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NURS FPX 6210 Assessment 2 Strategic Planning

Assessment 02:  Strategic Planning


Capella University


Prof. Name

April 30, 2024

Strategic Planning

City Hospital needs a comprehensive strategic plan for the next five to ten years to reduce hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and improve patient safety and care quality. This will involve refining existing infection control protocols and implementing evidence-based interventions while promoting collaboration among hospital staff, patients, and external stakeholders. SWOT Analysis will guide the hospital in mitigating infection risks and sustaining high-quality care delivery, ensuring patient health and community safety (Ottonello et al., 2023). All stakeholders must commit to prioritizing, investing in, and implementing strategies prioritizing healthcare quality and safety, supported by evidence and proactive measures.

Strategic Goals & Outcomes for Improvements

To effectively tackle the challenge of hospital-acquired infections, City Hospital’s strategic plan includes clearly defined goals aimed at enhancing infection control and improving overall patient safety. One primary goal is to reduce the rate of HAIs by at least 50% within the next five years. This will be achieved through the adoption of advanced sterilization technologies, rigorous staff training programs, and stricter adherence to hygiene protocols. The hospital plans to implement regular health audits and feedback sessions to ensure continuous improvement and accountability. Another significant goal is to cultivate a culture of safety and awareness among all hospital personnel, which is crucial for the long-term sustainability of these improvements (Tangatarova & Gao, 2021).

The anticipated outcomes of these strategic goals are multifaceted. Firstly, a substantial reduction in HAIs will directly lead to improved patient health outcomes and reduced mortality rates associated with these infections. This improvement will also enhance the hospital’s reputation, potentially increasing patient trust and attracting more healthcare seekers. Secondly, by strengthening infection control practices and fostering a culture of safety, City Hospital expects to see a decrease in healthcare costs related to the treatment of HAIs. These cost savings could then be redirected towards further improvements in hospital facilities and services, thereby creating a virtuous cycle of healthcare quality enhancement and financial stability.

Potential Barriers

Despite the comprehensive strategic goals set by City Hospital to combat hospital-acquired infections, several potential barriers could impede progress. Resistance to change among staff, particularly in adapting to new protocols and technologies, poses a significant challenge. Financial constraints may also limit the hospital’s ability to invest in the latest infection control technologies and staff training programs (Farrington et al., 2023). Inconsistent compliance with infection control measures across different departments could undermine the effectiveness of the overall strategy. Addressing these barriers will require strong leadership, effective communication, and ongoing support to ensure that all hospital personnel are aligned with the new initiatives and committed to their successful implementation.

Relevance of Strategic Goals & Outcomes of the Values

The strategic goals and outcomes outlined in City Hospital’s plan to reduce hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are deeply aligned with the core values of patient safety, quality care, and continuous improvement. By setting clear targets for reducing HAIs, the hospital directly upholds its commitment to patient safety, ensuring that every patient receives care in the safest possible environment. This commitment not only protects patients but also supports healthcare workers by establishing safer workplace conditions.

The pursuit of these goals fosters a culture of excellence and accountability, critical components of quality care. The hospital continually seeks to enhance the standard of care provided by implementing advanced infection control measures and rigorous staff training. The outcomes of these efforts, such as reduced infection rates and decreased healthcare costs, reflect a tangible improvement in operational efficiency and patient satisfaction (Merriel et al., 2022). These improvements resonate with the hospital’s overarching values of providing high-quality healthcare and promoting well-being within the community it serves, thereby reinforcing the relevance of its strategic objectives to its foundational principles.

The Extent to which Strategic Goals and Outcomes Address

The strategic goals and outcomes defined by City Hospital comprehensively address the critical issue of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) by targeting both the root causes and the broader impacts of these infections. The goal to reduce HAIs by a significant percentage is direct and measurable, focusing on the immediate need to enhance patient safety and minimize risks associated with in-hospital care. This direct approach not only addresses the immediate health risks to patients but also the consequential burdens on the healthcare system, such as extended hospital stays and increased treatment costs.

The strategic outcomes anticipated from achieving these goals—the improved health of patients, reduction in treatment costs, and enhanced hospital reputation—extend the impact of the initial goals. By improving infection control practices, the hospital not only aims to reduce the incidence of HAIs but also to elevate overall healthcare quality and efficiency (Togioka et al., 2022). These outcomes demonstrate a proactive approach to healthcare management, aligning with broader health system objectives like cost efficiency, patient satisfaction, and quality assurance. Ultimately, the strategic goals and outcomes not only address the specific issue of HAIs but also contribute to the hospital’s resilience and sustainability by fostering a safer, more efficient, and patient-centered healthcare environment.

Relevance of Leadership & Healthcare Theories

Leadership plays a pivotal role in the effective implementation of healthcare strategies, particularly in initiatives like reducing hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Effective leadership in healthcare settings involves setting clear visions, motivating staff, and fostering a culture of safety and quality. Leaders at City Hospital must embody these qualities to drive the change necessary for the successful execution of the strategic plan (Armstrong et al., 2020). This involves not only directing the adoption of new protocols and technologies but also managing the human elements of change, such as staff resistance and motivation. Strong leadership ensures that the goals are communicated clearly, the staff is engaged, and the organizational culture supports the changes.

Healthcare theories, such as the Transformational Leadership theory and the Systems Theory, also have significant relevance in this context. Transformational Leadership, which encourages leaders to inspire and motivate employees to change expectations, perceptions, and motivations to work towards common goals, is crucial in persuading healthcare staff to adopt new standards and practices (Arundell et al., (2021). Systems Theory, which views the hospital as an interconnected set of elements that need to function cohesively to be effective, helps in understanding how changes in one area, like infection control, can have widespread effects on the entire organization. These theories provide a framework for understanding the complex dynamics of healthcare settings and guide leaders in implementing systemic changes that are sustainable and effective in improving patient outcomes.

Leadership Qualities and Skills

Effective leadership in healthcare requires a distinctive set of qualities and skills to navigate complex challenges, such as reducing hospital-acquired infections. Leaders must possess visionary thinking to set and communicate clear, motivating goals. Strong communication skills are essential to align and mobilize diverse teams and stakeholders. Empathy and emotional intelligence enable leaders to understand and address the concerns of staff and patients, fostering a supportive environment. Decisiveness and problem-solving skills are crucial for making timely decisions and implementing effective solutions (Stadler, 2021). Additionally, leaders must demonstrate adaptability and resilience to respond to the ever-changing healthcare landscape. Above all, integrity and ethical behavior are foundational, as they build trust and ensure that all actions align with the highest standards of healthcare practice.

NURS FPX 6210 Assessment 2 Strategic Planning Conclusion :

In conclusion, City Hospital’s strategic plan to combat hospital-acquired infections is a comprehensive approach that not only targets immediate health risks but also aims to elevate the overall quality and efficiency of healthcare. Through well-defined strategic goals and outcomes, the plan addresses the pressing issue of HAIs effectively, ensuring patient safety and improving healthcare outcomes (AlKhamaiseh et al., 2020). The success of this initiative hinges on strong leadership and the application of relevant healthcare theories, which facilitate a culture of safety and continuous improvement. By embodying essential leadership qualities and fostering a collaborative environment, City Hospital can achieve its objectives, enhance its reputation, and provide higher quality care, thus fulfilling its commitment to the health and well-being of its patients and the broader community.

NURS FPX 6210 Assessment 2 Strategic Planning References :

AlKhamaiseh, Z., Abdul, Afthanorhan, A., & Alqahtani, A. H. (2020). Exploring and developing items measuring situational leadership II (SLII). Development, 3, D4. 

Armstrong, A. J., Holmes, C. M., & Henning, D. (2020). A changing world, again. How Appreciative Inquiry can guide our growth. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2(1), 100038.

Arundell, F., Sheehan, A., & Peters, K. (2021). Developing and conducting appreciative inquiry interviews. Nurse Researcher, 29(4), 36–43.

Farrington, N., Dantanus, K., Richardson, A., & Bridges, J. (2023). Understanding the cultural environment of the outpatient care setting for patients with dementia receiving cancer treatment: A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 26(1), 98–107.

Merriel, A., Wilson, A., Decker, E., Hussein, J., Larkin, M., Barnard, K., O’Dair, M., Costello, A., Malata, A., & Coomarasamy, A. (2022). Systematic review and narrative synthesis of the impact of Appreciative Inquiry in healthcare. BMJ Open Quality, 11(2), e001911.

Ottonello, G., Napolitano, F., Musio Maria, E., Catania, G., Zanini, M., Aleo, G., Timmins, F., Sasso, L., & Bagnasco, A. (2023). Fundamental care: An evolutionary concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 79(6), 2070–2080.

Stadler, A. (2021). The health insurance portability and accountability act and its impact on privacy and confidentiality in healthcare. Senior Honors Theses. 1084. Liberty University. 

Rowe, A., & Knox, M. (2023). The impact of the healthcare environment on patient experience in the emergency department: A systematic review to understand the implications for Patient-Centered Design. HERD, 16(2), 310–329.

Tangatarova, S., & Gao, Y. (2021). Transformational leadership and patient safety in hospital. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 10(2), 106–122. 

Togioka, B. M., Duvivier, D., & Young, E. (2022). Diversity and discrimination in healthcare. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. 

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