PSYC 2300 Assessment 2 What’s Wrong, A Short Assessment

Assessment 2: What’s Wrong, A Short Assessment


Capella University

PSYC 2300 

March 2024

What’s Wrong, A Short Assessment

Assessment Case Studies

Directions: Choose one of the individuals described in the case studies in Chapter 6 of your textbook: Ann (page 61), Daniel (page 65), Sam (page 67), or Dean (page 72). Based on the information in the textbook, complete the following form.

Client Name: Ann                                                             Assessment Date: 22nd, March 2024

 Substance Use History

DrugFirst Use:Yes or NoPattern of use over time?Frequency of use in past month?Date/amount of most recent use?
AlcoholnoInitially an occasional drinker, Ann transitioned into becoming a frequent consumer of alcohol as time progressed.Up to six days per week. Two days before

Sociocultural Factors

Educational levelThe specific level of education is not mentioned.
Employment statusAnn holds employment but has been absent from work lately because of an uptick in her drinking habits.
Current living situationAnn resides in a two-bedroom apartment with her spouse, two kids, and one of her parents.
Current or past legal problemsThere are no existing legal problems either in the past or at present.
Describe family history of substance useThere is no history of substance use within the family.
Describe client’s social support systemNorris, who is Ann’s spouse, is deeply concerned about her well-being and is supportive of her. Both Ann and Norris acknowledge the issue and are committed to seeking professional medical assistance and therapy.

Diagnostic Criteria Checklist

Was the substance taken in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended?YES Were important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced because of substance use?YES 
Is there a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance us?YES Has the substance been used recurrently in physically hazardous situations?YES 
Was a great deal of time spent in activities necessary to obtain or use the substance, or recover from the substance?YES Has use continued despite knowing of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is caused or exacerbated by substance use?YES 
Have they continued to use the substance despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the substance use?YES Has recurrent use of the substance resulted in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home?YES 
Is tolerance present?YES Is withdrawal present? NO
Is there a craving or strong desire or urge to use the substance?YES    
DSM-5 Diagnosis:AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder)DSM-5 Diagnostic Code:303.90F10.20

Basis of Diagnosis (A 2–4 sentence explanation of why you chose this diagnosis.)

In Ann’s case, numerous observations were noted, indicating a severe condition with six or more symptoms. These include:

  • Exceeding intended usage
  • Persisting in use despite adverse consequences
  • Discontinuing activities due to substance consumption
  • Inability to meet significant responsibilities
  • Engaging in risky situations while using
  • Continued substance use despite interpersonal and social difficulties.

Applicable Addictions Perspective (A 2–4 sentence description of a theoretical perspective that would explain this client’s substance use history.)

 The life circumstances of Ann significantly contributed to her alcohol consumption patterns. As a working mother of two toddlers under three years old, she experienced high levels of stress and felt overwhelmed (Tucker, 2020). Using alcohol as a means to cope with stress and anxiety, Ann’s drinking gradually escalated, leading to dependency. This behavior aligns with findings by (Strathearn et al., 2020), which suggest that substance use is often linked to factors such as stress, environment, or personal circumstances.

Ethical Considerations (Based on NAADAC code of ethics, describe how will you store and protect assessment information. Cite the NAADAC code of ethics.)

Ethical considerations hold paramount importance in healthcare, especially in safeguarding patient confidentiality. As a nurse, it is my responsibility to ensure Ann’s personal and medical details remain confidential and secure. Adhering to the NAADAC code of ethics, I will assist Ann with her diagnosis and any necessary treatment options (NAADAC, 2021). In order to uphold ethical standards, several measures can be implemented:

  • Storing all patient information in a password-protected system
  • Limiting access to patient records to a select few healthcare professionals
  • Iimplementing heightened security measures on the facility’s wireless network to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

PSYC 2300 Assessment 2 What’s Wrong, A Short Assessment Reference

NAADAC, the Association for addiction professionals (2021). NAADAC/NCC AP code of ethics. Alexandria, VA: NAADAC. Retrieved from: 

Strathearn, L., Giannotti, M., Mills, R., Kisely, S., Najman, J., & Abajobir, A. (2020). Long-term cognitive, psychological, and health outcomes associated with child abuse and neglect. Pediatrics, 146(4).

Tucker, J. (2020). Epidemiology of recovery from alcohol use disorder. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 40(3).

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