PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 2 CRAAP Test and Library Worksheet

Assessment 2: CRAAP Test and Library Worksheet


Capella University

PSYC-FPX3002: Developing a Psychology Perspective

Instructor Name

July, 2024

CRAAP Test Directions

  Go to the following resource, select a topic related to one of the articles from the list and answer the questions in the CRAAP Test Worksheet below.
Name of the page evaluated 10 Common Myths About Therapy

Use the following questions to help you evaluate the above source of information. Answer the questions and then score each category from 1-10 (1=unreliable, 10=excellent). Add up the score to help you decide whether you should use that source for your coursework.

Currency: The timeliness of the information.Currency Score
Is the information current enough (in psychology, usually within 5 years)?Yes, the information is current as it was published in May 2020, within the 5-year range for psychology.Has the information or website been revised or updated in the past six months?The article has not undergone any revisions or updates in the last six months.Are the links functional?            Indeed, all the hyperlinks in the article are operational10
Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs.Relevance Score
Does the information relate to your topic or answer your question?Yes, the details relates directly to common misconceptions about therapy, which is likely relevant if you explore this topic for educational or informational purposes. Is the information at an appropriate level (i.e., not too elementary or too advanced for your needs?The content is tailored for a common readership, rendering it basic and sophisticated. It covers basic myths and provides detailed explanations to debunk them. Have you looked at a variety of sources before choosing this one?It’s always a good practice to consult multiple sources for comprehensive understanding. In this case, Psychology Today is a reputable source, but considering other academic journals or expert articles on therapy could provide additional insights. 9
Authority: The source of the informationAuthority Score
Are you able to determine who is the author and publisher of the information?Yes, the article was written by Bryan Robinson, Ph.D., who holds the title of Professor Emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The publisher is Psychology Today, a well-known magazine and website that publishes content related to psychology and mental health. Can you verify the author or publisher’s credentials as a respected expert on the topics?Yes, Bryan Robinson, Ph.D., is a respected expert with over 25 years of experience in psychology and the author of more than 37 books. His professional credentials and extensive publication history establish him as a credible authority.Psychology Today is a widely recognized and reputable publication in psychology, which further supports the credibility of the information provided.​Does the URL help you determine the source? (.edu; .com; .gov; .org)The URL is from Psychology Today’s website. URL can help determine the source. The domain “.com” indicates that the source is a commercial website. 9
Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the content.Accuracy Score
Did the author back up their statements with credible evidence and list/link to verifiable sources?Partially, the article includes references to relevant studies but not extensively. Is the information free of spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors? The article is expertly composed without orthography, syntax, typographical errors. The language is precise and well-organized, making it accessible to a broad audience.Does the language or tone seem unbiased and free of emotion?The article’s wording and manner are neutral and impartial. The author debunks myths with factual information and professional insights, avoiding emotional or biased language.8
Purpose: The reason the information exists.Purpose Score
Is the purpose to inform? (And not to sell, entertain, or persuade)Yes, the article aims to enlighten readers about common misconceptions regarding therapy. It aims to educate and clarify these myths based on professional knowledge and experience. Is the information fact? (And not opinion or propaganda)The details presented is accurate and based on the writer’s knowledge and relevant studies. It focuses on providing accurate information rather than personal opinions or promotion. Is the source free of ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases?The article is crafted professionally and impartially, focusing on debunking myths with accurate information. It remains free from any philosophical, social, spiritual, organizational, individual, prejudices.8
Scoring:  45-50 Excellent40-44 Good35-39 Average30-34 Borderline Acceptable (Below 30 Not an acceptable source)Adapted from the CRAAP Test created at the Meriam Library at the California State University at Chico.Total Score40

Library Worksheet Directions: Locate the article below in the Capella Library using Summon. Use the Database Guide Summon: The Basics to help you create your search for this article. 

Dr Arch Mainous published an article in 2018 about primary care physicians sharing scientific findings (keyword: research) in an era of fake news.

After you have located the article and read it, answer the following questions:

1. What is the full title of the article Dr. Mainous published in 2018?

Dr. Arch Mainous published an article in 2018 titled “Primary care perspectives: Sharing scientific discoveries in an age of misinformation and science rejection.”​ 

2. What is the name of the professional journal in which this article appears?

Dr. Arch Mainous’s 2018 article is published in the “Annals of Family Medicine.

3. What volume and issue of the journal contains this article?

The article is featured in Volume 16, Issue 6 of the journal “Annals of Family Medicine.”

4. What pages from that journal contain this article?


5. What is the DOI of this article? 

6. Is this a scientific research article or an editorial/commentary about research?

[   ] scientific research article[ ✓ ] editorial/commentary

7. Briefly summarize in a paragraph of your own words (paraphrase) what is the primary purpose of the Mainous article?

The article discusses the challenges primary care physicians face in effectively communicating scientific research to the public amidst widespread misinformation. It emphasizes the need for clear, concise, and relatable messaging to counteract fake news and ensure that the general public understands and trusts accurate scientific findings. The article advocates collaboration with media professionals to craft easily understandable and relevant messages to laypeople.

8. Summarize in a paragraph of your own words what Mainous recommends primary care researchers do when publishing future scientific studies to overcome science denial and claims of “fake news”.

Dr. Arch Mainous advises primary care researchers to make scientific communications more accessible to the general public, collaborating with media professionals to create easily understandable and relevant content. He advises researchers to avoid technical jargon and focus on the practical implications of their findings. He emphasizes the importance of being available for media inquiries and maintaining a consistent, evidence-based message to effectively combat misinformation and fake news. This approach helps ensure that the public receives and trusts accurate scientific information. 

9. What is the in-text citation for this journal article using APA style?

(Mainous, 2018)

10. What is the reference for this journal article using APA-style?

Mainous, A. G. (2018). Perspectives in primary care: Disseminating scientific findings in an era of fake news and science denial. Annals of Family Medicine, 16(6), 490–491. 

11. How much time did it take you to complete this exercise and worksheet? Select one answer.

[ ✓ ] About what I planned or expected[   ] More time than I planned or expected[   ] Less time than I planned or expected

12. If this took more or less time than expected, what changes do you intend to make in your future time management planning? Be specific.

If this exercise took more time than anticipated, I intend to allocate more time for research activities in my future planning, especially when accessing and verifying multiple sources. I will also streamline my note-taking process to capture essential information more efficiently. I will also familiarize myself with the database tools to improve my search proficiency and reduce the time spent locating specific articles.

Save this completed worksheet as a Word document (.doc, .docx) on your computer. Then, attach a copy of this document as your submission for Assessment 2.

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