PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 1 Time Management Exercise

Assessment 1: Time Management Exercise


Capella University

PSYC-FPX3002: Developing a Psychology Perspective

Instructor Name

July 2024

Time Management Exercise

Please fill out a schedule that includes time for both school and your personal responsibilities. Include all the activities that are a part of your life. Below are ideas to get you started. You may break up times as you see fit. Work.

  • Family.
  • Chores/Errands.
  • Volunteer work.
  • Exercise.
  • Hobbies/Games/TV.
  • Social Media/Friends.
  • Sleep.
  • Eating/food prep.
  • Commute.
  • Reading for school.
  • Main discussion.
  • Responses to discussion.
  • Assessment prep/research.
  • Writing assessment time.

Save this completed worksheet as a Word document (.doc or .docx) on your computer. Then, attach a copy of this document as your submission for your assessment.  

Your Schedule

10 p.m.–6 a.m.Getting a full night of sleep to recharge for the next day.Resting to ensure I have enough energy for the day ahead.Sleeping to restore my energy and maintain good health.Sleeping to feel refreshed and ready for the day.Sleeping to ensure I start the day fully rested.Getting a full night of sleep to recharge for the weekend activitiesResting well to prepare for the week ahead.
6 a.m.–8 a.m.Starting the day with a morning exercise routine and a healthy breakfast to energize myself.Engaging in a morning workout followed by a nutritious breakfast.Beginning the day with a light jog and a balanced breakfast.Performing yoga exercises and enjoying a healthy breakfastGoing for a brisk walk and having a wholesome breakfast.Starting the day with stretching exercises and a leisurely breakfast.Taking a morning walk and then having a relaxed breakfast.
8 a.m.–10 a.m.Focusing on professional tasks such as checking emails, attending meetings, and beginning project work.Reading the Bible and meditating, followed by starting work tasks.Beginning the day with meditation and then tackling work-related tasks.Reading inspirational texts and preparing for the day’s meetings.Engaging in mindfulness exercises before starting work tasks.Reading spiritual books, meditating, and then completing household chores.Spending time in meditation, followed by organizing and running errands.
10 a.m.–12 p.m.Continuing with professional responsibilities, including client consultations and detailed project work.Participating in work meetings and focusing on project development.Engaging in client consultations and working on detailed reports.Conducting research and meeting with team members to discuss projectsWorking on high-priority projects and preparing for upcoming deadlines.Doing laundry and tidying up the house.Engaging in creative hobbies and personal projects that help me unwind.
12 p.m.–2 p.m.Taking a break for lunch to recharge and then resuming work duties.Enjoying a midday meal and taking a short walk before resuming work.Having lunch and then reviewing the morning’s work before continuing.Taking a lunch break and using some time to relax before getting back to work.Enjoying a healthy lunch and preparing for the afternoon’s tasks.Enjoying a relaxed lunch followed by some leisure activities.Enjoying a leisurely lunch and spending some time reading or relaxing.
2 p.m.–4 p.m.Completing the remaining work tasks and preparing for the next day’s agenda.Wrapping up work tasks and preparing reports for the next day.Finalizing work assignments and planning the next steps for projects.Completing the day’s work and organizing tasks for the following day.Finishing up work duties and setting goals for the upcoming week.Enjoying meaningful time with family and participating in leisure activities.
Sharing valuable moments with family and taking part in outdoor pursuits.
4 p.m. –6 p.m.Wrapping up any remaining work tasks, commuting home, or stopping for groceries if needed.Finishing work and heading home or running errands if necessary.Completing work and heading home to relax or pick up groceries.Wrapping up the day’s work, commuting home, and running errands.Finishing work, commuting home, or stopping by the store for essentials.Taking some free time for relaxation or handling additional household chores.Taking some free time for relaxation or handling additional household tasks.
6 p.m.–8 p.m.Having dinner with family and taking care of household chores afterwards.Having dinner and then spending time on household chores or light reading.Enjoying dinner with family and then engaging in light household chores.Having dinner and then winding down with some family time or chores.Enjoying dinner with family and taking care of any remaining household tasks.Enjoying dinner with family and unwinding for the evening.Enjoying dinner with family and unwinding for the evening.
8 p.m.–10 p.m.Studying and completing school assignments, then briefly reviewing the day’s work.Posting initial discussion responses and continuing with assigned readings for classes.Reviewing material for upcoming quizzes or assignments and planning.Replying to discussion posts and starting on major assignments; relaxing with TV or social media afterwards.Planning and organizing coursework, continuing assignments, and relaxing with TV or social media.Engaging in free time for personal activities or catching up on social media.Preparing for the upcoming week, organizing my schedule, and relaxing before bed.

About You

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

  1. What is your career goal as a psychology major today?

Pursuing a degree in psychology, my goal is to become a licensed clinical psychologist focusing on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). My enthusiasm for helping individuals manage and overcome various mental health challenges, particularly anxiety disorders and depression. My ultimate aim is to work in a clinical setting where I can provide evidence-based therapies to patients, facilitating their journey towards mental well-being and resilience. To achieve this, I plan to understand psychological theories and practices through my academic coursework comprehensively. I will engage in practical experiences such as internships and supervised clinical practice to develop my skills in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. I intend to stay current with ongoing research and advancements in psychology to ensure that my therapeutic approaches are grounded in the latest scientific evidence.

One specific study that inspires my career goal is the research conducted by Pegg et al. (2022), which demonstrates the significant impact of the study examining the effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on neural activity in young individuals with anxiety disorders revealed notable outcomes. After three months of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the children experienced a substantial reduction in anxiety-related issues and better overall performance. This research highlights the importance of understanding the neural mechanisms underlying anxiety and how effective CBT can be in normalizing brain activity related to anxiety. By pursuing advanced degrees and certifications, I aim to provide high-quality mental health care and significantly impact individuals’ mental well-being.

  1. Of all the activities in your life, identify your top three highest priorities and top three lowest priorities.
Highest PrioritiesLowest Priorities
Dedicating time daily for prayer, meditation, and spiritual growth to nurture my faith.1. Limiting time on social media and with friends as they don’t significantly contribute to my long-term goals.
Spending quality time with family to maintain strong relationships and emotional support.2. Reducing time on hobbies and free time activities, which are less critical than work and study.
Focusing on professional responsibilities for personal growth and career advancement.3. Minimizing TV watching as it only adds a little value to my personal or professional development.
  1. If you have time management conflicts between these priorities, how will you decide where your time goes?

When facing time management challenges among my key responsibilities, I will evaluate the urgency and significance of each task. For instance, if a work deadline clashes with my scheduled family time, I will communicate with my family and possibly reschedule our activities to accommodate the work requirement, ensuring that my professional responsibilities are met without neglecting family commitments. Suppose a conflict occurs between personal spiritual practices and work tasks. In that case, I will prioritize my connection with God by dedicating a specific time for prayer and meditation, either earlier or later in the evening. This way, I maintain my spiritual well-being while fulfilling my work obligations. Balancing these priorities requires flexibility, effective communication, and a willingness to make adjustments to ensure that all essential aspects of my life are adequately addressed.

  1. To fit school into your schedule, what activities will you need to shift or lessen? What did you normally do during those time blocks?

To incorporate school into my routine, I must reduce the time allocated to less important activities like watching television and using social media. These activities typically occur in the evenings, which I can repurpose for studying, completing assignments, and participating in online discussions. By reallocating this time, I ensure that my academic responsibilities are prioritized without compromising my higher priorities, such as family and work. I will minimize some of my free time activities and hobbies during the weekdays to focus more on schoolwork, ensuring that I progress steadily toward my educational goals while maintaining a balanced life. This approach allows me to maintain productivity and stay on track with my educational responsibilities.

  1. When something comes up that you must handle, identify what activities in your plan will be replaced so you can do schoolwork.

When unforeseen events demand urgent attention, I will give them top priority, replacing lower-priority activities to ensure I can complete my schoolwork. For instance, I will reduce leisure activities such as watching TV or engaging in hobbies if something urgent arises. I might temporarily reduce time spent on social media or defer non-essential household chores that can wait until later. By reallocating these time blocks, I can maintain my focus on academic tasks, ensuring that my schoolwork remains on track despite the interruptions. Effective time management and flexibility will help me balance these unforeseen demands without compromising my educational commitments.

  1. Plan for managing schedule changes, including conflicts, problems, and technology issues. Consider the following:
    • When you have computer, Internet or electrical power problems, what is your backup plan and will this add time to your schedule?
    • Do you commit to following this plan for achieving your career goal?

I have developed a comprehensive plan to manage schedule changes and handle conflicts, problems, and technology issues. When unexpected events arise, such as computer, Internet, or electrical power problems, I will use the following strategies:

  1. Backup Plan for Technology Issues: I will have a list of alternative locations with reliable Internet access, such as local libraries, coffee shops, or friends’ homes, where I can continue my work without interruption. I will also keep my school materials accessible on portable devices and ensure important documents are backed up on cloud storage, allowing me to work from different locations if needed.
  2. Dedication to the Strategy: I am wholly dedicated to this strategy to reach my career objectives. While this may extend my schedule because of travel and preparation, it ensures that my academic responsibilities are not compromised.
  1. Approximately how much time did it take you to complete this Time Management Exercise Worksheet? Choose one of the following:
    • About what I planned or expected.
    • More time than I planned or expected.
    • Less time than I planned or expected.
  2. If this assessment (and/or other activities in your schedule) took more or less time than expected, describe specific changes you need to make in your future time management planning.

If this assessment or other activities, such as completing my weekly work reports or studying for exams, took more or less time than expected, I would need to make specific changes to my future time management planning. I would build more buffer time for tasks that took longer than anticipated to allow for unexpected delays or additional tasks, such as more extensive research for school projects or longer meetings at work. If activities like reading for school or running errands took less time than expected, I would use the saved time to get ahead on future assignments or to take short breaks for relaxation to prevent burnout. I can ensure a more balanced and effective approach to managing my responsibilities by continuously evaluating and adjusting my schedule.


Pegg, S., Hill, K., Argiros, A., Olatunji, O., & Kujawa, A. (2022). Cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders in youth: Efficacy, moderators, and new advances in predicting outcomes. Current Psychiatry Reports, 24(12), 853–859. 

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