PSYC FPX 3002 Assessment 4 Career Planning Worksheet

Assessment 4: Career Planning Worksheet

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Capella University

PSYC-FPX3002: Developing a Psychology Perspective

Instructor Name

July, 2024


Table of Contents

Respond to the following questions in preparation for completing the Career Planning Worksheet.

  1. What is your career goal? (If you don’t have a specific goal, this can be a general statement to get your research started.)
My professional objective is to become a clinical psychologist focusing on adolescent therapy. Research by Williams et al. (2020) indicates that employment opportunities for psychologists are expected to increase by 14% between 2018 and 2028, reflecting a strong demand. This rise is attributed to growing awareness of mental health concerns and an increasing need for specialized psychological health care services for adolescents. I am drawn to this job because of the strong demand and because I am passionate about supporting young individuals through their formative years and helping them navigate the challenges of adolescence. The personal fulfillment and satisfaction that come from this work are significant motivators for me.
  1. Find a job opening in your state that fits your goal and respond to these questions:
    1. Is a college degree needed? If yes, what degree?
    2. Is a state license needed? If yes, what license?
    3. What skills or knowledge does the job ask for?
    4. What experience does the job ask for?
    5. Does the salary meet your needs?
The vacancy for a clinical psychologist specializing in adolescent therapy requires specific qualifications. These include a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) and a clinical psychologist license issued by the state psychology board. The role demands a strong understanding of psychological theories and practices, proficiency in therapeutic techniques and interventions for adolescents, and excellent communication and interpersonal skills. The role requires at least 2-3 years of experience working with adolescents in a clinical setting and completing an accredited internship or supervised professional experience. The salary for this position ranges from $80,000 to $100,000 per year, meeting financial needs and expectations. Pursuing this job will significantly improve adolescents’ mental health and well-being while achieving career goals.
  1. If a license is required for the job, find the requirements for licensure on your state’s Department of Licensing website and respond to these questions:
    1. Does the license require a degree? If yes, what degree?
    2. Does the license require the degree to be from a school with a specific accreditation? If yes, what accreditation?
    3. Does the license require passing a test(s)? If yes, what test(s)?
    4. Does the license require an internship or experience? If yes, what are those requirements? 
Securing a Clinical Psychologist Permit involves a demanding process that ensures candidates are adequately prepared and qualified to practice. It requires obtaining a Master’s or Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from a recognized and accredited institution. A recognized organization like the American Psychological Association (APA) must approve the degree. The certification procedure necessitates completing the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) and a state-specific ethics test. Additionally, candidates must complete at least 3,000 hours of supervised professional experience, including pre-doctoral internships and post-doctoral supervision. These requirements ensure practitioners possess the skills and expertise to deliver competent clinical psychology services.
  1. If a graduate degree is required for this job, look at a graduate program offering that degree and respond to these questions:
    1. Do they require a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) to apply? If yes, what is the GPA?
    2. Does the program require you to take a test (i.e., GRE) to apply? If yes, what test?
    3. Does the program require specific coursework taken before entry? If yes, what courses?
    4. Does the program require completing an internship or practicum? If yes, what are the requirements?
Admission to a prestigious university’s Ph.D. program in clinical psychology demands a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. Prospective students must also take the graduate record examination (GRE). Specific coursework is required before entry, including classes in psychology, statistics, and research methods. The program also mandates completing an internship or practicum, with requirements including a pre-doctoral internship comprising at least 1,500 hours of supervised clinical experience. These prerequisites ensure applicants are well-prepared for the program’s rigorous training and professional demands.
  1. Browse Capella’s course catalog and identify courses that can help you reach your goal.
The Master’s in Clinical Psychology program at Capella University offers a range of courses that will be instrumental in helping achieve the goal of becoming a Clinical Psychologist specializing in adolescent therapy. These include:Foundations of Practice for School Psychology LearnersAdvanced Assessment and Counseling for School PsychologistsResponse to Intervention and Functional Behavior Assessment and AnalysisMulticultural Perspectives on Human BehaviorChildhood Mental Health Counseling and Crisis Intervention/PreventionPsychological Assessments for School Psychologists 1 and 2Biological Basis of BehaviorPrinciples of School PsychologyCognitive/Affective PsychologyTests and MeasurementsThrough these courses, a comprehensive understanding of clinical psychology will be gained, and the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in this profession will be developed.
  1. Find an article or website that talks about the future growth or changes for this career area. 

Next, complete the Career Planning Worksheet. Use the spaces below to respond to the questions about your career goal.

Career Goal: Write a sentence stating your career goal based on awareness of the projected job market.

According to the projected job market, the career objective is to become a clinical psychologist specializing in adolescent therapy within a healthcare facility or private practice, demonstrating a significant need for mental health services. The need for clinical psychologists is projected to increase by 10% by 2031, driven by heightened awareness of mental health concerns and the growing requirement for specialized care. With advanced training and expertise in clinical psychology, the aim is to support adolescents’ mental and emotional well-being, contributing positively to their overall development. I am committed to making a meaningful impact in the mental health field, and this career path aligns with the increasing demand for mental health specialists and the critical need for specialized adolescent therapy services.

Job Market: Write a paragraph describing whether this job will continue to be in demand and what changes are predicted. Cite your credible source of information. 

The demand for clinical psychologists is anticipated to rise owing to heightened awareness of mental health concerns and the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employment opportunities for psychologists are projected to expand by 6% from 2022 to 2032, surpassing the average growth rate for all professions. This expansion is fueled by the growing acknowledgment of the importance of mental health and the increasing need for psychological services across diverse settings, including schools, hospitals, and private practices. The persistent shortage of mental health professionals further underscores the strong demand for clinical psychologists.

Reference: Include author, date, and the URL for your credible source of information, and identify the credibility criteria used to establish this as a credible source.

Kercher, A., Rahman, J., & Pedersen, M. (2024). The COVID-19 pandemic, psychologists’ professional quality of life and mental health. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1339869. 

Education Plan: Write a paragraph or more outlining your plan to get the education needed to reach your career goal. Include requirements for licensure, if any.

To focus on adolescent therapy as a clinical psychologist, the plan is to enroll in a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) program at Capella University. This program will provide me with comprehensive training in psychological theories, assessment techniques, and therapeutic interventions. After obtaining my degree, licensure will be obtained by passing the examination for professional psychology practice (EPPP) and fulfilling state-specific requirements, typically including completing a minimum number of supervised professional hours. This pathway will ensure I have the qualifications and credentials to practice as a licensed clinical psychologist.

Skills Plan: Write a paragraph outlining how you plan to acquire the skills you’ll need to reach your career goal. Consider soft skills (traits that make you a good worker) and hard skills (abilities you learn in school or on the job) in your description.

I intend to concentrate on hard and interpersonal abilities to acquire the skills needed to become a clinical psychologist specializing in adolescent therapy. For hard skills, I will complete rigorous coursework in psychological assessment, therapeutic techniques, and adolescent development at Capella University. I will also participate in internships and practicums to gain hands-on experience in clinical settings, applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. For soft skills, I will enhance my communication, empathy, and problem-solving abilities through active participation in group projects, workshops, and volunteer activities. By engaging with diverse populations and practicing active listening, I aim to develop the interpersonal skills necessary to build rapport with adolescents and their families. I will seek feedback from supervisors and mentors to continuously improve my professional competencies and ensure I am well-prepared to support adolescents’ mental health needs effectively.

Experience Plan: Write a paragraph or more outlining how you plan to gain the experience needed to reach your career goal.

To gain the necessary expertise to qualify as a clinical psychologist specializing in adolescent therapy, I will complete internships and practicum placements in my doctoral program at Capella University, working under experienced clinicians. I will volunteer in community mental health centers, schools, and youth organizations to gain diverse exposure. Attending workshops, seminars, and conferences focused on adolescent psychology will help me stay current with the latest research and best practices. Participating in professional networks and seeking mentorship will further enhance my practical skills and professional development, ensuring I am well-prepared for my future role.

Course Plan: List courses at Capella that will help you reach your career goal. For each course, write a sentence explaining how it will help you reach your goal.

The following courses offered at Capella University will aid in attaining the objective of becoming a clinical psychologist with a specialization in adolescent therapy:Advanced Assessment and Counseling for School Psychologists: Equips with the skills to assess and counsel adolescents effectively.Childhood Mental Health Counseling and Crisis Intervention/Prevention: Teaches how to address and manage mental health crises in adolescents.Response to Intervention and Functional Behavior Assessment and Analysis: Helps develop strategies to support adolescents with behavioral challenges.Multicultural Perspectives on Human Behavior: Broadens understanding of cultural influences on adolescent development and behavior.Psychological Assessments for School Psychologists 1 and 2: Trains in conducting and interpreting psychological assessments for adolescents.Biological Basis of Behavior: Provides insights into the biological factors affecting adolescent behavior and mental health.Principles of School Psychology: Offers a solid foundation in the principles and practices of psychology relevant to working with adolescents.Cognitive/Affective Psychology: Deepens understanding of cognitive and emotional processes in adolescents.Tests and Measurements: Helps learn how to administer and interpret various psychological tests and measurements.

Resources: Write a paragraph describing resources you can use to reach your career goal.

Several valuable tools can be leveraged to achieve the professional aim of becoming a clinical psychologist focusing on adolescent therapy. Capella University’s extensive library and online databases provide access to academic journals, research articles, and psychology and adolescent therapy books. Institutions like the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and the American Psychological Association (APA) provide networking opportunities, ongoing education programs, and access to cutting-edge research (Zabek et al., 2023). Attending workshops, seminars, and conferences will help stay current with new developments in the field. Mentorship from experienced clinical psychologists and online forums focused on clinical psychology can provide guidance and support (Gee et al., 2022). Leveraging these resources will ensure comprehensive education, practical experience, and professional development.


Gee, G., DeYoung, A., McLaughlin, A., Tillman, R. M., Barch, M., Forbes, E., Krueger, F., Strauman, J., Weierich, R., & Shackman, J. (2022). Training the next generation of clinical psychological scientists: A data-driven call to action. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 18, 43–70. 

Kercher, A., Rahman, J., & Pedersen, M. (2024). The COVID-19 pandemic, psychologists’ professional quality of life and mental health. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1339869. 

Williams, M., Reed, B., Self, M., Robiner, N., & Ward, L. (2020). Psychologists’ practices, stressors, and wellness in academic health centers. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 27(4), 818–829. 

Zabek, F., Lyons,  D., Alwani, N., Taylor, V., Brown, E., Cruz, A., & Southall,  H. (2023). Roles and functions of school mental health professionals within comprehensive school mental health systems. School Mental Health, 15(1), 1–18. 

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