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NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 1 Leadership Styles Application

Assessment 1: Leadership Styles Application


Capella University

Leadership Nursing Practice

Prof. Name

June 20th, 2024

Leadership Styles Application

In the ever-evolving healthcare field, nurse leaders face complex challenges that require adept leadership and management skills. This assessment explores and analyzes three leadership styles that could be effectively applied to a given scenario in a healthcare setting. The scenario presents a managerial challenge involving a nurse named Marty, whose performance and behavior at work have become problematic due to personal and health-related issues. By examining transformational, transactional, and situational leadership styles, this analysis will provide insights into how each approach can address the challenges presented, improve team dynamics, and enhance patient care outcomes. The evaluation will consider each leadership style’s effectiveness and the positive and negative implications in this context.

Key Leadership styles

Effective leadership and management are crucial for ensuring optimal patient care and a positive working environment in professional nursing practice (Alluhaybi et al., 2024). Addressing issues like those faced by Marty requires strong leadership intervention. Three leadership styles that can be particularly effective are transformational, transactional, and situational. Each style has distinct characteristics and approaches that can address Marty and her colleagues’ challenges. 

  • Transformational Leadership: The transformational approach is characterized by the leader’s capacity to inspire and motivate employees to go beyond their usual performance and exceed the organization’s expectations (Specchia et al., 2021). This leadership style depends on four essential components: exemplary leadership, motivating inspiration, cognitive stimulation, and personalized support. Transformational leaders act as role models, set high standards, and encourage innovation and creativity among their team members (Wang et al., 2023). In Marty’s case, a transformational leader would focus on understanding her struggles and providing support that aligns with her needs while motivating her to improve her performance. This could involve setting clear expectations, offering professional development opportunities, and fostering a supportive team environment that encourages open communication and collaboration.
  • Transactional Leadership: Transactional leadership operates on a framework of rewards and punishments. This style is effective in environments where clear structures and expectations are necessary. Transactional leaders focus on supervision, organization, and performance; they are pragmatic and use a system of rewards and punishments to motivate employees (Udod et al., 2024). With Marty, a transactional leader would establish clear performance metrics and communicate the consequences of not meeting these standards. This could involve setting up regular performance reviews, providing immediate feedback, and implementing a reward system for meeting or exceeding performance expectations. This approach ensures accountability and provides a clear structure for Marty to follow.
  • Situational Leadership: Situational leadership is a flexible approach that adapts to the needs of the team and the specific situation (Mekonnen & Bayissa, 2023). This leadership style is based on the understanding that different situations require different leadership methods. Situational leaders tailor leadership style based on team members’ level of readiness and skill, varying their approach from providing direction and coaching to offering support and delegation (Alsadaan et al., 2023). In dealing with Marty, a situational leader would first assess her current state, including her personal challenges and work performance. Based on this assessment, the leader might initially adopt a more directive approach to provide clear guidance and expectations, then gradually shift to a more supportive style as Marty shows improvement. This flexibility allows the leader to provide the appropriate support and direction to address the specific challenges.

Transformational, transactional, and situational leadership styles offer unique strategies to improve Marty’s performance, ensure accountability, and adapt to her evolving needs, promoting a positive and productive work environment.

Effectiveness of Leadership Styles

The effectiveness of leadership styles lies in their ability to inspire and motivate individuals, establish clear expectations and accountability, and adapt to team members’ evolving needs and performance levels, thereby addressing various challenges comprehensively (Gemeda & Lee, 2020). Transformational leadership would be effective in Marty’s situation because it can inspire and motivate her to improve her performance by connecting her work to a larger vision and providing individualized support. This style can help Marty feel more engaged and valued, which could increase her commitment and reduce her absenteeism. Transactional leadership would be effective as it establishes clear expectations and consequences for Marty’s performance. By providing immediate feedback and setting up a reward system, this style can create a structured environment where Marty understands the importance of meeting performance standards, thus ensuring accountability. The success of the leadership styles lies in their ability to cater to individual needs, enforce clear standards, and adapt dynamically to performance levels (Alluhaybi et al., 2024). Situational leadership would be effective because it allows the leader to adapt their approach based on Marty’s current needs and performance level. Initially, a directive approach can provide the necessary guidance and structure Marty requires. At the same time, a more supportive style can be adopted as she starts to improve, ensuring she receives appropriate levels of direction and encouragement. These inferences demonstrate how each leadership style can address different facets of Marty’s situation, promoting a comprehensive and effective strategy for resolving the issues.

Implications of Leadership Styles

Healthcare policies, legal regulations, and quality control measures significantly impact healthcare delivery and patient outcomes (Thawabiya et al., 2023). Policies such as the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provide essential protections for employees, influencing how leaders manage absenteeism and performance (Hult et al., 2023). In Marty’s situation, transformational leadership could positively affect compliance with these policies by fostering a supportive and motivated work environment. This style helps Marty feel valued and supported, enhancing her engagement and performance. However, the time and emotional investment required by transformational leadership can be a drawback, particularly in a regulatory environment demanding immediate compliance. Transactional leadership, which relies on clear expectations and accountability, aligns well with healthcare regulations and quality control standards (Gemeda & Lee, 2020). It ensures that policies are followed and performance issues are addressed promptly, thereby maintaining high standards of care and reducing legal risks. However, this style’s focus on rewards and penalties might overlook underlying personal issues affecting Marty’s performance, leading to short-term compliance rather than long-term improvement.

Situational leadership offers the flexibility to adapt to Marty’s evolving needs and the regulatory demands of the healthcare environment (Udod et al., 2024). By adjusting their approach based on Marty’s readiness and performance levels, a situational leader can provide the right balance of guidance and support. This adaptability can lead to better compliance with healthcare policies and improved patient outcomes. However, the constant need for assessment and adaptation can be challenging for the leader and may result in inconsistencies if not managed well. Each leadership style has significant, relevant implications and logical consequences when applied to healthcare policy, legal regulations, and quality control (Mekonnen & Bayissa, 2023). Transformational leadership fosters a supportive culture but requires significant time investment. Transactional leadership ensures compliance and accountability but may neglect deeper issues (Kohnen et al., 2024). Situational leadership provides tailored support and adaptability but demands high perceptiveness and consistency from the leader. Understanding these implications helps select the most effective leadership approach to enhance healthcare delivery and patient outcomes in complex situations like Marty’s.

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 1 Leadership Styles Application Conclusion

Effectively managing complex challenges in healthcare requires the application of appropriate leadership styles customized to specific situations (Baig et al., 2022). Transformational, transactional, and situational leadership each offer distinct advantages and potential drawbacks in addressing the issues presented in Marty’s case. Transformational leadership fosters motivation and engagement but requires significant time investment (Hult et al., 2023). Transactional leadership ensures clear expectations and accountability but may overlook deeper personal issues. Situational leadership provides the necessary flexibility to adapt to changing needs but demands continuous assessment and adaptability from the leader (Kohnen et al., 2024). By understanding and strategically applying these leadership styles, nurse leaders can enhance team dynamics, ensure compliance with healthcare policies, and ultimately lead to better patient care results.

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 1 Leadership Styles Application References

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