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WGU vs. Chamberlain vs. Capella | Online RN to BSN Programs

Are you a registered nurse (RN) seeking to enhance your career through the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), but you are not sure which online program is suitable for you? In this comparison, we will look at all the differences and similarities in terms of cost, structure of courses, and the possibility of proceeding to the next level of education. At the end of the programs, you will be in a position to determine which program best suits your career path.

Popular Online RN to BSN programs 

There are numerous online RN to BSN programs, and it can be quite challenging to choose the best one.

WGU vs. Chamberlain vs. Capella | Online RN to BSN Programs - AD 4nXe1U 8BEroonymq12e35uriptGbOHw7K6woXNTqtoKU mdLdz PxiNwfSxUjd 7Quol3TId9sGJZsUjs7Z5xhnwjy8Meugyo4nHtVC5ZQ25yB

However, there are a few options that have received acclaim among nursing staff. Some of the most popular and respected online universities include Western Governors University (WGU), Chamberlain University, and Capella University. Choosing the right program involves considering factors like program length, course options, and your career ambitions. In our detailed comparison, we’ll explore costs, course structures, and opportunities for advancing to higher degrees. We will cover Capella University vs WGU RN to BSN, and Chamberlain. By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to choose the program that best suits your professional goals.

Western Governors University (WGU) RN to BSN Program

Western Governors University (WGU) offers a unique approach to earning your RN to BSN degree online. Known for its competency-based education model, WGU allows you to advance through your coursework based on your understanding of the material rather than by traditional class hours.

Program Tuition Cost

Western Governors University RN to BSN cost for tuition is charged per six-month term, not per credit hour. This unique structure can provide cost savings for students.

WGU vs. Chamberlain vs. Capella | Online RN to BSN Programs - AD 4nXeEXfEoq24u8rY2Egqbsu8j9j8Gp1tGgcGqvGJJXFsoLWxBXKoWhrCpQpm MmDogGCpTBv8wSVmSp4m2BgurF 2m20vp1QRiiW8Yvh0JDEwFQHzqmbTRCaByBLSblYWjqK5t3yvG1I2OyoDPzHMe4X1vZFW?key=zgegyJBkyJ2lWJoC5mzZdQ

Average tuition costs ranging from $3,225 to $3,550 per term. The total program cost typically falls between $7,500 to $14,000, depending on individual progress and completion speed.

Program Duration 

The duration of the RN to BSN program at WGU varies based on individual student progress and prior education. Students who transfer credits from previous coursework or earn credit through demonstrated competency may accelerate their time to graduation.


WGU is regionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), ensuring that its programs meet rigorous academic standards recognized across the United States.

Flexibility and Online Options

Designed for working professionals, WGU’s RN to BSN program offers flexibility with fully online coursework. This format allows nurses to balance their studies with professional and personal commitments, accessing course materials and completing assignments according to their schedules.

Admission Requirements 

To enroll in the RN to BSN program at WGU, applicants must typically meet the following requirements:

  • Hold an active RN license in the state where clinical and practicum requirements will be completed.
  • Have completed an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a diploma in nursing from an accredited institution.
  • Meet additional program-specific criteria as outlined by WGU’s admission guidelines.

WGU’s innovative approach to nursing education empowers students to advance their careers while maintaining flexibility in their learning journey.

By combining affordability, accreditation, and flexible online options, provides a robust platform for nurses seeking to enhance their profession. Western Governors University Nursing reviews are clear proof that it can be trusted for online RN to BSN program.

WGU vs. Chamberlain vs. Capella | Online RN to BSN Programs - AD 4nXcoctugFl4ua4U qgy8I392LrWmkPv8lbVCZHVTFJQofuLkhRHm2yN3WjOa9hr8N8 Bq6NwAZUcshFc1YRP8i2t bFkwg 7pRwcxBKpVO8BnyJyOwvzbe0AlJinJkrQhXIcpULqc5K2X z2hM3gCeZmUbK?key=zgegyJBkyJ2lWJoC5mzZdQ

Chamberlin RN to BSN Program

Journey to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) with Chamberlain University degrees for RN to BSN program. Designed for registered nurses (RNs) looking to advance their careers, Chamberlain online BSN offers a streamlined pathway with flexibility and convenience.

Program Tuition Cost

Chamberlain University charges tuition per credit hour for its RN to BSN program. The current rate of Chamberlain credit hour cost is approximately $590 per hour. 

The total chamberlain RN to BSN price typically ranges from $21,000 to $25,000, depending on the number of transfer credits accepted. Students who transfer credits from previous coursework may reduce their overall tuition expenses.

Program Duration 

The duration of Chamberlain’s RN to BSN program varies based on individual circumstances, including transfer credits and course load. Students can typically complete the program within a flexible timeframe that suits their schedule and professional commitments.

WGU vs. Chamberlain vs. Capella | Online RN to BSN Programs - AD 4nXfEN dnwlWG4IdBfP 1yNtQRlW4A dq56X OkzGHFi5imJxiCBGIfJ5QDjbHefJPyw92mhS8N3YoxnYadPJkOopKZKAMLZaeHTJAz7St680E gTm B9n0QwrpZ2jrxmAuBZXYgurTZQLYf1hMN 2Kaj smn?key=zgegyJBkyJ2lWJoC5mzZdQ


Chamberlain University holds accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), ensuring that its programs meet rigorous academic standards recognized nationwide. This accreditation underscores the quality and credibility of Chamberlain’s RN to BSN program.

Flexibility and Online Options

Chamberlain nursing program offers flexible online coursework, allowing students to balance their studies with work and personal obligations. This format enables RNs to access course materials, participate in discussions, and complete assignments from anywhere with an internet connection, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

Admission Requirements

To qualify for Chamberlain’s RN to BSN program, applicants typically need to meet the following criteria:

  • Hold an active, unrestricted RN license in the United States.
  • Have completed an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a nursing diploma from an accredited institution.
  • Meet specific GPA requirements as outlined by Chamberlain’s admission guidelines.
  • Provide transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended.

Chamberlain University’s RN to BSN program empowers nurses with the knowledge and skills to advance their careers in nursing. With a focus on affordability, accreditation, and flexibility, Chamberlain prepares RNs to make a significant impact in healthcare while accommodating their professional and personal responsibilities.

Capella University RN to BSN Program

Capella University offers a flexible and innovative RN to BSN program designed for registered nurses (RNs) aiming to advance their education and career in nursing. With two distinct learning paths and a focus on affordability and flexibility, Capella provides options tailored to meet the diverse needs of nursing professionals. To know about Capella RN to BSN start dates check out their official website.

WGU vs. Chamberlain vs. Capella | Online RN to BSN Programs - AD 4nXfC 7HrZ YTBmUwO34 krj5 T34A 7WGZ47XYZJzpxVdfgRqU2V7b9a4vakKxmHJqmHuw NI85yFm4ZzXj1uRA6nASCkQY8nhGBz14Q6FjVPcIbqH1ccGJusqtFc4kimcYqMZSKVKvcrHFslMN M59SZW8?key=zgegyJBkyJ2lWJoC5mzZdQ

Capella University’s RN to BSN program is structured to accommodate different learning styles and preferences:

GuidedPath: This option follows a more structured format with set deadlines and regular instructor-led sessions. Students progress through coursework at a pace guided by Capella’s academic schedule and support.

FlexPath: In contrast, FlexPath allows students to set their own pace. It offers a flat-rate tuition per 12-week session, enabling students to complete courses as quickly as they demonstrate mastery of the material.

Program tuition Cost

Capella University offers competitive pricing models based on the chosen learning path

FlexPath: Students pay a flat rate per 12-week session, approximately $3,200 per session.

GuidedPath: Tuition is based on a per-credit pricing model, with each credit costing around $350. The total program cost typically ranges from $15,000 to $20,000, depending on the path chosen and the number of transfer credits.

Program Duration 

The duration of Capella’s RN to BSN program varies based on individual progress, transfer credits, and chosen learning path. FlexPath’s self-paced format allows motivated students to potentially accelerate their time to completion, while GuidedPath provides a structured framework for steady progression through coursework.


Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), ensuring that its programs meet rigorous academic standards recognized across the United States. This accreditation affirms the quality and credibility of Capella’s RN to BSN program, assuring students and employers alike.

Flexibility and Online Options

Both Guided Path and FlexPath options are offered entirely online, providing flexibility for working nurses to balance their education with professional and personal responsibilities. Online coursework allows students to access lectures, assignments, and discussions from anywhere with an internet connection, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

WGU vs. Chamberlain vs. Capella | Online RN to BSN Programs - AD 4nXcsrafBcu6y0CFiu4uPuC23OBZ8duAqhmm8ed3PPM 48tKBOq8xr20w4yw6 iara DevwEJ6audR n0dZCszrRNxJdHPgXsz1yT6sYc8S1rEJSaBPosUzjbxIpf apSW 1unmHZAuosX jTKugobS q6 tE?key=zgegyJBkyJ2lWJoC5mzZdQ

Admission Requirements

To enroll in Capella University’s RN to BSN program, applicants typically need to meet the following criteria.

  • Hold an active, unencumbered RN license in the United States.
  • Have completed an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a nursing diploma from an accredited institution.
  • Meet specific GPA requirements as outlined by Capella’s admission guidelines.
  • Provide transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended.

Which One Is The Best Option?

Choosing between WGU, Chamberlain, and Capella for your RN to BSN program depends on several key factors that align with your individual needs and career aspirations. Each university offers distinct advantages tailored to different learning styles and preferences.

Factors to Consider

  • Cost: Evaluate tuition fees, financial aid options, and potential savings based on program duration and credit transfers.
  • Accreditation: All three universities hold accreditation, ensuring that your degree meets recognized standards in the nursing profession.
  • Support Services: Consider the availability of academic support, career services, and student resources to enhance your educational journey.
  • Career Advancement: Look into each program’s reputation and alumni success rates, as well as opportunities for further education such as MSN programs.


The best choice ultimately depends on your individual preferences, career goals, and personal circumstances. Take the time to compare these programs based on factors like flexibility, cost-effectiveness, accreditation, and support services. By doing so, you’ll make an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations for advancing your nursing career.

Whether you prioritize flexibility, affordability, or a structured learning environment, WGU, Chamberlain, and Capella each offer robust RN to BSN programs designed to meet the diverse needs of aspiring nurses Use this guide to navigate your options wisely and embark on a path that leads to success in your professional journey.

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