PSYC 1000 Assessment 3 Applied Research in Psychology

Assessment 3: Applied Research in Psychology


Capella University

FPX 1000: Introduction to Psychology

Professor’s Name

March 2024

Applied Research in Psychology

Redesigning office spaces to boost employee productivity is vital for modern workplaces. By applying psychological theories like Attention Restoration Theory (ART) (Egner et al., 2020) and Social Identity Theory (SIT) (Harwood, 2020), we can understand how factors such as incorporating nature elements or creating communal areas can positively influence employees’ focus, motivation, and sense of belonging. Research shows that these design considerations can enhance cognitive functioning and overall well-being, resulting in an environment at work that is both more effective and fulfilling.


When considering the scenario of revamping office layouts to boost employee efficiency, one fundamental psychological theory that can be utilized is the Attention Restoration Theory (ART). This theory suggests that being surrounded by natural elements in the environment can help restore cognitive function and decrease mental tiredness, leading to increased attention span and productivity (Vella & Gilowska, 2022). By incorporating elements such as natural lighting, indoor plants, or views of greenery into office décor, organizations can potentially create a work environment that supports employees’ cognitive functioning and enhances their overall well-being.

The identified problem in the selected scenario revolves around examining the psychological effects of different decorating options on employees to increase productivity. Specifically, the focus is on understanding how factors such as color and the utilization of space can impact individuals psychologically within the workplace setting (Han et al., 2022). This problem is inherently connected to research exploring the relationship between environmental factors and productivity in organizational contexts. By summarizing existing research findings, it becomes evident that the design of the physical workspace significantly influences employee behavior, motivation, and performance. Therefore, addressing this problem requires a thorough understanding of psychological theories and empirical evidence to inform effective design solutions aimed at optimizing employee productivity and satisfaction.

Proposed Solution for Redesigning Office Spaces

Drawing upon findings from scholarly research, a proposed solution to enhance employee productivity through office redesign involves integrating elements aligned with Attention Restoration Theory (ART) and Social Identity Theory (SIT). Research indicates that incorporating natural elements like plants or natural lighting can promote cognitive restoration and reduce mental fatigue, thereby improving attentional capacity and productivity (Sadick & Kamardeen, 2020). Additionally, creating spaces that foster a sense of community and belonging, as suggested by Social Identity Theory, can enhance employees’ motivation and engagement. Therefore, the proposed solution entails designing office spaces that prioritize both cognitive restoration and social connection.

To implement this solution, the office redesign could involve several key elements. Firstly, incorporating biophilic design principles, such as adding indoor plants, providing access to natural light, and incorporating natural materials, can create a more visually appealing and psychologically supportive environment. These elements align with the principles of Attention Restoration Theory, offering employees opportunities for mental refreshment and improved focus. Secondly, creating communal spaces within the office, such as breakout areas or collaborative work zones, can foster a sense of belonging and encourage social interaction among employees (Aufegger et al., 2022). By promoting social identity and community within the workspace, employees may feel more invested in their work and motivated to collaborate effectively. Overall, by integrating these design features informed by psychological theories and research, the proposed solution aims to optimize employee well-being and productivity in redesigned office spaces.

Applying Theory to the Solution

In the context of redesigning office spaces to enhance productivity, the theories of Attention Restoration Theory (ART) and Social Identity Theory (SIT) offer valuable insights into how psychological principles can inform the proposed solution. Attention Restoration Theory proposes that being in contact with elements of nature, like integrating plants or utilizing natural sunlight, can replenish cognitive resources and reduce mental fatigue, ultimately improving attentional capacity and productivity (Yin et al., 2020). By integrating these natural elements into the office environment, employees are provided with opportunities for mental refreshment, which can contribute to increased focus and efficiency in their tasks. Additionally, Social Identity The theory underscores the significance of fostering a feeling of community and belonging among employees in the workplace. Through the design of communal spaces or collaborative work areas, employees can feel a stronger connection to their colleagues and the organization, fostering motivation and engagement.

The application of these theories to the proposed solution shapes the redesign of office spaces in a way that prioritizes both cognitive restoration and social connection. By incorporating elements aligned with Attention Restoration Theory, such as natural elements and open spaces, the proposed solution aims to create an environment conducive to mental rejuvenation and improved attentional focus among employees. Simultaneously, the integration of features informed by Social Identity Theory, such as communal areas and shared workspaces, seeks to foster a sense of belonging and cohesion within the workforce, thereby enhancing motivation and collaboration (Donnelly et al., 2022). Overall, the application of these theories to the solution provides a comprehensive approach to redesigning office spaces that not only addresses the psychological needs of employees but also promotes increased productivity and well-being in the workplace.

Impact on Mental Health and Well-Being

The proposed solution of redesigning office spaces with attention to color and spatial utilization can have a significant impact on employees’ mental health and well-being. For instance, research suggests that incorporating elements of nature, such as greenery or natural lighting, into the office environment can promote relaxation, reduce stress levels, and enhance mood, consequently contributing to improved mental health among employees (Yin et al., 2020). Moreover, creating communal areas and collaborative workspaces fosters a sense of belonging and social connection, which are vital for psychological well-being. These design interventions, informed by theories like Attention Restoration Theory and Social Identity Theory, aim to create a supportive and positive work environment that not only enhances productivity.

HYPO PSYC 1000 Assessment 3 Applied Research in Psychology Conclusion 

In conclusion, the redesigning of office spaces to enhance productivity through attention to color and spatial utilization is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of psychological theories and empirical research. By applying theories such as Attention Restoration Theory and Social Identity Theory, organizations can develop solutions that not only optimize workspace design for improved cognitive functioning and social connectedness. Incorporating elements of nature, creating communal areas, and fostering a sense of belonging within the workplace environment are key strategies supported by research to promote productivity and employee satisfaction. Moving forward, continued interdisciplinary collaboration between psychologists, designers, and organizational leaders will be essential in implementing evidence-based approaches to office redesign that facilitate both productivity and psychological well-being in the workforce.

HYPO PSYC 1000 Assessment 3 Applied Research in Psychology References

Aufegger, L., Deflo, N., & Nichols, T. (2022). Workspace and Productivity: Guidelines for virtual reality workplace design and optimization. Applied Sciences, 12(15), 7393.

Donnelly, T. P., Ferguson, J., Collett, C., Garrett, V., & Neltner, T. (2022). Communities of work: Creating place in the workplace. Corporate Real Estate Journal, 12(1), 76–94.

Egner, L. E., Sütterlin, S., & Calogiuri, G. (2020). Proposing a framework for the restorative effects of nature through conditioning: Conditioned restoration theory. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6792.

Han, S., Song, D., Xu, L., Ye, Y., Yan, S., Shi, F., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., & Du, H. (2022). Behavior in public open spaces: A systematic review of studies with quantitative research methods. Building and Environment, 223, 109444.

Harwood, J. (2020). Social Identity Theory. The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology, 1(1), 1–7. Wiley.

Sadick, A. M., & Kamardeen, I. (2020). Enhancing employees’ performance and well-being with nature exposure embedded office workplace design. Journal of Building Engineering, 32, 101789.

Vella, D. A., & Gilowska, K. (2022). Effects of nature (Greenspace) on cognitive functioning in school children and adolescents. Educational Psychology Review, 34(3).

Yin, J., Yuan, J., Arfaei, N., Catalano, P. J., Allen, J. G., & Spengler, J. D. (2020). Effects of biophilic indoor environment on stress and anxiety recovery: A between-subjects experiment in virtual reality. Environment International, 136(0160-4120), 105427.

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