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NURS FPX 6030 Assessment 5 Evaluation Plan Design

NURS FPX 6030 Assessment 5: Evaluation Plan Design


Capella University

FPX 6030: MSN Practicum & Capstone

Instructor’s Name

April, 2024

Evaluation Plan Design

In this evaluation plan, I will outline the strategies for assessing the impact and effectiveness of the intervention designed to address chronic pain management in cancer patients within oncology care settings. Building upon previous assessments, the objectives of this plan are to specify precise goals, devise assessment techniques, and pinpoint opportunities for enhancement. Understanding the intervention’s efficacy will come via a methodical evaluation.

Evaluation of Plan

Defining Outcomes

One outcome that I aim to achieve is a reduction in pain severity and frequency, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for patients undergoing cancer treatment. By effectively managing pain, we can alleviate suffering, improve functional status, and enhance overall well-being. Additionally, reducing pain intensity can contribute to better treatment adherence, as patients are willing to comply with therapy regimens when their symptoms are well-controlled (Baryakova et al., 2023). However, a potential downside of solely focusing on pain reduction as an outcome is that it overlooks other important aspects of patient care, such as psychological distress, social support, and functional impairment. 

Another outcome of the intervention plan is to optimize the use of non-pharmacological pain management modalities. These modalities offer patients additional options for pain relief while minimizing the risks associated with opioid use (Ruano et al., 2022). Moreover, integrating non-pharmacological interventions into cancer care pathways aligns with the principles of patient-centered care. However, a challenge associated with this outcome is ensuring equitable access to these modalities, as they are not readily available or covered by insurance for all patients. 

Creation of an Evaluation Plan

I will evaluate the impact of the intervention on alleviating pain severity and frequency in cancer patients by conducting comprehensive pain assessments before and after the intervention. These assessments will utilize established tools like the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) or the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) to accurately measure changes in pain levels and identify areas for improvement in pain management strategies (Kim & Jung, 2020). Additionally, I will measure changes in functional status, psychological well-being, and overall quality of life to capture the holistic impact of pain management interventions on patient outcomes. Furthermore, I will conduct regular audits of pain management protocols, adherence to evidence-based guidelines, and patient satisfaction surveys to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of care delivery.

Assumptions underlying this evaluation plan include the availability of sufficient resources, including staff, training materials, and technology infrastructure, to support data collection and analysis efforts. Additionally, it is assumed that healthcare providers will embrace the implementation of standardized pain assessment protocols and interdisciplinary collaboration guidelines, facilitating consistent and high-quality care delivery across oncology care settings. 


Analysis of Nurse Role

By encouraging a culture of ongoing learning and professional development among healthcare team members, nurses can play a crucial role in driving innovation and improvement (Abdelwahab et al., 2024). Nurses bring important insights and views to interdisciplinary care teams by remaining up to date with the newest developments in clinical practice, healthcare technology, and quality improvement approaches. This can foster positive change and innovation.

Assumptions underlying this analysis include the recognition that nurses possess specialized knowledge, skills, and expertise in patient care and clinical practice, enabling them to serve as change agents and quality improvement champions within healthcare organizations. Additionally, it is assumed that nurses have access to resources and support systems, such as education and training programs, mentorship opportunities, and interdisciplinary collaboration forums, to enhance their capacity to lead change effectively. Moreover, the analysis assumes that nurses are empowered to advocate for patient needs, voice concerns about systemic barriers to quality care, and collaborate with stakeholders to implement solutions that prioritize patient safety, satisfaction, and well-being.

Nurses often serve in leadership positions, such as nurse managers, clinical educators, and quality improvement coordinators, where they have the opportunity to influence policy decisions, resource allocation, and care delivery processes (Cummings et al., 2020). Assumptions underlying this analysis include the acknowledgment that nurses possess leadership skills and competencies necessary to inspire and mobilize interdisciplinary teams, drive organizational change initiatives, and promote a culture of excellence and accountability in healthcare delivery. Additionally, it is assumed that nurses have the autonomy and authority to enact meaningful changes within their scope of practice and organizational context, supported by clear communication channels, shared governance structures, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Effects of the Plan on Nursing and Interprofessional Collaboration

Nurses, as integral members of the healthcare team, play a central role in implementing the intervention plan by advocating for patient-centered care, facilitating communication among team members, and ensuring the effective delivery of pain management interventions (Busca et al., 2021). Nurses collaborate with other healthcare providers through interdisciplinary collaboration to create comprehensive treatment plans that are customized to meet the specific needs of cancer patients who are enduring chronic pain. By treating pain management thoroughly and holistically, this collaborative approach not only improves patient outcomes but increases the quality of treatment provided.

By standardizing pain assessment protocols, integrating pain management education into clinical workflows, and leveraging technology-enabled interventions, healthcare organizations can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of pain management practices, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and experiences (Shrestha et al., 2023). There is a need for ongoing evaluation and refinement of the intervention plan to address emerging challenges, technological advancements, and changing patient needs.

Future Steps

Improvement in the Current Project

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms into the pain management intervention can optimize treatment approaches by analyzing vast amounts of patient data to personalize care plans and predict treatment responses (Zhang et al., 2022). This technological advancement enables healthcare providers to tailor interventions based on individual patient characteristics, disease trajectories, and treatment preferences, thereby improving treatment. 

Furthermore, integrating complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, and mindfulness-based interventions, into the pain management intervention can offer holistic approaches to symptom management and improve patients’ overall well-being (Balneaves et al., 2021). By addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of pain, CAM modalities complement conventional treatments and provide patients with additional options for pain relief. Assumptions underlying this improvement include patients’ receptiveness to CAM therapies, the availability of qualified practitioners, and healthcare providers’ openness to integrating CAM into their practice.

Reflection on Leading Change and Management

Impact on My Ability

Participating in this initiative has improved my capacity to spearhead change in both my professional practice and in positions of leadership in the future. During the intervention’s planning and execution stages, I gained a better awareness of the challenges associated with providing healthcare, particularly the significance of interdisciplinary teamwork, evidence-based practice, and patient-centered care. Moving forward, my goal is to further refine my leadership skills by actively seeking opportunities to mentor and empower others, advocating for innovative solutions to address healthcare challenges. I aim to pursue advanced education and certifications in leadership and quality improvement to strengthen my knowledge base and expertise in driving meaningful change in healthcare.

Reflection on Personal Practice

The focus on interprofessional collaboration and evidence-based methods highlights the significance of staying abreast of the latest research and leveraging the expertise of diverse healthcare professionals to optimize patient care (Cohen, 2020). By incorporating these principles into my practice, I can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery across different patient populations and care settings.

Moreover, the structured approach to project planning and evaluation provides a framework for systematically assessing needs, identifying goals, implementing interventions, and measuring outcomes. This systematic approach can be applied to other quality improvement initiatives, enabling me to address various healthcare challenges and achieve meaningful improvements in patient outcomes and organizational performance. Additionally, the emphasis on stakeholder engagement and continuous learning highlights the importance of soliciting feedback, fostering open communication, and embracing a culture of continuous improvement. By actively engaging with patients, colleagues, and other stakeholders, I can ensure that interventions are responsive to the needs of those we serve and are aligned with best practices and regulatory requirements.


This assessment strategy offers a methodical framework for determining the intervention’s impact aimed at improving chronic pain management in cancer patients within oncology care settings. By defining clear outcomes, implementing robust evaluation methods, and identifying areas for improvement, we can systematically evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention and drive continuous quality improvement in patient care. Through ongoing monitoring, feedback collection, and data analysis, we can adapt and refine our approach to better meet the needs of patients, enhance interprofessional collaboration. 


Abdelwahab, A., Shaheen, R. S., & Mohammed, S. (2024). Collaborative leadership and productive work performance: The mediating role of nurses’ innovative behavior. International Nursing Review. 

Balneaves, L. G., Watling, C. Z., Hayward, E. N., Ross, B., Taylor, J., Porcino, A., & Truant, T. L. O. (2021). Addressing complementary and alternative medicine use among individuals with cancer: An integrative review and clinical practice guideline. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 114(1), 25–37. 

Baryakova, T. H., Pogostin, B. H., Langer, R., & McHugh, K. J. (2023). Overcoming barriers to patient adherence: The case for developing innovative drug delivery systems. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 22(22), 1–23. 

Busca, E., Savatteri, A., Calafato, T. L., Mazzoleni, B., Barisone, M., & Dal, A. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of nurse’s role in primary care settings: An integrative review. BMC Nursing, 20(1). 

Cohen, S. (2020). Interprofessional collaborative practice. Encyclopedia of Social Work. 

Cummings, G. G., Lee, S., Tate, K., Penconek, T., Micaroni, S. P. M., Paananen, T., & Chatterjee, G. E. (2020). The essentials of nursing leadership: A systematic review of factors and educational interventions influencing nursing leadership. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 115(103842). 

Kim, H., & Jung, S. (2020). Comparative evaluations of single‐item pain‐intensity measures in cancer patients: Numeric rating scale vs. verbal rating scale. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(15-16). 

Ruano, A., García, F., Gálvez, M., & Moriana, J. A. (2022). Psychological and non-pharmacologic treatments for pain in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 63(5), e505–e520. 

Shrestha, S., Blebil, A. Q., Teoh, S. L., Sapkota, S., KC, B., Paudyal, V., & Gan, S. H. (2023). Clinical pharmacists’ intervention on pain management in cancer patients (Pharma CAP trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 16(1). 

Zhang, M., Zhu, L., Lin, S.-Y., Herr, K., Chi, C.-L., Demir, I., Dunn, K., & Chi, N.-C. (2022). Using artificial intelligence to improve pain assessment and pain management: A scoping review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 

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