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NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Practice Application

Assessment 3: Evidence-Based Practice Application


Capella University

Prof. Name

June 15th 2024

Evidence-Based Practice Application

Evidence-based practice involves carefully applying the latest and most reliable evidence to inform decisions regarding patient care (Bokolo, 2020). This report highlights the application of EBP in nursing through patient care technologies to address specific clinical questions. It emphasizes mastering the criteria and processes for developing EBP, the critical role of effective scholarship, and understanding the ethical and regulatory implications. Through a detailed analysis of relevant research and methodologies, the report demonstrates how integrating technology can improve clinical outcomes and explores the challenges in implementation, showcasing how master ‘s-prepared nurses can enhance patient care quality and efficacy.

Challenges in Developing Evidence-Based Nursing Practices

EBP is grounded in systematically Incorporating top-tier research findings with clinical skills and patient preferences (Farhud & Zokaei, 2021). The process begins with identifying a clinical question, structured using the PICO framework. The PICO framework is followed by a systematic search for the most relevant and recent evidence. It is then critically appraised to assess its validity, reliability, and applicability to the patient’s situation (Kerai et al., 2023). After identifying applicable evidence, the next step entails combining this evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to make well-informed healthcare choices. This integration is crucial for tailoring interventions to meet patients’ unique needs.

Developing EBPs, however, presents several challenges. First, there is often a gap between the availability of the latest research and its implementation in clinical practice, primarily due to delays in dissemination and the time-consuming nature of adapting new practices into existing systems (Haimi, 2023). There can be resistance from healthcare professionals due to entrenched practices, lack of awareness, or skepticism towards new research findings (Monaghesh & Hajizadeh, 2020). Financial and logistical constraints in training staff and updating equipment or procedures to support new practices pose significant barriers. Finally, maintaining the quality of the evidence itself and ensuring it remains current amidst rapidly advancing medical research requires continuous effort and resources (Shaver, 2022). Addressing these stages and obstacles can better understand and facilitate the development of EBP, which aims to improve patient outcomes through scientifically supported, personalized care strategies.

Assessing Research and Data in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

High-calibre scholarship and reliable information are essential for the success of EBP (Ghaddaripouri et al., 2023). They provide the foundation for informed decision-making that directly impacts patient outcomes. Research by Kerai et al. (2023) offers the latest insights and data, enabling nurses to apply the most current and scientifically validated approaches to patient care. A study by Patel et al. (2021) demonstrates commitment to using the best available evidence helps to standardize practices, reduce variability in patient outcomes, and improve overall healthcare quality. Moreover, effective scholarship fosters a culture of continuous learning and professional development among nurses, encouraging them to stay abreast of new techniques, treatments, and technologies. This ongoing education is crucial in a dynamic healthcare field, where new challenges and innovations arise constantly. Access to accurate and timely information also ensures that nursing practices remain relevant and are rooted in the most recent scientific discoveries instead of outdated methods or anecdotal evidence (Shaver, 2022). Thus, integrating scholarship and quality information into nursing practice enhances patient care and contributes to advancing the nursing profession.

Criteria for Evaluating Scholarship and Information in Nursing

Criteria should include relevance to current practice, methodological rigour, and source credibility to evaluate scholarship and information effectively in nursing (Zhu et al., 2022). The impact factor of the publication, peer reviews, and the consistency of research findings with existing literature are essential (Farhud & Zokaei, 2021). These criteria ensure that the information used in evidence-based practice is both reliable and applicable to real-world clinical settings. The presented information’s clarity, comprehensiveness and alignment with ethical standards are crucial for its utility in practice (Anawade et al., 2024). The publication date should also be considered to guarantee that the information is up-to-date and reflects the latest advancements and evidence in the field.

Clinical Question and Knowledge Gaps in Telehealth

A pertinent clinical inquiry that can be resolved by applying technology grounded in evidence-based patient care is: How effective is telehealth in managing chronic diseases among elderly patients living in rural areas? This question explores the use of telehealth platforms to facilitate remote patient monitoring, consultation, and treatment adherence. A  study by Zhu et al. (2022) reported improvements in medication compliance and patient satisfaction using telehealth interventions among this population. However, significant knowledge gaps still need to be addressed, including the long-term effectiveness of telehealth, variations in patient technology literacy, and infrastructure challenges in rural healthcare delivery. These include the long-term clinical outcomes of telehealth, its cost-effectiveness compared to traditional care methods, and the technology’s usability among elderly populations. The study by Haimi (2023) also highlighted uncertainties about the scalability of such interventions and the cost implications for widespread adoption. Detailed research is necessary to evaluate these aspects comprehensively, ensuring that telehealth can effectively integrate into regular care practices for elderly patients in rural settings (Ghaddaripouri et al., 2023). Addressing these gaps is essential to fully understand and optimize the integration of telehealth into chronic disease management for elderly rural populations.

Ethical and Regulatory Considerations of Patient Care Technology

Implementing patient care technology, such as telehealth, brings significant ethical and regulatory implications that must be meticulously evaluated to safeguard patient welfare and comply with legal standards. Ethical considerations include ensuring patient privacy and the security of personal health information, particularly as data is transmitted over potentially insecure networks (Kerai et al., 2023). Consent is another major ethical concern; patients must be completely informed about using their data and the specifics of their care via telehealth technologies. From a regulatory perspective, telehealth must comply with laws in healthcare, including HIPAA in the US, which mandates stringent guidelines for protecting patient information (Bokolo, 2020). The variation in licensing requirements across different jurisdictions can complicate the delivery of telehealth services across state or national borders.

As telehealth technology evolves, ongoing challenges will relate to integrating innovative methods, such as AI and data-driven algorithms, into patient care (Monaghesh & Hajizadeh, 2020). These developments will necessitate continuous updates to regulatory standards and ethical guidelines to address new risks and ensure that patient care technology adheres to the highest patient safety and confidentiality standards. The dynamic nature of technology demands that healthcare providers remain vigilant and adaptable to uphold ethical standards and regulatory compliance in their practice (Farhud & Zokaei, 2021).

NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Practice Application Conclusion

This report has thoroughly examined the complexities and challenges associated with implementing evidence-based practices in nursing, particularly through patient care technologies like telehealth. It has highlighted the importance of effective scholarship and rigorous evaluation criteria to ensure nursing practices are grounded in the best available evidence. Furthermore, it has identified significant knowledge gaps and ethical concerns that must be addressed to optimize the use of technology in healthcare. As the landscape of healthcare technology evolves, continuous adaptation and vigilant oversight are necessary to maintain the integrity and efficacy of patient care within the ethical and regulatory frameworks (Haimi, 2023). 

NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Practice Application References

Anawade, P. A., Sharma, D., & Gahane, S. (2024). A comprehensive review on exploring the impact of telemedicine on healthcare accessibility. Cureus, 16(3), e55996. 

Bokolo, J. (2020). Use of telemedicine and virtual care for remote treatment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Medical Systems, 44(7), 132. 

Farhud, D. D., & Zokaei, S. (2021). Ethical issues of artificial intelligence in medicine and healthcare. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 50(11), i–v. 

Ghaddaripouri, K., Mousavi, S. F., Abbaszadeh, A., & Mazaheri, M. R. (2023). Attitude, awareness, and knowledge of telemedicine among medical students: A systematic review of cross-sectional studies. Health Science Reports, 6(3), e1156. 

Haimi M. (2023). The tragic paradoxical effect of telemedicine on healthcare disparities, a time for redemption: A narrative review. Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 23(1), 95. 

Kerai, A., Meda, N., Agarwal, K., Garg, M., Deb, B., Singh, P., Singla, P., Arar, T., Darko, G., & Oluigbo, N. (2023). The use of telemedicine to improve hypertension in an urban primary care clinic and predictors of improved blood pressure. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 14, 21501319231199014. 

Monaghesh, E., & Hajizadeh, A. (2020). The role of telehealth during COVID-19 outbreak: A systematic review based on current evidence. Public Health, 20(1), 1193. 

Shaver, J. (2022). The state of telehealth before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Primary Care, 49(4), 517–530. 

Patel, S. Y., Mehrotra, A., Huskamp, H. A., Uscher, L., Ganguli, I., & Barnett, M. L. (2021). Trends in outpatient care delivery and telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. Internal Medicine, 181(3), 388–391. 

Zhu, L., Li, D., Jiang, X. L., Jia, Y., Liu, Y., Li, F., Chen, X., Lin, T., Diao, D., & Gao, Y. (2022). Effects of telemedicine interventions on essential hypertension: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 12(9), e060376. 

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