PSYC 1000 Assessment 2 Human Development-Application of Theory

Assessment 2: Human Development-Application of Theory


Capella University

FPX 1000: Introduction to Psychology

Professor’s Name

March 2024

Human Development


Name the person in the case study and describe in your own words their current situation. Explain the stage of life the person is in according to the theories you selected.

Current Situation:Emilio, an 18-year-old high school senior, is grappling with feelings of doubt as he nears the end of his high school journey, experiencing irritability, tension within his family, and distress over a recent breakup in his romantic relationship. He is also questioning his career path and feeling pressure regarding college. He exhibits signs of frustration and impulsivity, such as punching a doorframe out of frustration.
Stage of Life:Late Adolescence


Selected Theories:Attachment Theory (Diamond et al., 2021), Identity Crisis Theory (Carducci, 2020)
Stage Details:Attachment theory focuses on the early emotional bonds formed between infants and caregivers, which influence later relationships and emotional regulation. Identity Crisis Theory, proposed by Erik Erikson, centers on the struggle to establish a sense of self and purpose, particularly during adolescence.
How theory helps the understanding of development:Attachment theory helps us understand Emilio’s struggles with relationships and emotional regulation, as his recent breakup may have disrupted his attachment patterns and contributed to his of irritability and impulsivity (Parent & Shapka, 2020). Identity Crisis Theory sheds light on Emilio’s uncertainty about his future career and college decisions, highlighting the typical challenges faced during the adolescent stage of identity formation. These theories provide frameworks for understanding Emilio’s behavior and emotions within the context of his developmental stage, guiding interventions to support his growth and well-being (Marks et al., 2020).


What the professional information or research says:According to attachment theory, early relationships with caregivers significantly influence emotional regulation and the development of interpersonal relationships throughout life. Additionally, research suggests that individuals experiencing significant life changes, such as transitioning to college, may experience heightened stress and emotional dysregulation, particularly if they lack secure attachment bonds (Brandão et al., 2020). Identity development during adolescence involves exploration of various roles and values, which can lead to feelings of uncertainty and confusion, known as an identity crisis. Studies indicate that individuals experiencing identity crises may exhibit symptoms of irritability, indecision, and impulsivity (Ojokoh et al., 2021). Additionally, research on emotional regulation suggests that disruptions in attachment relationships can contribute to difficulties in managing emotions, leading to increased irritability and impulsivity.
How this information relates to the case:Emilio’s recent breakup and impending transition to college represent significant life changes that may trigger emotional dysregulation and exacerbate his existing developmental challenges. His irritability, indecision regarding his future career path, and the impulse to stay in the area rather than attend college align with theories of attachment and identity development. Understanding these theories can help professionals interpret Emilio’s behaviors and emotions within the context of his developmental stage, guiding interventions to support his adjustment and well-being.

HYPO PSYC 1000 Assessment 2 Human Development-Application of Theory References

Reference 1Brandão, T., Matias, M., Ferreira, T., Vieira, J., Schulz, M. S., & Matos, P. M. (2019). Attachment, emotion regulation, and well‐being in couples: Intrapersonal and interpersonal associations. Journal of Personality, 88(4).
Reference 2Carducci, B. J. (2020). Erik H. Erikson. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, 45–49.
Reference 3Diamond, G., Diamond, G. M., & Levy, S. (2021). Attachment-based family therapy: Theory, clinical model, outcomes, and process research. Journal of Affective Disorders, 294, 286–295.
Reference 4Marks, A. K., Calzada, E., Kiang, L., Pabón Gautier, M. C., Martinez-Fuentes, S., Tuitt, N. R., Ejesi, K., Rogers, L. O., Williams, C. D., & Umaña-Taylor, A. (2020). Applying the lifespan model of ethnic-racial identity: Exploring affect, behavior, and cognition to promote well-being. Research in Human Development, 17(2-3), 154–176.
Reference 5Ojokoh, B. A., Olaku, O. A., Sarumi, O. A., & Olotu, S. I. (2021). Predictive analytics for economic crisis triggered depression risk level identification among some adults in Nigeria. Scientific African, 14, e01056.
Reference 6Parent, N., & Shapka, J. (2019). Moving beyond addiction: An attachment theory framework for understanding young adults’ relationships with their smartphones. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2(2).

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