they largely aligned with my initial predictions, although with some notable variations. The aspects of the project that met my expectations included the effectiveness of educational interventions in improving patient understanding of type 2 diabetes management. My initial prediction was providing comprehensive educational materials, such as brochures and digital resources, would enable patients to participate more actively in their treatment. Indeed, feedback from Elizabeth and other participants indicated a significant improvement in their knowledge and confidence in managing their condition, which was in line with my expectations. The success of integrating healthcare technology in improving patient outcomes and engagement underscores the growing importance of digital health solutions in chronic disease management (Fan & Zhao, 2021)

Potential for Best Practice Adoption

Despite these obstacles, I think my approach has a chance to become a standard procedure for managing diabetes. The positive feedback from participants, coupled with the demonstrated efficacy of educational interventions and healthcare technology integration, suggests that the intervention can serve as a model for enhancing patient-centered care and improving outcomes in similar healthcare settings. By emphasizing patient education, technology integration, and interdisciplinary collaboration, my intervention aligns with best practice standards in chronic disease management and has the potential to inform future policy development and clinical guidelines.

Generalizability of the Intervention

Regarding the generalizability of the intervention, while it may require modifications to suit varying patient populations and healthcare contexts, the underlying principles and strategies can be applied across diverse settings. The emphasis on patient education, empowerment, and technology-enabled communication transcends specific demographics or geographic locations, making the intervention adaptable to different healthcare systems and cultural contexts (Coman et al., 2024). However, ensuring the successful implementation of the intervention in other settings may require comprehensive needs assessments, stakeholder engagement, and ongoing evaluation.

Personal and Professional Growth

As I navigated the complexities of managing type 2 diabetes and developing interventions to support patients like my grandmother, I honed my ability to prioritize patient autonomy, dignity, and well-being. Upholding ethical principles, such as respect for patient preferences and confidentiality, became foundational aspects of my practice, guiding my interactions with patients and informing my decision-making processes.

Moreover, my commitment to maintaining professional standards has deepened throughout the program. Through coursework, practicum experiences, and collaborative projects, I have cultivated essential skills in communication, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Competencies are important to effectively lead healthcare initiatives, advocate for patients’ needs, and navigate complex ethical dilemmas in clinical practice (Kemp et al., 2021). By adhering to professional codes of conduct and ethical guidelines, I have strived to ensure the highest quality of care and promote positive health outcomes for individuals and communities.

In terms of specific growth areas of which I am most proud, one notable area is my development as a patient advocate and educator. Witnessing the positive impact of educational interventions on patient understanding and self-management skills has been incredibly rewarding and reaffirmed my passion for patient-centered care. Additionally, I have gained confidence in leveraging healthcare technology to enhance communication and engagement, further expanding my capacity to deliver comprehensive, patient-centric care in an increasingly digital healthcare landscape.


By leveraging evidence-based practices, healthcare technology, and health policy, I successfully implemented interventions that significantly improved Elizabeth’s understanding and management of her condition. Now, I have a better understanding of evidence-based practice, the use of medical technology, and how health policy affects patient care. I’ve also identified areas for improvement on both a personal and professional level, such as my ability to provide moral care and uphold professional standards. Better patient outcomes can result from reflective practice, which can also increase clinical skills and professional development (Ofosu et al., 2023). The reflection video gave me a forum to record and share these discoveries, emphasizing the results of my interventions and their potential for wider implementation in various healthcare contexts. Going ahead, I’m committed to advancing patient welfare and positively influencing healthcare practice and policy with the knowledge and skills I’ve received from this project.


Agarwal, S., Simmonds, I., & Myers, A. K. (2022). The use of diabetes technology to address inequity in health outcomes: Limitations and opportunities. Current Diabetes Reports, 22(7), 275–281.

Ahmed, Z., Mohamed, K., Zeeshan, S., & Dong, X. (2020). Artificial intelligence with multi-functional machine learning platform development for better healthcare and precision medicine. Database, 2020.

Coman, L. I., Ianculescu, M., Paraschiv, E. A., Alexandru, A., & Bădărău, I. A. (2024). Smart solutions for diet-related disease management: Connected care, remote health monitoring systems, and integrated insights for advanced evaluation. Applied Sciences, 14(6), 2351.

Eroglu, N., & Sabuncu, N. (2021). The effect of education given to type 2 diabetic individuals on diabetes self-management and self-efficacy: Randomized controlled trial. Primary Care Diabetes, 15(3).

Fan, K., & Zhao, Y. (2021). Mobile health technology: A novel tool in chronic disease management. Intelligent Medicine, 2(1).

Kemp, T., Butler, K., Allen, P., & Ayton, J. (2021). The impact of health information management professionals on patient safety: A systematic review. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 38(4).

Ofosu, N. N., Luig, T., Mumtaz, N., Chiu, Y., Lee, K. K., Yeung, R. O., & Campbell, D. L. (2023). Health care providers’ perspectives on challenges and opportunities of intercultural health care in diabetes and obesity management: A qualitative study. CMAJ Open, 11(4), E765–E773.

Olesen, K., Folman, N., Drejer, S., Baumgarten, S. V., & Stenov, V. (2020). Impact of patient‐centred diabetes self‐management education targeting people with type 2 diabetes: An integrative review. Diabetic Medicine, 37(6), 909–923.

Reddy, M., & Oliver, N. (2024). The role of real‐time continuous glucose monitoring in diabetes management and how it should link to integrated personalized diabetes management. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 26(S1), 46–56.

Sharma, V., Feldman, M., & Sharma, R. (2022). Telehealth technologies in diabetes self-management and education. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 18(1), 193229682210930.

Shawahna, R., Batta, A., Asa’ad, M., Jomaah, M., & Abdelhaq, I. (2021). Exercise as a complementary medicine intervention in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review with narrative and qualitative synthesis of evidence. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 15(1), 273–286.

Williams, D. M., Jones, H., & Stephens, J. W. (2022). Personalized type 2 diabetes management: An update on recent advances and recommendations. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, Volume 15(1), 281–295.

Yasmin, F., Ali, L., Banu, B., Rasul, F. B., Sauerborn, R., & Souares, A. (2020). Understanding patients’ experience living with diabetes type 2 and effective disease management: A qualitative study following a mobile health intervention in Bangladesh. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1).

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